Take Alcohol to Drink on Your Flight

I was recently tipped off to one of the most unbelievable travel tricks ever. In this day and age of insane security, invasive procedures and removal of freedoms, here’s a bright ray of sunshine. With an unintentional loophole (maybe intentional with some of the drinking habits in Congress), you have the freedom to take the alcohol (or non-alcohol) of your choice on your flight with you.

I first had a discussion with a TSA supervisor about this a couple of months back. My clarifying question was in regards to the 1 qt bag of liquids you are allowed to take through security. The rule is that you can take as many containers that are less than 100ml (~3 oz) each that you can fit in a 1 qt Ziploc style bag. I then specifically asked if alcohol was allowed. The answer was a resounding “Yes!” In fact, he was enthusiastic about it.

To test this, I waited until Amy and I took a recent trip to Vegas. I drove to the Missouri border liquor store, Macadoodles, and purchased ten 50 ml bottles of liquor. Arkansas liquor stores don’t offer the tiny buggers. They were $2.50 each, compared with $7 each on American flights. I decided to fore-go my Listerine and cologne and put some of the bottles in my liquid bag.

The moment of truth came when I went through the TSA security checkpoint at XNA. I pulled my computer out of my bag, took off my shoes, then reached in and grabbed my 1 qt dream bag. I put it into its own bin, skittishly looked around to see if Tasers we’re being drawn, then moved to the full body scanner. As I walked by the TSA Agent at the scanner, he smiled at me and said, “I like your liquid bag.” I smiled back, more in relief than joy.

I then moved through the scanner, collected my computer, shoes and mini bottles of fun. I asked another Agent if I could take photos and he gave me permission.

So, there you have it. At least for now, you are allowed to take bottles of alcohol that are 100ml (~3 oz) or less through security, as long as they fit in your 1 qt bag.

Some quick tips:

  1. Bottles cost around $7 on the flight, but around $2.50 at a liquor store.
  2. The variety offered at a liquor store will far surpass that on the flight, so you can get the brand you prefer.
  3. Once you buy and use the 50 ml travel bottles, save them so you can refill them later. The refill will cost you around $1 each, based on a $20 1L bottle of alcohol.
  4. There are 88.7 ml in 3 oz. Therefore, you can actually buy 3 oz travel shampoo containers and get more liquor per container, but not necessarily more per bag. The 50 ml travel size is the largest standard size that meets the < 3 oz criteria.

Follow-up in February 2014

TP shared:
This states that unopened retail packaged alcohol is allowed to carry on a plane, though does not address security checkpoints directly.

Kris offered:
This further clarifies that alcohol may be carried through security checkpoints, if it complies with the 3oz liquid regulation.

Here’s the biggie:
According to code 14 CFR 121.575 of the FAA Cabin Safety Subject Index: http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=e3a04c8b0496fddd5a9955cc0b2bf5ef&node=14:

§121.575 Alcoholic beverages.
(a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

(b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—

(1) Appears to be intoxicated;

(2) Is escorting a person or being escorted in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.221; or

(3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to him while aboard the aircraft in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.

(c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.

(d) Each certificate holder shall, within five days after the incident, report to the Administrator the refusal of any person to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, or of any disturbance caused by a person who appears to be intoxicated aboard any of its aircraft.

The Cabin Safety Subject Index describes itself as: “The Cabin Safety Subject Index (CSSI) is a reference guide to Federal Regulations, FAA Orders, Advisory Circulars, Information for Operators (InFO), Safety Alerts for Operators (SAFO), legal interpretations, and other FAA related content related to cabin safety.” Therefore, the contents are not all “LAW”, as many have tried to claim in the comments. There is also no penalty listed, only requirements for airline staff and operators.

In Conclusion

My belief is that it is against most airline policies to consume your own alcohol in-flight. The FAA stipulates to the airlines that they should be the ones to serve customers alcohol so that they can judge the safety risk in doing so. Additionally, it is generally a bad idea to be trashed on a plane.

All this said, TSA allows you to pass through security with alcohol. So, if you’d like to take it through security, mix a drink in the terminal privately or in secret on the plane, you can. Just don’t be stupid or misbehave, and you have a low risk of getting in trouble.

After more than 4 million people have viewed this article, not one has said that they faced charges for this. However, hundreds of people have claimed things as law that are not law.

In the end, just be smart and courteous. It’s a pretty darn good rule for life.

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1,116 Responses to Take Alcohol to Drink on Your Flight

  1. Nicole says:

    Genius! I never would have thought to do this! I need to stop and pick up a few before I leave on vacation. : )

    • Wieuqua says:

      Useful additional option!

    • lynnieMO says:

      except its illegal to drink your own alcohol on any flight, and you can actually be arrested for it. I am a flight attendant and we have had many passengers arrested because they were drinking their own alcohol, so not to sure if your savings would be worth the embarrassment and fine yo would have to pay if you got caught drinking it.

      • Wesley Cole says:

        and probably arrested because the airline didnt get the 1000% mark up, NOW who should be arrested

      • Mike says:

        where can I read up on the law you speak of ?

      • Caml says:

        Who is arresting them on the flight? And since alcohol laws are made by states, under which state’s law are they arrested? What if the flight is international?

      • Cinn says:

        so in the airport is ok?

      • Rich Ranallo says:

        This isn’t true at all. FAA requires the crew to monitor the alcohol consumption of passengers, so you may have to tell the flight attendant how many bottles you brought on, but anyone who tells you it’s illegal is lying.

      • gee says:

        Sorry Wesley, Caml, & Rich but you are incorrect. I am a Flight Attendant. FAA Regulations as well as CARS (Canadian Aviation Regulations) are LAWS for aviation specifically, completely different from liquor laws in a restaurant/bar/etc. on the ground and only alcohol served by the crew are allowed for consumption on-board. International carriers will have similar regulations but it may differ slightly depending on the country/origin of the airline, etc.
        Crew cannot solely monitor how much a passenger is drinking just by “trusting” they are being honest about how many drinks they have brought on-board. There are huge liability issues with this as there is no real way to know the actual contents in the bottle, but more importantly the safety issues this can cause.
        Similar to liquor laws on the ground, say you got intoxicated on the plane (regardless if it was your own alcohol or the airlines) and ended up getting in a car accident & injuring others, the courts could find the bartender at the pub/airline liable for over serving you and allowing someone to leave intoxicated. Even if you did pay for all of your drinks on-board but you were served to the point of intoxication, the FA(‘s) would be in breach of the regulations. Not to mention that medical emergencies can happen in a matter of seconds as alcohol affects the body differently in the air due to change in altitude. Sometimes to the extent of emergency landings/diversions. Crew members also have every right and are actually required by law to refuse transport to anyone who is intoxicated prior to boarding the aircraft. And no, you obviously wouldn’t get arrested while in the air but if you fail to comply with the air crew, you are breaking the law (air regulations) and risking the safety of the crew, all other passengers on-board and maybe even yourself, so then you would be met as soon as that plane lands by the police. And don’t forget, as much as we are there to ensure you have an enjoyable flight, our priority is SAFETY so if the situation got to the point of violence, crew members are well trained (think high jackings) so that you are nice and ready for the officers on the ground. 😉

        Rich, I suggest that before you continue to say that people are “lying” you should educate yourself with valid information rather than making assumptions.

        Cinn- To answer your question. There may not be anyone specifically monitoring you if you choose to drink your own alcohol in the airport however, it is a public venue and it is illegal to drink your own alcohol in any public venue which is not licensed. But more importantly, if you are a bit intoxicated prior to boarding, the crew has every right to deny you transport and you may get re-accommodated onto a later flight at your own cost.

        Sorry for the long winded response!

      • gee says:

        The airlines also have to have special liquor licenses for the aircraft so just like bars/restaurants, you cannot just bring your own beer, wine or hard booze and ask the waitress to serve it to you. Those other crew members who are saying otherwise, either don’t know the regulations well enough or their airlines themselves haven’t trained their staff properly &/or updated their information available to the public.

      • Rich Ranallo says:

        Now I’m confused…I don’t doubt the flight attendants here saying it’s against FAA regulations, but I definitely was told this by an FA on one flight and had it confirmed by another friend of mine who’s an FA. I’d understand if the one who told me that on a flight didn’t want to bother enforcing the policy, but telling me that the policy allowed it must open all kinds of liability issues.

      • Dallas Lockwood says:

        Yes it is illegal to open and drink your own alcohol. Just imagine the issue of a bunch of drunk people to contend with. On some international flights they make announcements informing people about this rule. It’s nothing to do with profit it’s to do with safety.

      • Mig says:

        Wrong. I’m an F/A as well. They can bring their own alcohol on the plane, but it cannot be consumed on the ground, and the F/A must serve it to them. Yes, you can bring your own alcohol, but you must give it to the F/A to serve it to you. (They are supposed to insure that you don’t get intoxicated) This is per the FAA.

      • mario says:

        are we talking international, domestic flights or both?

      • SmartGuy says:

        so don’t get caught, how hard is it to pour a 50 ml bottle into your soda without a stewardess seeing you?

      • Ron says:

        only if you catch us.

      • Hey, flight attendant, is it possible for you to “not notice” a passenger who’s drinking his own supply? Do you absolutely have to be a part of the mindset that contributes to this freedom stifling atmosphere? Totalitarianism can’t happen without enough people who are willing to go out of their way to inform on each other. Yeah, you have a job to do, but why not deal with those who become unruly, no matter the cause, and leave the rest of us alone?

      • Go ahead try and arrest me for drinking something consumable that I purchased myself which you also allowed me to bring into your place of business. I would sue the crap out of you flight attendant, airline, and all and would broadcast it on YouTube world wide. If you allow me on that plane with something safe and consumable, you can not deny me my freedom for it especially if I cause no harm or disturbance to others. You have balls and flight school brainwashing written all over you.

      • Seven Echoes says:

        Yeah Arnold! Shame on those flight attendants who are just looking out for their own job security. 😛

        I worked as a bouncer and bartender for several years, and choosing to look the other way can cost someone their job, and even put them in a legal pickle. How about calming down and understanding things from their point of view?

      • Eeps says:

        No it is not. You can drink your own as long as you don’t get rowdy.

        Another thing: You can join the mile high club.

        That’s right you can go for the 20000 foot and climbing bonesesh. Its not against the law. However if a flight attendant asks you to disengage you must. Not following the directions of a flight attendant is against the law.

      • Tom says:

        I know what you are talking about I work for an airline as well and its not allowed and you can be arrested and many have been. Who ever posted this is very irresponsible. Airlines have a liquor license just like any bar and you can not bring your own liquor into any bar its just common sense it puts your liquor license in jeopardy

      • Grant Ryan says:

        you’re dumb, the law is actually is you can bring your own liquor, however the flight attendant has to pour it. – i’m a former flight attendant, and yet still better at it than you!

      • Maria says:

        “You may bring wine, champagne or beer on a flight for consumption during the flight if it is in an unopened container. If you’d like to drink the alcohol you carry on, you may give it to one of our Inflight crewmembers, and they will be happy to serve it to you.”


      • Safety not money saved is the point on any flight. I hope people delete this tip from their pages.

      • uncleWiebe says:

        No different than anyone taking their own alcohol onto a golf course or even a licensed facility. Besides, what are you then going to do? Drink the airline’s mix?

      • Tony G. says:

        FA having someone arrested for drinking their own liqour who are NOT intoxicated missed their calling as a peace officer. Btw its not too late, LAPD & LASD are hiring!

      • tim fisher says:

        Its people like you that try and ruin everybody’s good time. I bet you are the sole reason why people get arrested for that on your flights. People like you suck. Go eat some cheese you rat faced hater.

      • Michael Hunt says:

        Here is the link:
        It has to be served to you by a “certificate holder” presumably a flight attendant.

      • Mike says:

        That’s not a “law”, but that might be some airline’s “policy”, which doesn’t get you arrested, but may result in you not flying if you make a fuss over it.

      • Dave says:

        why is is illegal.

      • Cory says:

        Airlines say it is about safety not price. Then why charge $8.00 per drink? Why not ban alcohol / consumption altogether on planes, wouldn’t that be a safe and responsible thing to do, or is it about profit and then cover it up with safety regulation because of potential

      • Just because you are allowed to bring something past security doesn’t mean the airline approves of it’s use on board

      • Sara says:

        Interesting-we bring & drink our own every time we fly-anywhere from AZ, CA, NV, WA-never once been arrested or even questioned!

      • elinor says:

        thanks for clarifying that

      • Jay says:

        that’s because the airline companies aren’t satisfied with the huge profits they already make… they need to gouge their customers to line their pockets…. bunch of dicks!

      • lynnie, thanks for your knowledge re consuming personal booze on a flight; i’m assuming many readers are young and naïve enuf to believe each passenger is equal under the influence..in high altitudes..nope. There is a maxim ‘the truth is in the wine’ – it means you will experience what lives in the person when alcohol lifts their ‘veil.’ Out comes their light or their darkness .. its the dark ones that must be monitored by caution, thus all are included. This article appears to be written by someone who has too soon forgotten, or never learned about, those who use any body orifice to board their secret devil..forgotten about those passengers who never landed on a runway..got sprinkled over the ocean bc past, more trusting security was outsmarted by the evil of one passenger willing to ‘explode’ the works. Thankfully I no longer board a craft with worries..bc they can do an internal on me if they wish..in return for my safe journey … cheers !!!

      • ethel cardew says:

        I imagine you have brown eyes because you are so full of #@!&

      • It may be illegal, but it’s not unlawful, and if you take anything away from a passenger or interfere with their right to liberty, you are the one committing the crimes. If it were me you would be the one arrested.

      • I disagree! I have done it so many times. They have seen me do it, I asked for Bloody Mary mix, and they had no issues. I think your flyers must have been intoxicated.

      • Carrie says:

        Yep, I was just about to say the same thing. The flight attendants are the keeper of all alcohol consumption on the plane. Also, if you drink your alcohol in the waiting area and show up drunk you can be denied boarding. It’s a safety issue.

      • Kelly says:

        When we were on a recent trip to Hawaii my daughter brought her own alcohol in the little bottles, from my understanding u can’t open them yourselves but you can give it to the flight attendant to pour for you.

      • Seth Wyatt says:

        Just dont get caught and dont get too drunk. I do this almost every flight.

      • Steve says:

        that is completely ridiculous , do u arrest folks for bringing their own pretzels too?
        Busy body flight attendants should look for bombers and stuff, not tiny bottles of booze.

      • Bobby says:

        @Craig Bartmer, you by far have one of the dumbest comments I have ever seen. I would love to see you “sue the crap out of” flight attendants and airlines. Are you also going to sue the crap out of a bar when you bring in a fifth of vodka and they ban you?

      • Justin says:

        What kind of an asshole reports someone for drinking their own alcohol, to have them arrested, when they’ve already paid a few hundred dollars for an often stressful and extremely overpriced flight?

      • Harvey Pelley says:

        Lady, that is a bummer. What’s the basis of the airline having the sole right to sell liquor?

      • Mrs. Hinton says:

        This is very true,I purchased some alcohol after going through security and after I got on the plane I was told I could not drink my alcohol,I had to buy it from the airline if I wanted a drink.The airline does not carry what I like…if your going to make us buy it from the airline for 4 times the cost,the at least have a wide selection…people can bring food on…that does not touch their profit….

      • dave says:

        hey Tough Guy Craig…..go ahead and try it on my flight. And educate yourself on FAR’s before you start flapping your mouth. And go ahead and post it on YouTube, more evidence for the feds and the airline.

      • RickRude22 says:

        Wow you’re a buzzkill.

      • Truth says:

        You would never know if someone put some rum in their coke. You have 2 attendants on a flight of 100 people. I’m sure you have your eye on every single passenger at all times.

      • Richard M says:

        Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121.575 is below
        121.575 Alcoholic beverages.
        (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.
        (b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—
        (1) Appears to be intoxicated;
        (2) Is escorting a person or being escorted in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.221; or
        (3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to him while aboard the aircraft in
        accordance with 49 CFR 1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.
        (c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.

        (d) Each certificate holder shall, within five days after the incident, report to the Administrator the refusal of any person to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, or of any disturbance caused by a person who appears to be intoxicated aboard any of its aircraft.
        Here is my breakdown of the above
        (a)So you can bring your own alcohol but the flight attendant must serve it to you.
        (b)(1) If he/she belives you are intoxicated, then they must stop serving you.
        (b)(2) They cannont serve an officer escorting a prisoneer
        (b)(3) They cannot serve an armed Law Enforcement Officer
        (c) they should not let you board if you are intoxicated
        (d) they have a five day window to report you if you are intoxicated and if you cause a disturbance

        That is the law for carriers based in the United States, most countries copy that. Disclamer, carriers are allowed to have their own policies which can be more limiting. and if you do not follow the instructions of a flight attendannt you may be subject to fines and arrest.

      • Pam says:

        Have always bought my own liquor on flights….no arrests..when we could bring larger bottles of liquid bought a fifth…no arrest then either…maybe too much time in the air for you….lol…not a law!!

      • Bill Humston says:

        Lynnie, thanks for clarifying that. I suspected what you posted might be the case. Makes perfect sense to me!

      • Gavilan says:

        Damn, I thought this was America !!!

      • Steve says:

        Just fly almost any of the Asian airlines. They hire friendly, competent and wonderful flight attendants that understand that QUALITY customer service is equally as important as “SAFETY” to most customers. I have grown to loathe Western based airlines with the “safety conscious” excuse-ridden rude flight attendants (except for a few Western airlines) after living in Korea for 3 years and flying most all of the Asian airlines. Oh, and many of them offer free alcohol to all passengers negating the whole need to worry about being arrested for drinking your own alcohol. 🙂

      • Me says:


      • Eien Hikari says:

        The funny thing is someone like Craig would likely end up winning a lawsuit like that. It has happened many times before when ridiculous lawsuits that merit fault on the plaintiff would often be victorious in court. Messed up times we live in. And it is a strange and comical twist of fate that often happens to those who assert power over others and attempt to monopolize resources to be put in their places and to go back to what they’re suppose to be doing. Attending to our requests hence attending, not denying them.

        Clearly alcohol can be served if the certificate holder dispenses it. Any establishment against that is no different than a restaurant that states no outside food or beverages. Safety concern my ass. It’s money. Otherwise no alcohol should be served at all.

      • Maddy says:

        Obviously if you read the entire article, it is clearly stated as with the conclusion.

      • mapleleef says:

        Lynnie, you are correct. I must say though, none of my passengers have been charged, just removed from flights at the next stop. We are even allowed to return their liquor to them at the end of the flight (if caught) at our own discretion. I have been a passenger on flights where people drink their duty free!! But a few minis in an airport boarding chair, hey, it’s no different than if someone goes into Chili’s on the secured side and pounds a few back.

      • jsbull says:

        Thank you for being real. It’s refreshing.

      • Hope you all get my little LOST pun with my name, considering we’re talking about planes, booze, and all being a little LOST (literally and figuratively)*PS I hope I’m not breaking any laws here regarding intellectual property:). This is a pretty entertaining thread, as it seems like a FA (Flight Attendant) vs non-FA battle royal, with some other comments overly concerned with a few silly laws. Regardless of the laws on in-flight drinking your own alcohol, you ARE able to bring nips (the 50ml booze bottles) through security…I won’t bore you with my qualifications regarding this matter, as it is irrelevant whether or not you are a FA, just read your current F.A.A. and airlines rules to get the proper information, mystery solved. Argue all you want, but you can just call or look right here online for the proper legal information. If you can’t find it, you probably shouldn’t try to bring booze on a plane, since you probably don’t have the common sense to do so without repercussion. To all the FA’s out there, step away from your training and fear of what you say in this silly forum taking your job…are you really going to speak here with the type of self-righteousness to tell people bringing a few nips on board is such a bad idea because you are SOOO concerned about everyone’s safety? If this was truly the case, why would your airline ask you to serve those close to $10 a drink, weak and poorly made mixed drinks to civilians on those longer flights? Are they concerned for yours and everyone else’s safety by trying to make that nervous flyer go broke before they get to their vacation destination? It’s under your watch, so if someone becomes a belligerent flyer(for any reason, not necessarily directly related to alcohol consumption) do your job and do what you are trained to do. Don’t sit here and try to discourage people from legally bringing alcohol on board to take the edge off. If someone gets belligerent, deal with it. Most likely it won’t have to do with the 4 or 5 nips they brought on board, but maybe it will. On those longer flights, won’t you be allowed (if not encouraged…let us be honest here) to push those in flight cocktails?

        Everyone else…are you really that worried about the legality/difficulty of consuming something you already have on board in a quick or discrete way? If you are legally allowed to bring it through security, and you are legally allow to bring it on board, but not legally allowed to (technically) consume such items on board, do you really think that you are going to be detained in-flight by an FA on a major commercial airline, then arrested once at your destination, for drinking one nip of your own booze (if you even have such a hard time concealing it, I mean come on, I am not a large man but I can still palm a plane pal and get it into my body/soda/whatever I want without the person sitting to either side of me even noticing)? Trust me when I say, most FA’s would rather overlook your few little booze bottle consumption than cause a scene or to go as far as to DETAIN you mid-flight and have you arrested once grounded (as this would most likely cause far more of a panic/disturbance than most average fliers having a drink or two [again, most airlines are serving the same drinks anyway, so this whole safety argument is quite a bit of self-righteous ridiculousness]) and I AM speaking from certain qualified experience.

        Conclusion: Take the risk, don’t take the risk. Be smart, and be respectful of your fellow flyers, your airline staff, and yourself. You most likely will NOT be detained/arrested for drinking your own stash on board, most FA’s really don’t care as long as you are calm and respectful, the worst thing that will happen if caught is getting your stash confiscated just like any bar/restaurant/other venue with a liquor license. Again, it takes about 2 minutes to check the most up-to-date F.A.A. regulations, the policies of the airline you are flying, and so on. Again, just like all things common sense in life, try to be smart, be decent, and be respectful, and you will be treated the same.

      • Clay Cassin says:

        LynnieMO- I was a Flight Attendant for twenty five years(Real Flight Attendants capitalize it). I have come across people doing this, as have all my friends in the business. I, and my friends, did one thing: Determine that the passenger was not inebriated, then warn them to be more careful hiding it. Hell, I’ve done it myself on vacation. Many times. Once, a guy pulled out a pint of Bourbon and proceeded to pour himself a drink. How he got that through security… don’t get me started on that. Since this was too obvious, our response was to take the bottle and give it to the Captain to put in the cockpit… we then handed it back to him as he was deplaning. I gave him the “fill an airline bottle” tip for next time. It sounds like you are a rather mean person.

      • Terrils says:

        The law does not appear to say that. The law appears to say passengers can only consume liquor the attendant SERVES to them – there is nothing about who owns the booze, or who has to pay for it, to whom, and when. There’s no reason I couldn’t hand you my purchased bottle and have you pour it into a container for me.

      • LilNinja says:

        Please check your spelling, it is embarrassing when you scold someone and don’t have words spelled correctly.

      • Brooks says:

        So…if you accept an exit row seat, the duties and responsibilities associated with the seat….it could be argued that you are in a limited and small capacity….a member of the crew…sanctioned by the airline as such by placing you in that seat. YAY! Let the self-serving begin! 😉

      • Behold Craig Bartmer, Internet Tough Guy. You can’t arrest him! Because ‘Murica! He will SUE YOU! Because that’s the way to resolve problems.

        If you violate the law, you have no standing to sue, no lawyer will take your case, and the FAA will still toss your ass in jail, just like those people who had a “right” to smoke aboard planes.

        We must hate freedom. Next we’ll tell him he can’t fly the plane himself, even though he paid for part of it.

      • pavepusher says:

        You Fascists should keep your mouths shut unless someone is actually causing a problem.

      • Also, Craig will go on YOUTUBE IF YOU DON’T LET HIM DRINK! So THERE!

    • Justsayin says:

      Gee, informative response you have there, I just wanted to let you know in Indianapolis where I live, it is perfectly legal to drink in public. It’s when you start acting like a drunk that they can get your for public intox. Look it up if you don’t believe me. Also, don’t accuse others of making assumptions without being fully informed yourself!

      • just sayin back to you that, most unfortunately, it appears it is perfectly legal to shoot in public, at the public, across American states; no clue why though!


      Sec. 121.575 — Alcoholic beverages.
      (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

      (b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—

      (1) Appears to be intoxicated;

      (2) Is escorting a person or being escorted in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.221; or

      (3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to him while aboard the aircraft in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.

      (c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.

      (d) Each certificate holder shall, within five days after the incident, report to the Administrator the refusal of any person to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, or of any disturbance caused by a person who appears to be intoxicated aboard any of its aircraft.

      • Well, if you read the law verbatim above, nowhere does it imply or state that you are not allowed to bring your own alcohol onto the plane. It does state, however, that you may only DRINK an alcoholic beverage that the certificate holder of the aircraft serves to you. Therefore, according to the law above, it is inferred that you can bring your own, but must ask the FA to pour it or mix it, thereby acknowledging your consumption and allowing them to monitor your intake. They may refuse you if you show signs of intoxication.

        While this law appears to be clearly stated and could be argued in court, getting arrested and having a day in court isn’t the desired outcome and it seems that many FAs and airlines are in disagreement about the interpretation of this law, which could end badly for you. The letter of the law should be more closely examined and taught in a more streamlined fashion so everyone is on the same page. Until then…

        I’d say try this only if you are prepared for a battle. Is it worth the extra 5 bucks per drink? If you’re the type to challenge misinterpretation and false application of the law, then maybe. If not, buy a few drinks in the airport bar (or consume your mini bottles) and drink them before you board, enjoy the buzz, act sober, and “Ding, you’re now free to move about the country”. 🙂

      • Tom says:

        Read section A again. What are you going to do give it to flight attendant so she/he can serve it back to you Really!!! Have fun in jail and paying the fine!!!!!!!

      • Jenna Vee says:

        For those of you who have access to legal research engines (Westlaw) take a look here: 1989 WL 1631937 (D.O.T.) Legal Interpretation

        In short, Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.” While this is from 1989, I have been unable to find any other more recent legal interpretation, source, or decision of law that contradicts this interpretation of the law. (If someone else, has let me know!)

        It is probably NOT against FAA regulations, but against many of the own airlines’ policies because of all the liability issues mentioned in all these comments. So many of the flight attendants posting may be right that you can’t drink your own alcohol on their flights, I don’t believe its against the FAA…. If someone has found a more recent case, let me know!

      • That’s awesome, but since I don’t work for the federal government I am not subject to its arbitrary regulations. Give me liberty or give me an arrest warrant for those that deny me my liberty.

      • dave says:

        Chris Freeman, I don’t work for the feds either but yet I have to obey the interstate speed limit. And I don’t work for the state but I have to follow their rules too. Your comment is a waste of internet space.

      • Dania says:

        The FAA has regulations (FARs) which, as they relate to alcohol consumption on commercial airlines, SassyStew has posted here- FAR 121.575. An airline can follow this as written, as the JetBlue FA stated her carrier does. However, if a carrier decides to take it further, like Delta, and say you cannot consume your own alcohol (regardless of who would be serving), their policy is now governed by the FAA and they must adhere to it. This is why there are different answers coming from the FAs responding here.

    • It’s illegal to consume your own alcohol on a plane. So, you can do it but don’t get caught – because you’d be breaking the law.

      • Jenna Vee says:

        Did you even read my reply before posting?

        Read above but in short: “This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.”

        I don’t think its against the FAA regulations. It’s just against airlines’ company policies.

      • Richard Stevens says:

        Its illegal. Done. Just like bringing your own booze into a bar, you can do it sneakily and risk getting thrown out, but do it on my plane (I’m a pilot with a national airline) and I’ll have you arrested once we land. Yes the FAR says ‘must be served by’ but that doesn’t mean you can hand a flight attendant a bottle and expect them to serve you from it. Its all about being able to monitor what you cheap idiots are doing on our aircraft so you don’t injure yourself or another passenger and then try and blame the airline for your stupidity. Cant go a few hours without getting drunk? Stay home. Claim its not fair that this mode of transport doesn’t stock every drink known to man? Stay home. Think it unfair that airlines are a business in it to make a profit and you can’t get your head around the fact that you are flying in a $50 million plus metal tube from A to B for less than 1/3 or what it cost 20 years ago? Stay home. Or better yet get in your car and drive, when you need your drink stop for the night so you don’t kill yourself or someone else by being a drunk driver. We airline employees have too much else to worry about than some adolesant adult who needs babying for 4 hours on their way to Cancun for a white trash vacation.

      • Jenna Vee says:

        Oh I apologize. I received a notification that someone replied to my message but you posted this before I posted mine. Excuse my apparent rudeness 🙂

      • Jenna Vee says:

        Richard Stevens – I completely get that it can be a nuisance. But where does it say its illegal? Can you point me to a court opinion? From what I found, I don’t see anything that says the law prohibits it.

        FAA Sec. 121.575 — Alcoholic beverages.
        (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

        Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.”

        If you can point me to something that says its illegal – great!! I honestly would love to read it (I’m a law student). But just because it can be annoying, doesn’t make it illegal and I can’t find anything that says its illegal.

      • Caleb says:

        Richard Stevens: How dare you talk to us like that, who do you think you are? You’re a Principal Maintenance Inspector for one not a pilot like you claimed. Also I do not think the Wichita FSDO will be happy when I tell them about your comments. How dare you. If anyone wants to let Richard know what you think of what he said his work number is (316) 941-12XX. Also if you would like to let his bosses know what you think of what he had to say they can be reached at 1-800-330-68XX

      • jsbull says:

        Felt the need to censor the phone numbers.

      • Phil says:

        Richard, with all due respect, f you.

      • casey laan says:

        Richard, clearly you are an idiot. It’s not illegal. Maybe you missed the several posts linking DIRECTLY TO JETBLUE’S website where it said it’s totally ok as long as you give it to the FA first.


      what a change over

    • Tony D. says:

      I just looked it up. It is CFR 120.37 and CFR 121.575 which makes it illegal for passengers to bring on their own alcohol for consumption.

      • Sean Gahagan says:

        I do not know the laws in the air but I will tell you, drinking is NOT a right in a bar. If I don’t like the way you are acting, I can kick you out without question as long as my decision was not based on violating any ones civil rights. If you are disruptive in my bar and the police are called, rest asssured, you have a good chance of being arrested. It stands to reason, if you get drunk and become disruptive in the air and the police are contacted, there is a great chance you are going to jail. By the way, that is regardless of who supplied the booze.

      • Jerm says:

        14 CFR 120.37 only applies to employees of an airline, so that has no bearing on this argument.
        14CFR 121.575 makes no statement that suggests alcohol is illegal for passengers to bring onboard an aircraft, nor does it state it is illegal for them to consume their own alcohol. It clearly states the certificate holder (most likely all FA’s) must serve the alcohol.
        Unless a specific airline has a policy that forbids the FA’s from serving any alcohol aside from their own (which no one has posted said policy) it is entirely possible and legal for an FA to serve someone their own alcohol.
        JetBlue, for example, specifically ALLOWS it in their policy:

        14 CFR 121.575 –
        (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

      • Richard M says:

        Tony – you got this all wrong – take it from someone who makes a living in airline regulatory compliance. 120.37 does not even apply to passengers it is all about airline crewmembers.

    • M says:

      As a flight attendant for an entirely international airline based outside of the U.S., I cannot speak for the FAA regulations but honestly our reasoning has absolutely nothing to do with the cost of liquor or profits. We give out “free” liquor and beer/wine on ALL of our flights (obviously it’s actually included in the price of your ticket but you get what I mean, no credit cards are swiped, no cash changes hands for drinks onboard) and I really, really don’t mind giving out as much as you want as long as you remain polite and you aren’t slurring your words. On your honeymoon and it’s a six-hour flight so you want to drink five gin and tonics?! Aces! Just don’t slur your speech or act drunk and we can make that happen! I don’t mind it, I understand that people are often celebrating something when they travel and I’m happy to help them celebrate that. Heck, I carry balloons and confetti in my cabin bag because I like making people’s flights fun!

      However, there are certain flights where people will bring ENTIRE BOTTLES from duty free and open them up at their seats to pour drinks. We don’t know how much they’ve been drinking and that’s when things get dangerous. People often over-estimate how much they can drink onboard because they don’t factor in the altitude and how that will effect their consumption. What starts out as people wanting to enjoy a cocktail or two ends up a drunken nightmare of a mess. People get rude and belligerent and what starts out as tiny little tiffs with other passengers (“don’t recline your seat!”) turn into huge arguments. I once had a passenger, a soldier returning home from war, get absolutely shit-faced and threaten to kill another passenger. He literally put his arms around the other passenger’s neck while telling him exactly how he would do it. Police were called and met us on ground…it was awful. This is what we’re trying to avoid. I can almost guarantee that the flight attendants on U.S. flights are probably trying to avoid the same thing and don’t give a damn about your casual drink or two, it’s just that if they’re seasoned flight attendants they’ve seen the worst and your sneaky drinks are red flags for that sort of danger. Seeing someone drinking their own booze onboard is way more about the fear of the unknown than anything else; it’s not that we care about that one drink, it’s that we don’t know how many others you’ve had and your willingness to break the rules to get a drink scares us because of all the other horrible, dangerous drunks we’ve seen in the past and so we automatically assume the worst.

      It’s hard for us to monitor passengers and know how much you’re consuming and it takes a lot of active effort on our part to stay on top of that sort of thing without the added strain of people bringing their own booze. It’s not that we’re lazy, it’s that we can have 400+ passengers on a single aircraft. I’ve been felt up, berated, you name it…and when that happens it’s because crew were being careless and didn’t tell other crew how much those passengers had been served or because those passengers had brought their own alcohol. Furthermore, even if you’re being absolutely lovely and you’ve had a few nice cocktails but you’re still fairly sober, if something goes wrong with you medically, we need to know how much you’ve been drinking to relay it to doctors assisting us on ground. I know that that seems an extreme thing to say but medical emergencies onboard do happen a lot more than you would think. In the last month, I’ve had a woman have a seizure in my arms and a man vomit himself into unconsciousness, both on 14-hour flights.

      I’ll phrase it one last way for you because, well, let’s face it, not one person who isn’t a flight attendant themselves gives a damn that our jobs are ALL about safety. So, instead, I’ll put it this way. You’re in a bar….IN THE SKY! If you get too drunk at a regular bar, we get you a cab, we throw you out, you go home, end of story. If you get too drunk onboard, we’re stuck with you…in a metal tube that is propelling us at crazy speeds…through the air…above the earth! We aren’t waitresses, none of us care about getting a tip from you and NONE of us are getting ANY money for serving or not serving you alcohol; us not wanting you to BYOB has absolutely nothing to do with you cheating the system. We don’t prioritize safety to be mean, we prioritize it because we freaking have to! If you’re drunk, you’re a wild card and an extra danger that we now have to deal with. I don’t like wild cards, I want you to enjoy the flight, I want us all to be nice and relaxed, I want you to come to the galley and be nice and have your drink and talk to us and I want to make balloon animals for your kids and make up a birthday cake with confetti for your husband….I just don’t want to risk my safety or anyone else’s.

      • L.F. Lee says:

        Very well said.

        I’ve actually sat next to a guy on a flight who seemed to be slowly trying to drink himself drunk & the flight attendants eventually had to deny serving him any more alcohol. At one point in this process he was shaking so much that he spilled one of his drinks on me (he was at the window seat & I was in the aisle seat) when the flight attendant was trying to hand it to him. Definitely think it’s a bad idea to let passengers consume their own alcohol in flight, as then there would be zero controls over the process… :-0

      • casey laan says:

        M, this is exactly why passengers are supposed to give their bottles to the FA to serve to them. So you can monitor the amount they drink and ensure they are not being overserved. As long as people are following this, you get to know how they are, how much they’ve had to drink, and what level of intoxication they are at. What people are pissed about is the other FA’s and pilots saying it’s completely illegal to want to byob when airlines do charge a remarkable mark up for drinks. However by telling people it’s completely banned, companies encourage people to sneak it as they feel they have no better option. If you tell people it’s OK, but just has to be served by FA’s, don’t you think that would encourage people to be more open and trust the authorities (you) on the flight?

    • P Fleming says:

      As a retired flight attendant of 32 years, I agree with everything F/A Gee wrote. Do yourself a favor and do not bring the alcohol with you. It might cause a huge problem for you and is just not worth the hassle.

    • Michelle says:

      what about travelling internationally?

    • SSS says:

      This is not directed at you NIcole- this IS a fun idea :). For those posts below, you cannot pour and drink your own alcohol on most major US carriers, just as you cannot bring your own alcohol to a bar. The only reason why you can bring your own food is because that airline has given permission for you to do so. However, as some have said, if you’re discreet and polite, I doubt anyone would hassle you. Cheers!

    • J Andrews says:

      You can get it through TSA. But you are not supposed to drink it. Anywhere. The CFR clearly states you may not consume it on a plane. The Code of Federal regulations IS the law, not just advice. The Transportation Department wouldn’t go through the hassle of proposing rules, waiting for comments, having hearing etc. just to give advice. They can do that all on their own. And you can’t consume it in the airport. Most airports will have an ordinance prohibiting the consumption of alcohol in non-licensed places (ie. bars and restaurants), just like every other municipality. Maybe your airport is different but not MSP, which has a number of ordinaces on conduct in and around the airport. (You can’t spit in the airport either.) That being said, the author is right. As in everything else, discretion and good behavior will allow you to do what you want. Don’t be obvious, don’t be obnoxious or do anything else that might draw attention to yourself. Do breath mints. And have a nice flight. Bu-Bye!

  2. Heath Willis says:

    I’d be really careful about this one when flying in the states, JS. The FAA has a regulation specifically prohibiting bringing your own alcohol to consume on the flight.


    Sec. 121.575
    Alcoholic beverages.

    (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

    Now, there are stories of asking an FA to pour the beverage you bring on board for you or you could always stealthly do it yourself but it’s important to note that although it might not widely be enforced, it is in fact illegal to do so.

    • Janet says:

      True story. I almost got arrested by an air marshall for pouring my own drink on an airplane. I’d recommend going to the lav to mix your drink if you plan to BYOB.

      • Janet says:

        BTW, I was not drunk or belligerent, it was my first drink. The flight attendant saw and made a huge ordeal about it, and the marshall got involved. Turned out ok because I was sober and polite, but it likely would have ended poorly had I behaved badly.

      • Good tip. Seems like if you just wait for the first service and pour it into your glass, they’d never notice.

        I’ve always favored small shampoo bottles as containers myself. Even if you get busted, you can insist it contained water. And in the case of 80 proof hooch, that is mostly a true statement…

      • lin says:

        stupid of the air marshal to blow his/her cover for this good thing you were not a bad guy trying to hijack the flight. Getting involved with a minor issue actually could show others (people working in concert to hijack the flight). It would be a bad deal if that was to cause a distraction. Interesting that the regulation states “him” I bet this reg is from quite some time ago.

      • Ling says:

        thanks for the tip! getting arrest would definitely put a damper on my vacation.

      • JimBob says:

        FYI an Air Marshall would not break cover over this… BS!

      • Patricia says:

        From my experience… I’ve never had a drink poured for me by a flight attendant. They only concern themselves with retrieving my card for pay or to start a tab, other than that they hand over the bottle and I pour it myself…

      • jsbull says:

        Great point. They usually just hand you the bottles. I get 2 free bottles on a Eagle flights, so I typically just get 2 Tito’s and take them home to my wife. We’ll use them at home sooner or later.

    • Mary Melanie Webster says:

      I witnessed a “lady” who was sitting next to me sneak alcohol into her drinks & then she promptly spilled one of her boozy drinks onto ME! I do not drink! 😦

      • Judgy McJudgypants says:

        It would be annoying to have a drink spilled on to you even if you do drink.

      • well considering that you said it like that it seems completely relevant to the contents of that article.

      • Nova says:

        WOW Imagine the luck a free drink! All you would have to do is stop complaining about trivial things and enjoy life.

      • Eric Hamilton says:

        I wish she had spilled a boozy drink onto my mouth. I drink! 🙂

      • Alanis says:

        Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

      • eldiablo@cox.net says:

        It was nice of her to do it promptly, rather than in a delayed fashion. Maybe it was your condescending outlook that made you the offending “spiller’s” target. Sucks to be you. Lighten up, Francis! Alcohol is on this planet for plenty of good reasons. Try it sometime.

      • ValkyrieNYC says:

        I had someone spill red wine on me …. that she had from the stewardess. Sucked. But had nothing to do with “sneaked” alcohol. Just stupidity and inconsideration (she didn’t offer to pay for the cleaning either, even though I was wearing silk velvet).

      • Terra says:

        Why would someone who doesn’t drink be reading a post on how to bring liquor onto a plane? That seems like a pretty significant waste of time.

      • P.DRO says:

        LOL @ TERRA

    • My husband and I tried to do this once, and the flight attendant caught us and informed us that what we were doing was illegal. We apologized and claimed ignorance. She advised us to put the bottles out of sight and if there was a next time do it discreetly because the police officers seated in front of us would not be very friendly if they saw us tipping travelers into our cokes. Needless to say, now we wait until we are off the plane to consume our adult beverages.

    • Laurie says:

      Heath, you are 100% correct! I found out the hard way when I brought liquor on a flight and mixed my own drink. The flight attendant was VERY kind, but advised me that unless I have a liquor license, it’s a federal offense and a $25,000 fine!!!! DON’T DO IT!!!

    • BartICT says:

      Yeah. Pull out a minibottle in front of a flight attendant and you’ll get the whole riot act. Did this innocently, because I’d never seen or heard any warning not to. But they were freaked out.

    • toni says:

      Absolutely against regs to serve yourself alcohol on a commercial flight. Bring it this way for your destination, but not for the flight. Or put a whole big bottle in your checked bag for your destination. If you have a hard time imagining why this is illegal, ask yourself: What if everybody on board was doing this? It wouldn’t be pleasant, and it wouldn’t be safe. I’m a flight attendant and I’ve caught a few folks doing this. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but I keep a watch out for it, definitely.

      • G money says:

        I imagine people do this on buses and trains. I don’t see the problem with consumption. If someone wants to argue alcohol is flammable and poses a danger, that’s one thing (though there are legal items that carry a lot of alcohol).
        Your reason suggests that the airline marks up the price for the safety of the flight. You and I know that the price is marked up 500% for the sake of $, not safety.

      • S maher says:

        It’s not that it’s flammable. It’s because we need to keep tabs on alcohol consumption at 30000 feet. It’s not about the money. It’s a huge safety issue it as if it were an open bar with no bartender. Not to mention one drink is significantly intensified at a high altitude. It’s bad enough that passengers board drunk and flight attendants have no idea how much they’ve consumed.

      • Caml says:

        So the people on private flights get to have all the fun. Just the Man keeping down again, I see.

      • Day-drink Believer says:

        Re: people drinking on buses and trains: Try riding a MetroNorth train into or out of New York City on an evening or weekend. You’ll spot quite a few people openly slammin’ brews. On a Friday evening, you’ll see a number of entire six-packs! IT’S AWESOME. Some trains have designated bar cars, but BYOB is widely accepted among conductors (who will encourage discretion) and passengers alike.

        Re: “safety” vs. “the money:” Last time I flew (three weeks ago), I was in line to board at about 5 p.m. next to a rip-roaringly drunk man, reeking of booze, who detailed to me his entire day’s regimen thus far, which had begun with beers at 10:30 a.m. and had continued right up to the airport bar, where he had met another fellow who wanted to drink on the flight but didn’t have a credit card (no cash accepted for food/drink on this flight, just plastic), and he explained they were going to try to sit together so they could continue drinking on his credit card while the cardless guy repaid him in cash. And yes, they were served alcohol on board… at least twice, from what I caught out of the corner of my eye. Personally, I don’t care; as long as you’re not planning on operating a vehicle or heavy machinery, you know your limits and capabilities better than I. That said, if I were a bartender, I wouldn’t have served that guy! I’d’ve told him to get lost, pick up a bodega beer and do whatever he wanted in the comfort of his own home, not on my turf… But his credit card was nonetheless good enough for the attendants on that flight! Safety’s worth more than money while you’re soaring above the earth, huh? This was Southwest Airlines, if that means anything to anyone.

      • A. Liberator says:

        I love the whole “it effects you differently at high altitude” argument, as if the plane is not pressurized and complete with O2 levels, lol. Safety is not the issue, money is, they tell you that it is, just like that whole “high altitude” argument, it only becomes a safety issue AFTER consumption and then that’s only a possibility. Reality is that they make the law, telling you it’s about safety, when it’s really just the law makers and the airlines being in cahoots to move money from your pockets to theirs, one of the oldest games in the books, yet you sheeple, spend pages and pages arguing about it, with out even dissecting it. Even if it’s about liability, it’s about the money. Stupid crap like this happens daily with much larger issues, try thinking for a change, if it was really about safety and not money, there wouldn’t be a 300% mark up, logic 101.

      • Flygirl says:

        G Money – an airplane is not a train or a bus. Alcohol effects the body differently at 35,000 feet than it does on the ground, it takes less alcohol to get you intoxicated on an airplane. As for the safety issue, if there is an emergency someone who is intoxicated is a danger to himself and everyone around him.

      • @A. Liberator Cabin air pressure is not equal to sea level air pressure.. It’s set to be equal the air pressure at about 8000 feet

      • Yuzurhead says:


        So Jet Blue breaks the law everyday? And advertises it too?

        what else you have smart guy?

    • leighmke says:

      TSA can’t do anything about it – you can always say you’re going to drink at your destination or at the gate before boarding. But yes, be careful on the plane itself.

    • Robert says:

      best solution is to hand bottle to FA and have them pore it, problem solved

      • DMitri says:

        Or buy a bottle of soda that is the same color as the liquor behind the security check point and pour all the bottles into it before getting on the plane.

      • gee says:

        This is not allowed either. Yes the rule is that only alcohol served by the FA can be consumed, but handing them your own bottle is not a loophole as we cannot confirm that the contents are as labelled and are required by law to dump the contents out if opened for consumption onboard.

      • Jerm says:

        gee stated:
        “…and are required by law to dump the contents out if opened for consumption onboard.”

        @gee, i’ve noticed you’ve referred to “laws” on several of your posts, but have provided no citations. What are these laws that you’re referring to? Is this your employer’s policy? Jet Blue specifically allows serving one’s own alcohol (just MUST be served by FA). If you’re going to refer to specific laws, please note those laws so we can better inform others.
        I would think common sense dictates that if the bottle is sealed, there is a very good chance that the contents would be accurate as labeled.

        Here’s Jet Blue’s policy

        United’s policy prohibits consuming one’s own alcohol.

    • Heath – you rock. Everyone else is slinging their opinions and you drop facts – I will print the page you have linked from the faa.gov website and put it on my 1qt bag the next time I take a long flight – and kindly ask the flight attendant to serve me my own alcohol in compliance with the actual regulations…

      • Sammi says:

        Make sure the bottles are sealed so they can’t use the “I don’t know if this is actually what it says it is so I have to dump it” excuse

      • Donna says:

        Letter (a) of 14 CFR 121.575 is not a mandate for cabin crew to serve any liquor provided to them by any person, it is a restriction placed on all persons who travel aboard transport aircraft operating under the Part 121 of the Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America. Further, your inference of asking a crew member to abide by your novice interpretation COULD be seen as a violation of another regulation altogether, 14 CFR 121.580-Interference with crew members in the performance of duties on board a commercial transport aircraft. I wouldn’t want to see an honest citizen penalized for acting unlawfully when he in fact believes he is within the law. That is all. By Dale’s comment, he clearly would not be. More information in available at faa.gov; and on various private sites formed to raise awareness to intoxicated air travel. One of the more recent groups formed is currently lobbying in fact for stronger regulation after a pregnant flight attendant was kicked multiple times in the stomach by an intoxicated passenger (who had been consuming his own supply) during the flight unnoticed. The flight attendant was attempting to prevent him from opening a cabin entry/exit door he had mistaken for a lavatory. The flight attendant miscarried as a result of her injuries shortly after the flight diverted for law enforcement involvement. Unfortunately, not everyone has the self-discipline necessary to avoid protections such as these.

      • Flygirl says:

        Don’t be at all surprised Dale when the flight attendant refuses to serve you alcohol you brought on board. My airline forbids it and I’m not going to risk my job for you. Sorry.

      • Hal says:

        Actually many bars allow you to bring you own wine if you pay a “cork fee” and they serve it to you. Also all the Trans-Pacific International flights I have been on have free beer, wine, and liquor

    • casey laan says:

      Yet again, this article has nothing to do with bringing your own alcohol, only with serving yourself. If the alcohol you have been brought has been served by the certificate holder it is now legal. Interesting points though, those you point out that FAs usually just hand you the bottle and you server yourself. Could be airlines are violating the laws themselves.

  3. jsbull says:

    Heath, that’s great info and a good warning. Thank you.

    We weren’t stealthy with it at all and the flight attendants didn’t say a word, but it’s certainly better to be safe than sorry. From now on, I think I’ll take the stealthy approach. If confronted, I’ll just ask the flight attendant to pour it for me. Strangely, that seems to fit into the regulation.

    It sounds like the spirit of this rule is to keep people from getting too intoxicated and out of hand on a flight. I can see the importance of that for sure.

    • jmo says:

      You’ll most likely get a resounding no from any flight attendant. Company policy supersedes the FAR and the FAA can govern based on that instead. Airlines make money by selling liquor onboard, so they all have a company policy to now allow outside liquor. This therefore breaks the FAR and can get both you and the flight attendant a huge fine (as well as possibly getting the flight attendant fired.) If you’re that thirsty, just buy the liquor and save yourself the potential fine. It’s cheaper in the long run.

      • Oco says:

        Our company policy is to offer to pour it for the customer if they want to consume alcohol they bring onto the plane.. They are more concerned about passengers breaking FARs than anything

    • It may be legal for the FA to pour your drink but I’m sure it’d be against company policy for them to do so. Having said that, I had consumed my own booze onboard before – just don’t get caught.

  4. Lifegazer says:

    I use to do all the time before 9/11. I would just buy the same brands as they served on the plane. No one really knew that I bought it on the plane. I would just order a soda or juice on the plane for a mixer.

    • Eric Hamilton says:

      There’s a lot we used to do before 9/11.

      • Ray says:

        word. score one for the terrorists

      • Devin says:

        The good old days. I remember being able to pop open my small charcoal grill and cook up some brats for the pilots and one time I got the whole plane to play a very erotic and confusing game of twister. Doing “tradseies” with other passengers for whole home size containers of shampoo and house cleaner. All the dog fights and cock fights that went on, and don’t get me started on heads up, 7 up and all the marijuana that was consumed on the flights (talk about high).

        Man, how I miss being able to board a plane with an old-timey bowling ball style bomb. Brings a nostalgic tear to my eye.

      • Paul C says:

        LMAO @ Devin

    • casey laan says:

      Devin, actually this is score one for the terrorists. Their goal is to make America compromise your freedom by inspiring terror. They succeeded. The odds of being the victim of a terrorist attack in the states is less than being hit by lighting, yet you spend hundreds of millions of dollars “fighting terror” while your own government and news agencies do everything they can to spread terror. Experts around the globe have testified that the changes made post 9/11 do not do anything to prevent a bomb on a plane, they simply make your lives miserable in order to make the sheeple think the government is doing something to prevent anything like that happening again.

  5. Steven says:

    Great article and personal story. Minor update though – TSA website says it allows 100ml but I have yet to try it. I have a bottle of jäger that is 100ml, so I’ll be trying it soon

  6. Pheebleminded says:

    I have been doing this trick for years but was recently held up at security at the Orlando, FL airport because security had to check the alcohol proof on my little bottles of joy. Apparently you cannot fly with alcohol that is >100 proof. Luck for me mine were only vodka but it looks like there’ will be no Bacardi 151 while flying. I am not sure if the alcohol proof matters at all airports or if it was just Orlando, it was the first time I have ever been stopped but it could just be a new regulation. Just a word of warning!

    • jsbull says:

      How did they test the proof?

      • MGSUCH says:

        It usually says it on the label. Or they just double the percentage alcohol listed on the label if the proof isn’t there (proof = 2x%)

      • Hezaa says:

        I find myself wishing it somehow involved setting fire to it, or complex scientific equipment.

      • Thomas Ryan says:

        Where the name came from, they try to set it on fire, if it’s over 50% (100 proof) it’s flammable?

      • jsbull says:

        Actually, the name proof came from the good ‘ole days when people were paid for part of their labor with Whiskey. They would pour it over gun powder and If it was 80 proof or higher, it would light on fire, thus it was proven and they had “proof” it was good liquor.

        You can get 80 proof alcohol to light and burn.

    • Orlando has seems to have very strict and rude TSA. It was odd watching them giving pat downs to seniors in wheelchairs

      • WindyCity says:

        Orlando has weird (well, weirder than most) TSA agents. My husband is a pilot and is always able to bring beverages (like coffee or sodas) through security with no problem because crew isn’t restricted to the 3oz rule like us normal folk. However as we were switching flights in Orlando after our last vacation the TSA agents got mad at him for his Starbucks. He has coffee and water bottles with him all the time at other airports. Orlando is the only place we’ve had weird issues like that. However, TSA is largely a joke anyway. I got padded down one time wearing leggings and a spandex t shirt dress. I clearly wasn’t hiding anything and the TSA agent who was larger than me made a snide remark about “ew. There’s your hip bones.” Talk about completely unprofessional. Most of them don’t even know their own rules/laws.

      • Ed says:

        You have to remember Orlando is a terrorist wet dream.
        If they could hit Disney, SeaWorld or Universal and make Americans feel not safe there that would be a big score for them.
        Everyone feels safe at Disney, if they pulled something off there (rumor Is that it was a 9-11 target) think of the effect it would have on Americans sense of safety if the place we consider the Happiest Place on Earth was attack.

      • Terrorists are so dumb. They’d rather blow up Disney that the White House or Capitol?

      • Ed’s comment about Orlando and Terrorist make no sense – terrorist flying into Orlando don’t have to go through Orlando TSA and Terrorist flying out of Orlando could just stay in Orlando and head to the theme parks they want to terrorize… which of course would avoid TSA all together…

    • David says:

      Bacardi 151 is 75.5% alcohol by volume. Wouldn’t that still pass?

    • Sillyme says:

      I too hada problem with TSA in Orlando. She wouldn’t let me dump my bottles and told me to chug the 4 I had. I was chaperoning a High school group and has forgotten they were in my backpack from a previous trip. Otherwise I would have drank them after bed checks. Next time I flew I put my vodka into a small container I picked up at the container store and labeled it eye makeup remover. I fly at least 16 times a year and in,y once did a FA not in uniform say something to me. Yes is is illegal

    • Donna says:

      This actually falls under 49 CFR 175 Carriage of Hazardous Materials by Air. The HazMat regulations have been in place since way before 9/11 and the subsequent creation of the TSA. The Title 49 restrictions are actually less restrictive when it comes to quantity, which is how the TSA has in effect superseded this particular area of this regulation. The restriction (49 CFR 175 ONLY, not considering the more stringent TSA regs) say you can carry up to 5L of 24-70% alcohol by volume (or 48-140 proof). Anything above 70%(140 proof) if prohibited by the HazMat regulations.

    • Gil Batzri says:

      80 proof alcohol will not burn in a proof test. Nor will it burn if you drop a match in it.

      I have seen a demo, Booze must be 117pf to burn in a proof test. Which involves gunpowder.

      Booze labeled “Navy Strength” will generally be of enough ABV to perform a successful proof test.

      From the 18th century until 1 January 1980, the UK measured alcohol content in terms of “proof spirit”, which was defined as spirit with a gravity of 12/13 that of water, or 923 kg/m3, and equivalent to 57.15% ABV.[1] The term originated in the 18th century, when payments to British sailors included rations of rum. To ensure that the rum had not been watered down, it was “proved” by dousing gunpowder with it and then testing to see if the gunpowder would ignite. If it did not, then the rum contained too much water and was considered to be “under proof”. Gunpowder would not burn in rum that contained less than approximately 57.15% ABV. Therefore, rum that contained this percentage of alcohol was defined to have “100° (one hundred degrees) proof”.


  7. randy says:

    Good article, but I’m just surprised that you are still taking your liquids (and in a clear plastic bag):out of your suitcase. I haven’t taken out my liquids in probably 3 years now (and I fly a lot) just leave in your bag!

    • Don’t try that at Terminal5 at Heathrow! One of the newest and quite possible the worst airport terminals in the entire world! If you have liquids in your bag you will be taken for a bag check / prior to the scan they specifically ask you (if you have liquids) and tell you there is a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes wait if your bag needs to be checked. I normally just empty my whole bag there, with Macbook, camera, lens, equipment and about 379 feet of cables just to avoid any potential hassle. A french lady just ahead of me, speaking about zero English was stopped and could not reach her bag and had to wait for God knows how long!

      • Caroline says:

        Seriously, Heathrow’s security is absolutely horrific. I missed my flight because I got stuck in that 45 minute bag check line. If I never have to fly through that airport again it’ll be too soon.

      • M Weil says:

        Heathrow? Yeah. Yuk. Got there on a transfer, made them aware we had the connecting flight in the same terminal, so got shuffled to the “express” line, where my SOLID deodorant got singled out for search, and as they were in NO hurry, it took them 45 minutes (after expediting through several layers of management) to finally decide (after totally unpacking my pack) that it was ok. To add insult to injury (and mockery to their system), I have a metal plate in my leg, and in their expedited way, they patted down my wife’s leg (where the plate would have been in mine)! Yeah…I’ll travel again, but not through Heathrow. Oh, the kicker? We missed our connecting flight by 2 minutes and had to wait another 6 hours for another flight. Never again.

      • jomo143 says:

        Totally agree about Heathrow, and missing flights as a result of long waits.

      • Flygirl says:

        Avoid Heathrow at all costs.

    • Steve says:

      2 weeks ago at FLL the TSA agent was requesting all passengers to take their liquids (in the bags) out of their suitcase and into the bin. He was being very pleasant about it, and nobody seemed to object. It is the rule, after all.

  8. Kate says:

    I remember the days when we used to mix cinnamon schnapps and vodka and pour it in a Lavoris bottle with some red food coloring in order to sneak it onto Navy

  9. The Bludger says:

    I sit at the bar beforehand and take a huge quantity of alcohol through the security in my stomach and blood stream. Never been stopped yet.

  10. Mark says:

    You must live in Bella Vista.

  11. Kristopher says:

    I was on a jet blue trip and that is against their policy. But i just ordered a cock and added it when the flight attendant wasn’t around. But i’ve done this multiple times and its awesome!

  12. Timothy Jones says:

    Wow, when we lived in Rogers, Macadoodles was our liquor store of choice for a long time… and we once lived in Fayetteville! We’re now in Minnesota, so reading your blog via a California friend’s Facebook post was really fun.

    You ARE a travel ninja! This is a great tip. Thanks.

  13. Flygirl says:

    Its against FAA regulation and you will be arrested if you drink from your own minis brought on an airplane. You many bring your own to take on vacation if they meet TSA regulations. See above postings. The author of the article should have researched before posting. This is a Federal Air Regulation.

    • meh says:

      Thank you Johnny Justice!

    • Claire says:

      I just got back from a trip to Hawaii. We were offered one chance at drinks. I had a little half glass of ice water. The stewards literally did not come back thru the plane a single time after that, not even to pick up the empty glasses. Everybody just stuck their cups and soda cans in the seat pockets and they remained there until we landed 5.5 hours later. There was no food offered, there was no movie shown.
      I seriously doubt if the airline employees would have a clue if anybody drank their own booze. This was on American.

      • PB Toast says:

        I’m not surprised to hear it was on American. That sounds like every flight I’ve taken with them in the past 10 years. Now I fly Virgin America.

    • Amazing how it seems to occurs to nobody commenting on this article that people might want to drink their own alcohol in the secure area of the Airport, instead of $20 Fridays Margaritas.

      • Caroline says:

        My thoughts exactly. Or alternatively, purchase a coke bottle from a news stand, drink it down a bit, fill it back with liquor in the bathroom. Bam, cocktail for the flight.

    • Kraglin1 says:

      To be fair, the intent of the article was to show that mini bottles could pass through TSA. What is done with them after that is up the traveler.

  14. Flygirl says:

    151 Bacardi is highly flammable and is not allowed on any aircraft whether its in the cargo or onboard with the customers..Read your websites of the airlines and your questions should be answered!

  15. L D says:

    It is not against most airlines (jetBlue included) to allow Customers to bring their own liquor. The only restriction is the Crew has to service it to you so they can monitor consumption. If you simply ask the Crew they will keep it in the galley and bring it to you when requested and return any remaining alcohol at the end of the flight.

    • lilu says:

      Not true. You can not drink any alcohol brought on a plane. Only what is served by the airline. That’s like trying to bring your own alcohol into a bar.

      • Tracey says:

        I had to chime in on this one. I have worked for a major carrier for 13 years and drinking your own liquor is a big no no and not permitted on board the aircraft.

      • Anna Russo says:

        Yes you can,and this is the point made by LD ,by all means if you have alcohol that you want to consume on board,the FAA says it has to be served by the flight attendants,all you have to do is give it to them,tell them how you want it mixed,case closed,we have to address it if we catch you because the law says so.I had people bring on a bunch of beer the other day,i was happy to put it on ice,in fact i was so happy with their honesty i comped them their drinks and gave them back their beers at the end of the flight.I myself have brought on a bottle of wine purchased in the terminal ,given it to the FA and enjoyed it.The rules just say bring it on ,the FA just has to serve it

      • Richard M says:


    • Trish says:

      It is illegal to consume your own alcohol on board a flight. The certificate holder ( the airline) must serve you what they sell. They also are responsible for OVERSERVING you, which is why the consumption is monitored.

      • Mike says:

        Wow the ridiculousness of all these comments is staggering. It is pretty scary when flight attendants don’t even know the regulations that they are suppose to enforce and then wonder why traveller’s go a little crazy from time to time. I think if you don’t know what your talking about, you should just shut up! I am pretty sure it has been pointed out by certain FA’s that actually know the rules have indicated that you can if the FA pours if for you. WTF is everyone missing here. Go read the GD rules yourself and make an educated decision. This is as crazy as, Why did you jump of that 100ft bridge…because everyone else did?

      • Richard M says:


    • BP says:

      I work for a major US carrier, and the “rules” say that the passenger is not allowed to pour his own alcohol. However, in instances of major celebrations (wedding, anniversary, etc.) where they bring a bottle of wine or champagne, if they allow us to serve it to them, then they may consume it. If you bring your own minis, just pour them when the FA’s are not around.

    • Lindsay says:

      You are absolutely correct. I was a flight attendant with JB for five years and people can drink their own stuff as long as the FA’s serve them. Only reason for that is to monitor intake and be able to cut off when necessary.

      • Lindsay says:

        I’m sorry Trish and Tracey, but you have a misunderstanding of the rules.

      • Brandon says:

        from the JB website. It appears Lindsay is absolutely correct.

        “You may bring wine, champagne or beer on a flight for consumption during the flight if it is in an unopened container. If you’d like to drink the alcohol you carry on, you may give it to one of our Inflight crewmembers, and they will be happy to serve it to you”

  16. I’ve been doing this for years and have never had a problem. A lot of you are paranoid do gooders and probably are boring to hang out with.

  17. flyingbytheseashore says:

    F/A here. This is against FAA regulations. One reason is people getting drunk and causing problems on a flight. Can you imagine if everyone was able to do this? Each drink increases your physiological altitude by 2,000 feet. If standard cabin pressure is 8,000 feet that means as you finish your second drink it has the same effect on your body as killing a 6 pack. It’s hard enough getting sober people to turn off their electronic devices! LOL!

    • Claire says:

      Everyone IS able to do this, as this article illustrates!

    • SkyHiAZ says:

      I live in eastern Arizona at an altitude of 8300 ft. Does this mean I should be allowed more alcohol lol? It’s such a buzz kill to drink at lower elevations and have a hangover.

    • brianguy says:

      only if you’re drunk before boarding, or you get drunk and belligerent during the flight. nothing against the FAA regs in carrying them, or consuming one or two ‘responsibly’ during a long flight. I carry one for each one-way flight, the rest are for my stay if you have more than 4-5 in your carry on and ate worried about attracting too much attention in security, just check the rest.

    • But sometimes you have your seat next to an Ahole and you WANT them to drink so possibly they’ll ‘chill’ 😉 jk

    • wrongonred says:

      Why do you hate science? If you were in an unpressurized cabin without environmental controls, you would be absolutely correct, however, I have yet to fly on an airline who does not have a pressurized cabin, it is not like one is flying in the cargo hold or biplane. The very scary thing is that you are not the first person who has said this on here, so I am concerned that there is either a flight attendant program out there where they preach misinformation, or that the US Public School is as badly failing as they say. Yes, one is affected differently by alcohol if they are drinking and acclimated to sea level and then if they went to Denver or Colorado Springs, however, that is due in small amount to the difference in pressure and most importantly the decreased atmospheric O2 concentration due to the increased altitude.

      That said, because of the environmental control systems on modern airframes, your statement is at best an indication of a failed education system, or at worst, contrived misinformation meant for consumption by those who do not know any better.

      • Gil Batzri says:

        Your statement is kind of ignorant, do you not notice your ears popping when the plane ascends or descends? The fact that it is pressurized to keep the environment in the plane comfortable doesn’t change the fact that you are 30,000 feet in the air, and the fact that the pressure is different then at sea level.

        I think a better question is “Why do you hate science” you clearly weren’t paying much attention in your classes.

      • wrongonred says:

        Where did you get your degree from? The FAA has conducted 3 studies on this that I am aware of, and all 3 yielded that there was no physiologic difference in alcohol metabolism between 14.7 PSI (Pressure at Sea Level) and 10.9 PSI (Pressure at 8,000ft, which is the highest pressure level a commercial cabin will experience at cruising altitude) Ignorant or not, that is what the science shows. The FAA commissioned research citations for your reference are:

        Performance Effects of Alcohol Intoxication and Hangover at Ground Level and at Simulated Altitude, William E. Collins, FAA Report Number FAA-AM-79-26, October, 1979.

        Some Effects of Alcohol and Simulated Altitude on Complex Performance Scores and Breathalyzer Readings, Collins et al, Report Number DOT/FAA-AM-85-5, July 1985.

        Age, Alcohol and Simulated Altitude: Effects of Performance and Breathalyzer Scores, William E. Collins and Henry W. Mertens, Report Number FAA/DOT-AM-88/2, January, 1988.

      • Sigh says:

        Airplane cabins are pressurized, but they are not pressurized to sea level.


        The interwebs is your friend.

      • casey laan says:

        Sigh, clearly you did not read what he wrote. Numerous studies, conducted by the FAA themselves, have shown that there is no difference between sea level and 8000ft, which is the pressurization that an airplane cabin experiences.

  18. Flyboy says:

    Is there no difference between FAA regulations and law?

  19. Suzannyc says:

    Had a small flask of Drambue and they made me take a drink then empty out the flask. When I asked why I had to empty it the agent said “you could get drunk and roudy on the flight.”

    • Claire says:

      Then you pass thru security into the land of a dozen sports bars selling you all the booze you want before you get on the plane. LOL.

  20. flyingbytheseashore says:

    Great article about the affects of alcohol and altitude. It’s under Self Imposed Stress 11-1. http://www.faa.gov/pilots/training/airman_education/media/IntroAviationPhys.pdf

    • flyingbytheseashore says:

      This is more for crew members but the info about the affects of alcohol on the body at altitude is interesting.

  21. Tom says:

    Interesting how the TSA ignores the fact that you’re not permitted to consume alcohol on an aircraft unless provided by the airline. Federal Aviation Regulations mandate it.

  22. lilu says:

    I am a flight attendant and this is illegal and if caught you can be arrested.

  23. Bil says:

    Folks this is 100% illegal. Do not risk getting arrested. I’m surprised how anyone can just put out information than can get people in serious trouble.

    • jsbull says:

      Well, it’s the interwebs and we can say anything we want on here and it instantly becomes fact…well, apparently a year later anyway. 😉

      Honestly, I’ve done this about 4 times successfully, and zero times unsuccessfully. One time the TSA guy said, “I like your liquids bag!”. Another a TSA lady said, “Nice use of your baggie limit.” And yet another, a TSA gentleman said, “This guy knows how to fly!”

      It’s obvious the TSA at XNA don’t care about it. I’m sure if I got rowdy and caused an issue on the plane, it could come back and bite me, but that’s not the goal. The goal is to avoid overpriced tiny sips of booze that take forever to get a refill on.

      Just be smart folks.

      • lifegazer says:

        Let say it once again. It is not illegal to carry booze on the plane. The TSA rules says you can as long you follow the rules of the liquid limits. It is Illegal to consume the booze on the plane. It will come back and bite you if you get caught drinking you own booze on the plane.

      • Jenna Vee says:

        For those of you who have access to legal research engines (Westlaw) take a look here: 1989 WL 1631937 (D.O.T.) Legal Interpretation

        In short, Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.” While this is from 1989, I have been unable to find any other more recent legal interpretation, source, or decision of law that contradicts this interpretation of the law. (If someone else, has let me know!)

        It is probably NOT against FAA regulations, but against many of the own airlines’ policies because of all the liability issues mentioned here. So many of the flight attendants posting may be right that you can’t drink your own alcohol on their flights, I don’t believe its against the FAA…. If someone has found a more recent case, let me know!

  24. Kate says:

    Hey, guys. I’m a flight attendant, too. This is definitely against FAA regulations — no, you’re not allowed to bring your own alcohol and drink it on the plane, even if we pour it for you. As awesome as this sounds, please don’t do this (even stealthily). It causes a big headache, and really, do we need MORE conflict on airplanes? Make your life and my job easier.

    • Mary says:

      Ok. But does airport security let you through with mini bottles of alcohol in a ziploc bag?

      • jsbull says:

        In my experience, yes.

      • jacked says:

        The TSA allowing alcohol to accompany the traveler and the FAA disallowing its consumption in-flight are two separate issues. Just because it’s in your bag doesn’t mean you’re going to drink it on the plane.
        In a similar fashion, I’m allowed to travel with my computer bag, but it’s illegal for me to assault someone with it.

    • Mai'iq says:

      People are going to this whether you ask them to or not, if they really want to. If airlines wouldn’t over-charge for alcohol this wouldn’t be an issue. So really, it’s your employers fault.

      • Adam Wood says:

        Bingo! Who would bother with this if drinks were $2 instead of $7? Airlines have shot themselves in the foot with this.

      • JJ says:

        OK, really?? Have you checked out the price of a decent, name-brand cocktail in any bar or lounge lately? Pretty sure $7.50 is average. It’s a business. We’re buying. People are going to try to get off cheap. Happens everywhere. Airlines are not exclusive here.
        (Flight attendant for 24 years)…I am responsible to the FAA regs-laws. The following in response to lots of others who think the flight crews make “too big a deal out of it”….
        Just as any other employee has rules that they have to impart and uphold in their jobs, so do flight attendants. Period. Don’t shoot the messenger.)
        The issue initially here was the ‘ingenious epiphany’ of using liquor bottles to go through TSA, then it morphed quickly to the legality of consumption inflight. The Law is clear on this, and as part of our job security, we have to uphold it. As with any ‘public workplace, there are those with whom we deal who understand the balance that has to be maintained in a mode of public transportation, which operates at 35,000 ft, and is carrying human souls and goods in close proximity of others. We want to get you there safely, sanely. Then WE want to get a nice drink, perhaps after work and celebrate also.

      • gee says:

        Well said JJ

    • Lindsay says:

      It’s not against FAA regs. It might be against your airline’s rules, but people can be served their own alcohol on board by a FA.

    • Anna Russo says:

      Kate you are wrong ,it is not illegal,you can bring it,it just has to be served by a flight attendant

  25. The reason that most airlines don’t allow you to bring your own alcohol is because they like to monitor how much you are having and know when it is time to cut you off.. Who needs a rude obnoxious drunk on a 5 hour flt? It is also against FAA (government) regulations. If the wrong person catches you and takes it to the full extent, the Captain, the police, the FAA etc will be notified and you will be met upon arrival by any or all of these people. If you are lucky, a HEFTY fine will be the only thing imposed. Don’t mess with government. I hope your little bottle of alcohol is worth all of the hassle. Just buy it on the plane. Is it that important???

    • Mai'iq says:

      Yes, it is important. We are being robbed by the airlines, and this is just another way they are doing it. You could just as easily consume large quantities of alcohol immediately before boarding and not have your drunkenness noticed.

      Also, why the heck do I have to use my credit card? Is my cash not valid while in the air?

      • Tired of spoiled, entitled people says:

        Flying across the country for a few hundred dollars does not equate to being ‘robbed!’ Try driving and see how much that costs you. Furthermore, paying 6-7 dollars for a drink is actually a good deal. Depending on where you live, that same drink will cost you $10 – 15….

  26. Joan Howey says:

    No, no, and NO! Check Federal Air Regulation 121.575. Thanks for making my life as a flight attendant hell!

    • jsbull says:

      Feeling a little dramatic, are we?

    • Claire says:

      Alcohol makes some people happy, then sleepy. What’s the problem? You practically need drugs these days to survive the longer flights, they are such a pain in the ass.

      • lifegazer says:

        Because alcohol makes some people stupid, some people obnoxious, and some people violent.

    • ajb says:

      FAR 121.575 (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has SERVED that beverage to him

      I think the key here is “Served.” If the FA pours a drink for you, regardless of who brought the bottle on the plane, it’s legal. I would assume that most airlines have policies against this.

    • Esquire says:

      The regulation allows the certificate holder to serve the beverage. This regulation does not require that the beverage be sold by the certificate holder, just served by the ticket holder. The Airline individually sets its own rules as to whether or not they allow B.Y.O.B. and/or permit their staff to serve outside beverages. There is no legal repercussion for a passenger breaking the airline policy unless they are intoxicated. Then they violate section (b) of the regulation 121.575

      • Kim Turner says:

        Individual airlines are allowed to set policies, but these policies have to be approved by the FAA..As a consequence said policies are then enforceable by the FAA..ergo if an airline has a policy that passengers are not allowed to consume any alcohol brought on board by that passenger this now becomes an enforceable policy/regulation.

  27. Sally says:

    AGAINST THE LAW! Just the same as you can’t bring your own liquor into a bar!

    • jsbull says:

      It’s not against the law to bring your own liquor into a bar. It’s usually against the bar’s rules because they want to sell you drinks.

      • Paige Coker says:

        In most states, it is absolutely against the law to bring your own liquor into a bar. And if no one stops you from doing so, the bar could lose their liquor license and employees could be fined or arrested.

      • brianguy says:

        yep most places will charge you a ‘corkage’ fee for your wine/spirit, but that only goes to show that it’s perfectly legal, in most states. they just want their cut…

      • Charlie says:

        Not in all states!

      • Heather says:

        Depending on where you live!……Im a bartender in florida and it is against Florida ATF laws to bring alcohol into a bar UNLESS that specific bars liqour license states it is a byob establishment

      • gee says:

        jsbull- Yes it is against the law because of liability! Any establishment that serves/sells alcohol has to have a liquor license. The bartender/server/flight attendant is responsible for how much they serve someone because if you leave intoxicated, drive and get in a car accident and injure someone- that establishment can be liable for over serving you and may be fined by the courts.
        If you are at a bar drinking your own alcohol, they most likely wouldn’t have you arrested but they would probably ask you to leave.

    • lifegazer says:

      Sorry Sally, you are wrong. There is no law against bringing booze on the aircraft as long as it’s under TSA liquid rules and under 140 proof. It is against FAA regs to serve it to yourself while on the plane. Then it’s up to the airline itself to let the flight attendents serve your own drinks to you or not. Bars are controlled by the state liquor commission. Airplanes are not.

    • Ken B says:

      You can legally bring alcohol into any restaurant that has a legal license to sell that type of alcohol. It solely the policy of the restaurant to not allow anyone to BYOB. Restaurants have created ‘fantasy laws’ about it being illegal to not offend and lose customers. Since no one ever takes the time to find out what laws actually exist, it is a very effective means for them to increase revenues. Please site any actual law that makes it illegal to bring alcohol into a restaurant that has a legal license to sell that alcohol.

  28. Eric says:

    This is bad information. Consuming your own alcohol on a flight is against the law and is federally punishable by jail time and steep fines. You can and will be arrested I you do this!

    • WAlawyer says:

      Then don’t do it, Eric…simple as that. I think we’ve had enough forewarning in the above comments.

    • lifegazer says:

      Where did you get that information? While it is true that it is against FAA regs. Most people would get a slap on the wrist unless they refused to stop after getting caught or start trouble after getting caught. Although the flight attendent has to report the incident to the airline, the airline does not have to report the incident to the FAA and if they do they have to do it within 5 days. The airline may ban you from flying on their planes.

  29. Mike T. says:

    Good idea but one caveat….tried this a month ago. Ordered me a coke, pulled out my mini bottles from my carry on and had them promptly taken away by our SWA flight attendant. She said ” you shouldn’t have let me see them” and smiled. Moral of my story, be sneaky…

  30. Mary says:

    So, for you flight attendants. Will security really let you through with them?

    • lifegazer says:

      I’m not a flight attendant, but yes you can. But don’t take my word on it. You can go to the TSA website and type in alcoholic beverage where it says “Can I bring my…….” and get the answer but to save you some time, I’ve copy and pasted the reponse below.

      Alcohol or alcoholic beverages in amounts greater than 3.4 oz. must be transported in checked baggage.

      Bottles of alcohol 3.4 ounces or less must adhere to the 3-1-1 rule for liquids: containers must be 3.4 ounces or less; stored in a 1 quart/liter zip-top bag; 1 zip-top bag per person, placed in the screening bin. Larger amounts of liquids, gels, and aerosols must be placed in checked baggage.

      Please note: The FAA limits quantities of alcohol permitted on board planes based on the alcohol content (proof). In general, there is no limit on the amount of alcoholic beverages containing 24% or less alcohol in checked baggage. You may take up to five liters of alcohol with an alcohol content that is between 24% and 70% per person as checked luggage if it’s packaged in a sealable bottle or flask. Alcoholic beverages with more than 70% alcohol content (140 proof), including 95% grain alcohol and 150 proof rum are not permitted in either carry-on or checked luggage.

      Even if an item is generally permitted, it may be subject to additional screening or not allowed through the checkpoint if it triggers an alarm during the screening process, appears to have been tampered with, or poses other security concerns. The final decision rests with TSA on whether to allow any items on the plane.

    • Anna Russo says:

      Yes as long as you are within the limits,then all you do is give it to the flight attendants and they will be happy to serve it to you!!Where it gets sticky is if we see you serving yourself we have to address it because it is the law,we have the safety of everyone on board to consider,we have no idea how much you have consumed prior to boarding,it is just a safety net to prevent an out of control situation

      • JJ says:

        It may be lawful for a flight attendant to serve a person’s alcohol by LAW….but different carriers have policy either granting or not granting this. My company doesn’t provide for us to serve someone’s own alcohol to them. It is a “buyer be informed”, and somewhat complicated thing.

    • I love my job says:

      Absolutely, Yes TSA will allow it. But they are not trained on liquor laws because they are not serving alcohol. They are only trained for their job, which is what you can and cannot bring through security as a security risk. Just because they allow you to take them through security does not mean you are allowed to consume it on board. They do not know our individual airline regualations or about FAA or TC laws around consumption of liquor. If I served you your own liquor or allowed you to serve yourself on my airline, I would lose my job and face a fine. I’m not risking my job for anyone. Also, do you know what the #1 cause of unruly passengers on board an aircraft is caused by? Intoxicated passengers. It should be an enjoyable experience for all on a flight. Passengers and crew…. No-one enjoys having an intoxicated person locked in a metal tube at 30,000 feet with them. It’s really concerning hearing so many people getting upset about this and conspiring about how they will “sneak” their alcohol behind our backs. I would respect others in their place of work and understand if I was placing their job in jeopardy by asking them to do something that was against policy or the law. Please understand that we are there to provide safety first, and would love to follow that closely with kindness and respect, but that has to go both ways.

  31. C Garbett says:

    Whether or not security will let you bring them through is not the point. You can not drink them on the airplane. period. You can take them on vacation though and enjoy them once you get there!

  32. Jane says:

    If you can’t afford a drink on the plane without having to act like a sneaky teenager then I suggest you have a coke or drive or stay home! This IS against FAR”s and it will be confiscated. Who wrote this article? Maybe some fact checking would be in store for your next article. I can’t believe how incredibly cheap and irresponsible the person who does this is. Not to mention disrespectful.

    • jsbull says:

      Hi Jane, I wrote the article. It’s not about having money to spend, it’s about wasting money. Further, it’s about being able to enjoy a cocktail of your choosing. If someone wants to enjoy a bourbon, they have to take their own. AA does not offer bourbon to the main cabin. In first class, they have 2 tiny bottles of Beam Black, which is not that great. BTW, Jack Daniels is not a bourbon as 99% of FA’s think. On the irresponsible comment, if someone is going to be disrespectful and cause trouble, they will do it regardless of whether they have a couple of mini-bottles with them. Airports serve alcohol. Bartenders over serve from time to time. People can go to multiple bars when one cuts them off. If someone wants to be a crazy drunk, they will. 50ml bottles are not going to start a rave on the airplane. I think a lot of people on here are being Chicken Little and claiming the sky is falling. Everyone relax and take a deep breath…then go have a drink.

      • karen says:

        Well said, jsbull!!!

      • lifegazer says:

        Jsbull, while Mary maybe be a little extreme, I think her point is that you never mention that it is illegal to consume the booze on plane. If you had mention that fact, then it would be up to the individual to take that chance if they want to but some people may assume, if they haven’t read down this thread, that they can legally drink their own booze on the plane, which they can’t do.

      • Linds says:

        Well then tough luck for you if you can’t get your drink of choice. Not all bars offer everything either. It’s not okay to do it and it’s irresponsible of you to pass on this info like it is okay. There are safety and security reasons why this isn’t allowed. And it’s illegal. Period.

      • Linds says:

        Yup and I hope you do get caught someday.

      • gee says:

        Airplanes are a mode of transportation to get from point A to B and maybe C SAFELY. They are not meant to be a bar/pub/club for you to get intoxicated on! So… if someone can’t handle the airline not serving as often as you want them too or not having your full selection available or don’t like that they are charging you the same if not cheaper than any other bars/restaurants & you want to bring your own just to save a few bucks, then maybe you have bigger issues.
        To say that some people are being “Chicken Little” is very easy to see when you don’t need to deal with someone who is intoxicated at 40,000ft and who doesn’t like that you have cut them off because you caught them illegally drinking their own alcohol. Or when you have someone on the galley floor unconscious because they drank too much (not realizing 1 drink in the air can equal 2or3) and you are giving them CPR. Or worse, the medical emergency is to the point where the plane is diverted and an emergency landing is necessary because someone needs serious medical attention. These scenerios are all very real and though they may not be everyday occurances, not everyone here who takes your advice is only planning on having one or two drinks to calm their nerves. Some people who read this are alcoholics and may end up being one of those who we “Chicken Little’s” need to exercise our five weeks of Bartending School on…oops Sorry that’s First Aid/Emergency Training on. So until you can put yourself in our shoes then please don’t assume we are making a big deal over nothing.

        The FAA/FARS & CARS regulations are that any alcohol consumed on-board must be served by a crew member. Majority of airlines have specific liquor licenses disallowing any alcohol brought on-board by passengers to be consumed. Apparently there are a few irresponsible airlines out there that are not as concerned about liability &/or safety and who will serve you your own alcohol but it is 100% illegal to be pouring and drinking your own alcohol yourself. If you choose to do this, be aware that you can get in serious trouble.

    • j6all says:

      Just to be clear, you feel a better alternative to drinking and being a passenger on a plane with a locked and inaccessible pilots compartment is drinking and driving? While I personally feel that invalidates your entire argument, I’m unsure why you feel that we would be sneaky about having our legal to carry alcohol. It’s a simple matter of either reading your particular airlines policy and or asking the flight attendant.

  33. Justin says:

    Geez most of u guys are pussies. Being an out of control drunk is one thing but know ur limits and u will be fine. Ill try this on my flight to Vegas in a month, successfully.. cuz I’m
    a boss

  34. John says:

    Very interesting article. Can you bring it through security per TSA regulations? Yes. Is it against the law to bring it on the plane? No. Is it against the law to consume it on the plane in the US. Yes. Will you get away with it? Most likely. Are you a cheap ass for doing it? Definitely. Is it worth getting arrested for? Not for me it isn’t.

    I travel a lot for business and some for pleasure. I can honestly go a few hours without a drink, or I can stomach the $7.00 for an in-flight cocktail if I really need one.

  35. dawn says:

    Go ahead and bring em…you cannot drink them on the plane.. go ahead and try to get away with it..flight attendance are smarter than you give them credit for

  36. dawn says:

    Bring your flight attendants chocolate and see what great treatment you get…b fun and not a butt on the plane and it gets big time brownie points…just saying

  37. cg says:

    Any rules against drinking in the airport terminal after security and before boarding?

    • lifegazer says:

      I’m not sure, but I believe the airport police could possibly get you for have a open intoxicant in public if you are seen with it. That would differ from state to state depending on the states open container laws.

  38. Cesar says:

    Your math is wrong. You are saying its cheaper to drink your own alcohol on the plane but you are obviously not adding in the several thousand dollar fine for the violation of drinking alcohol not served by a crew member.

  39. You can take it, but there’s a very good chance they won’t let you drink it on the plane (especially if you’re obvious). Flight crews are often instructed to limit (or forbid) personal drinks because the airline doesn’t want to have to deal with the liability of hammered passengers. If they sell all the drinks (and make a profit) they also control the intake. Think that’s wrong? Try to take a bottle of Jack into a bar and just drink that. Same situation (albeit oversimplified).

  40. elstadl says:

    I have a big trip coming up and will be on a 12-hour flight. My longest yet. I’m going to take advantage of this!

  41. mrsnezbitt says:

    I just recently flew from CA to AZ. They specifically stated once on the plane that it was against regulations to consume any alcohol on the plane that had not been provided by the airline.

  42. never mind that fact that my liberty and freedom are getting robbed, lets get drunk!

  43. Terry Gotham says:

    Reblogged this on Terry Gotham and commented:

  44. jpinphx says:

    This has got to be one of the dumbest articles I’ve read this year…. Really??? Why can’t you just afford to buy your alcohol on the plane? If you’re thinking you’re saving money by bringing your own alcohol…. don’t fly. Why would you even risk getting caught? over $5-7 dollars? stupid.

    • Blaine Gorze says:


    • ThatGuyThatIsn'tAMoron says:

      Because some of us HAVE to fly and don’t like paying 3x what it should cost to have an adult beverage otherwise. This is the same debate as whether or not pot should be legal while alcohol is. Because someone can profit more off of one than another.

      There are plenty of places that are BYOB. Or maybe you live in Utah. I’ve been to several destinations in the last few months that would give me a high five if I showed up with a bottle of Jack and a few friends.

      If they would stop finding new ways to charge me and everyone else for ridiculous things while offering horrible service then I wouldn’t ever even consider this.

      Source: Former airline industry employee.

      • ohnoyoudidnt says:

        Here here! I fly all the time and the seats are getting smaller, the service is horrible and the amenities these days are non existent. They raise fees due to high fuel costs but when the price of fuel goes back down… oh yeah we still have the fees. Greedy corporations are driving these people to drink and they don’t have a problem with it as long as they get their cut. As far as all the “its illegal” mouth pieces. Your a bunch of Hippocrates! I’m sure every single one of you exceeded the speed limit by at least 1 mph on your way to work this week. That’s illegal too FYI.

      • Suzieflybabe says:

        Key word, “former”

  45. Like most of the comments I saw I work for an airline and they do not allow you to bring your own alcohol on board it could result in you being banned from flying on that airline again TSA doesn’t care what liquids you bring as long as they are not more then 3.4 oz

  46. I’ve been doing this for a couple of years now. My method is to use the TSA-approved containers that are normally used for shampoo, gel, etc.; however I fill mine with my tipple of choice. Typically I travel twice a week, and in the times I’ve chosen to take booze along with me (many times), nobody has uttered a word.

  47. Finbarr Saunders says:

    Also, if you are settled on one particular drink for your flight, then once you are through security just go buy the mixer drink you want to use, empty half of it out, fill up with your booze, and bob’s your uncle… bringing a bottle of your own soda on to a flight and just requesting ice is even less suspicious.

  48. jason says:

    If I had a bottle of cola and added a little vodka, would anyone notice?

    Vodka is odourless. Unless they did a chemical test, no one would know?

    • Jeff Moder says:

      *laughs* Sounds like you have never drank vodka… It is not odorless. Is a pretty recognizable smell.

      • Sean says:

        Nah Jeff. Good Vodka is by definition suppose to be ordorless. Cheap shit might smell but then again its not a proper vodka.

    • casey laan says:

      Sean, that is because the definition is written by russians whom have vodka oozing out their pores. There is no such thing as odorless vodka. I have had 100 dollar bottles of vodka, they still have an odor. The odor is alcohol. That’s just like how vodka purists say high quality vodka has no flavour, yet it tastes like alcohol. A “high quality” vodka just means it tastes less like paint thinner and more like burning.

  49. Blaine Gorze says:

    I think this article is fun and entertaining. However.. And this is just my opinion. But, If your trying to save that kind of money on drinking. And you need to get that f’d up on a flight. You most likely have a problem.. And shouldn’t be drinking. Because you are too broke and your an alcoholic.

    • Jeff Moder says:

      lol, taking a few shots on a plane makes one an alcoholic? That is pretty silly.
      Doubt really has anything to do with being broke or an alcoholic.. Just looking to save a few bucks.. 7 dollars for a drink on a already overpriced flight it pretty ridiculous. Especially when you can do this.. Sounds like everyone that is scared doesn’t want anyone else doing it..

    • Jason says:

      If you read an article and decide it is your duty to post a comment but don’t know how to spell you may have a problem. You shouldn’t be posting. Because you’re too stupid.

  50. Joe dohn says:

    They all interpret the rules their own way but this one wins the gold. They count alcohol as a flammable substance and I’ve seen this before. If they stop you, are you really going to argue about it? Il if you do, I assure you that you will be removed from the flight.

    Also, you cannot take pictures at the security check point. They are worried that photos would be leaked to terrorists and the will be more familiar of the setup.

    I believe your local TSA staff may be incompetent.

    • lifegazer says:

      There is no interpretation of this. TSA rules allow you to bring alcohol on the plane as long as you stick to the 3.4 ounce rule and the alcohol is under 140 proof (70% alcohol) Go to the TSA site and you can see for youself.

  51. Ralph says:

    Hey rocket scientist…first of all, the TSA liquid rule is “3.4” ounces or less. Second, it’s against federal aviation regulations to consume alcohol that you bring on the plane.
    Get a life loser!!!

    • Seven Echoes says:

      Maybe if you mentioned it in your article, we wouldn’t have a bunch of people commenting on it.

    • Jenna Vee says:

      Where does it say its illegal?? Someone please point me to something that says its illegal. The FAA regulation and the legal interpresetation by the Chief Counsel for Regulation of the FAA says you CAN bring alcohol on the plain and drink it, as long as it is served by the flight attendant.

      FAA Sec. 121.575 — Alcoholic beverages.
      (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

      Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.”

      Can someoen give me any other proof saying it is in fact illegal? I’m sure its against many of the airlines policies to allow their flight attendants to serve you alcohol you brought on the plane. That just makes it against policy, but not illegal. Stop saying its ILLEGAL (in all caps) if you cannot cite to a court opinion, etc that says it is illegal.

      • VB says:

        The FAA approves & regulates all US airline rules and then requires them to enforce those rules. Flight attendants are required by the FAA to enforce both Federal Regulations & their airline’s rules. Passengers are required to comply with flight attendants instructions…not doing so is considered a violation of Federal Law. If your flight attendant (or inflight magazine) informs you that you cannot drink liquor that you brought onboard & you do, you are in violation of federal law & will pay a federal fine. A flight attendant who breaks company policy by serving you your own alcohol will also be fined by the FAA and subject to termination. It is ILLEGAL to not follow policies that are regulated by the Federal government.

      • Thinking says:

        Thank you!

      • Rich Business Man says:

        I think that doing the hard liquor is NO GOOD. It can make you jump on people just like smoking the pot. Do you want to get jumped on at that height???

      • Hank says:

        If it’s a hot girl jumping on me HELL YEAH I DO.

      • Tiffany says:

        Make you jump on people just like smoking pot? What? Pot smokers are almost always passive and non aggressive.

      • delta says:

        come oon! Jup on pppl?? whoever does that has a problem – you need to meet some decent drinkers sir

  52. Dima G says:

    I’m impressed by the engenuity of the American drinking public. There’s always a way to enibriate yourself.

  53. Nadieh says:

    Well I wasn’t going to react, but after reading all these a-hole comments I just wanted to say thank you. It’s a great idea, and I will definitely bring a bit of my favorite rum on my next intercontinental flight, rather than paying $7 per sip of some other crappy brand. Though I might mix it with coke before I get on the plane, just in case. Wouldn’t want to risk sitting next to one of you drama queens.

  54. Pingback: Tippling with the TSA | Douglas Worley - fauXserve

  55. Nero says:

    Okay, I think we’ve established that it is legal to bring the drinks on board in your carry on bag, but its illegal to pour it and drink it. Thanks, you’ve just made it taste even sweeter. Cheers!

  56. Michael says:

    I feel bad for your body that you went into the full body scan. Just an fyi, we can decline those and our bodies will thank us for it! The radiation is pretty scary.

    • lifegazer says:

      Just be ready for a pat down and prey the TSA guy isn’t a a-hole who decides he wants to do a full cavity search, unless you like that sort of thing.

  57. Donzi says:

    Keep those small empty bottles and refill them from a larger liquor bottle then they will cost considerably less than $2.50 each. Be careful, however not to put those empty or refilled containers in the passenger compartment of your car as they would be considered “open containers” and get you arrested.

  58. Jenn says:

    I wasn’t going to comment because I would have basically ended up saying what every other flight attendant has said…but as I was reading through the comments, I noticed a lot of people saying that they didn’t want to be ripped off by the airline for having to pay $7 for each mini. While the commenters are partially correct in saying that it’s a way for the airline to make more money, it’s not the only reason it costs so much. Alcohol is highly overpriced on flights, yes, but a lot of that is to deter people from actually buying the alcohol in the first place. If it was cheap, a lot more people would buy it, and they would buy more of it, which means there would be a higher chance of more people becoming drunk and disorderly on the flight. It’s not so much the airline ripping you off as it is them enforcing a safety tactic to keep alcohol intake levels down.

    Also for those saying that you can get drunk in one of the airport bars before boarding the plane, both the gate agents and the flight crew on board the aircraft can keep you from boarding the plane if they suspect that you’re intoxicated. If you want to have a couple of pre-flight drinks to calm the nerves, that’s fine, but to go so far as to get drunk in one of the bars and then try to board the plane? Good luck. Unless you’re very good at hiding how drunk you are and none of the gate agents, flight attendants, or fellow passengers can smell the alcohol on you, you’re not going to be making your flight.

    • fanichio says:

      Jenn, I went throug US customs to board a plan after guzzling half a mickey (fifth in the US) and there was no comment. As far as the pricing of the drinks, it’s cute that you think the airline prices them high to discourage passengers as opposed to make money. If they didn’t want passengers drinking on planes, they wouldn’t carry alcohol. The fact that you are a captive audience is why they charge so much, same as your local sports arena.

  59. Rose says:

    Only problem is on the plane they specify the only alcohol beverage your allowed to drink is one served by the flight attendant !!

  60. I’ve been pulling this trick for at least 5 years. I’ve done it on large commercial planes and little prop planes. Not once has anyone ever said anything to me. The flight attendant kept bringing me as much soda/mixers as I wanted. If you are a good tipper and not a cheap bastard you can get away with it.
    And if you ever get any trouble, just hand over the bottles and the flight attendant will bring you one at a time at your request.
    I used to bring my own 1/5 on planes pre 9/11 and the flight attendant just asked for the bottle and said she would pour me drinks when i asked for them. I was also underage when I did this. Flight attendants are not certified to serve alcohol by most states standards.

  61. shelby says:

    Take the train!

  62. Salzigtal says:

    Ask the flight attendant to pour your miniature bottle into an airline supplied glass of ice and the FAA regulation is not violated. Served does not mean sold.

  63. Jeff Moder says:

    Thanks =D Good tip!

  64. Keith says:

    It’s unfortunate none of you get out of the US. I’ve flown multiple international carriers…and the ALL serve free beer, wine and liquor. In coach. Even Ethiopian has free booze. Where have US carriers gone so wrong?

    • Marie says:

      I once traveled to Costa Rica on a Costa Rican airline though in the past I used AA. I was surprise to get a free yummy but more surprise to get free alcohol. I do not know why the US makes things so complicated.

      The only problem I have with pouring my own alcohol while in flight will be what someone else said, The Drama Queens who are having a hizzy fit over someone sharing their find of saving us a few bucks.

      I once saw on the Tyra Banks show an episode on how to live cheaply she admitted to holding onto soda cups from Burger Kind and taking then back to them to get free refills. Um she is a millionaire go jump down her throat for being cheap and ripping off BK.

  65. Fly guy says:

    I did this recently because I had a couple mini bottles left over from my vacay. I had no idea it was illegal so I wasn’t the slightest bit sneaky about it. I even tossed the bottles in the garbage bag when the FAs made their rounds. Now that I know it’s illegal I would approach the situation differently just in case I get one of these “stick up the butt” FAs that have been posting in here. I admit, I’m cheap. I’d certainly bring mini bottles with me next time if I want to drink on a flight but I’d likely mix it pre-flight into a coke bottle or fountain drink from a secure area in the airport. Even then I’d be sour about overpaying for the soda and I don’t care how anyone feels about that.

    • Linds says:

      Sorry the ‘stick up their butt’ flight attendants don’t want to lose their jobs so you can drink cheaply. It’s illegal, simple as that, and not only do they have the right to call the police on you, they’re actually obligated to. If you can’t afford the drinks on the flight, then don’t drink. If you need a drink that badly, then maybe you have a problem.

  66. Master Z says:

    Not sure if this is true for all airlines but at AA, if you give your liquor to the flight attendant to serve you, that is acceptable. They are responsible for controlling behavior in the cabin so from a safety aspect, they then have an idea of how much you are consuming. As a former flight attendant instructor, this was part of basic training.

  67. Pingback: Rejoice Fellow Flyers! : Liquor Locusts

  68. Pingback: Frozen Fury Hotel Deals - Page 10

  69. Becky says:

    Absolutely PRICELESS Information! Thanks you x a million!

  70. Much rather deal with this than the folks that were eating kim chee kimchi (or however its spelled) out of their carry ons last flight I took. Horrible smelling stuff.

  71. Tim Snowdon says:

    Not in the uk you can’t I would check before.

  72. I would love to do this but I can’t take liquor across the border 😦

  73. Laura says:

    I’m a flight attendant. This is illegal on all airlines. It states in the beverage section of all airline magazines that only alcohol purchased inboard and served by a flight attendant may be consumed onboard.
    How can we regulate anyone’s intoxication if you are hiding it from us?
    I confiscate poured mixed drinks regularly from asswipes like that.

    • Don says:

      So what airline do you work for sweetie??? I am sure they would take issue with you calling ANY customer an asswipe.

    • Anna Russo says:

      Laura it is not illegal on all airlines,as long as it is served by me at my airline it is legal by airline policy and FAA

      • J M says:

        But she says it IS illegal and even quoted her source: “the beverage section of all airlines magazines”!!! How can you argue with the LAW as proclaimed by “airline magazines”?

      • jsbull says:

        I’m sitting here looking at the Sept/Oct edition of Latitudes and the Oct 1, 2013 edition of American Way, and neither even have a beverage section, and certainly don’t reference that rule.

        You should confirm things before you claim them as fact.

  74. Jason says:

    You people are total amatuers. You have to bring the alcohol (say vodka) through security as described, then get a lime sparkling calistoga, drink some of it, then in the airport bathroom pour the vodka into the calistoga bottle. Now when you go on the plane you can slyly sip your water without being in any danger of getting arrested by buss-killing air marshalls.

  75. AD says:

    I don’t think this applies at all to international flights – every originating country has their own rules. We were stopped with our “airplane bottles” of rum in our 1qt bag in the security line when coming back from Jamaica a year ago. They thankfully gave us the choice to drink them right there or throw them away. Clearly I did shots in the security line.

  76. Steve says:

    Seriously? You people can’t wait a few hours to drink? I get sick of drunks on the flights. If you’re “sneaking” booze on a plane to save a few bucks then maybe you have a drinking problem.

  77. Pingback: Take Alcohol to Drink on Your Flight | ideationstation

  78. Vanezza says:

    FAA rule, you may only consume alcohol provided by the airline you are riding on.

  79. Chris Tharp says:

    Yeah, all the bedwetters are typical American “don’t disobey authority” types. I live abroad and most foreign carriers let the booze flow free and freely once cruising altitude is hit. One of the best is Thai Airlines. The FA’s walk up and down the aisles with big bottles of wines filling and refilling as much as you want. No middle-aged hateful American Airlines Sky Cows wagging their fat fingers at you and counting your overpriced, super watered-down drinks. “Land of the Free” my ass…

  80. Uncle Sam says:

    You asked to take photos? Because in that part of North Korea they don’t allow guns?

  81. dumdum says:

    OMG u guys r frkn gay

    • lol says:

      wow. this is a great, intelligent comment full of such brilliant insight! thank you for sharing it with us.

  82. James M. says:

    Company policy does not supersede FARs and the FAA will not govern based on that…. The company can “govern” based on that but the FAA will not. It also says that the incident should be reported and doesn’t specify an enforcement action. So it would probably just end up as “noted.” No more than 140 proof is permitted though. So leave the everclear at home. I will say that most likely the flight attendants will just tell you to stop. I mean but who is gonna say anything? Maybe when social seating ( http://www.klm.com/travel/us_en/prepare_for_travel/on_board/Your_seat_on_board/meet_and_seat.htm ) catches on at US airlines you can arrange a whole row. lol. I have gone at it with a flight attendant on occasion about FAR which I carry in my carry on just in case.

  83. brianguy says:

    started doing this a couple of months ago. it’s the only way to fly!

  84. Anonymous says:

    Shame on you for going through the scanner. The 4th Amendment exists for a reason.

    • lifegazer says:

      Doesn’t the 4th Amendment protects against “unreasonable” searches? For me, to make sure there’s no bombs in passengers underwear or shoes, guns or box cutters on the plane is reason enough for me. I’ll take the scanner. If you think the pat down is any better then that’s your right. Besides, you always have the option of going Greyhound.

  85. Jill says:

    Sorry to rain on the happy parade, but as a flight attendant I can tell you that passengers are not allowed to drink their own alcohol on any flight. It is the responsibility of the flight attendant crew to ensure that passengers are not consuming too much alcohol which can lead to disruptive conduct or illness on a flight. Those situations can lead to having to land (not at your desired destination) to deplane disruptive or ill passengers. I think we can all agree that drunk passengers are very annoying to deal with. So yes you can get through security with the little liquor bottles, but if a flight attendant catches on to what you are doing you will be told to stop drinking your own alcohol. If you do not stop or it becomes a problem, you can bet you will be escorted off the flight by law enforcement. I encourage all fliers to buck up and refrain from drinking your own liquor for the 2-3 hour flight. It is best for everyone. Remember you aren’t the only person on the plane!

  86. Vatrice says:

    Is it against regulations to buy a coke@ the airport Mc Donalds and fill it with alcohol minis before you board the plane? In Aruba we bought Margaritas to go from the airport bar and boarded our plane and no one said anything.

  87. CH says:

    you could also buy a drink at the airport, a coke sprite, oj, or ginger ale. and mix it before ur on the plane. even if u ask for ice on the flight you would only pour from a non alcoholic bottle with no trouble.

  88. Lisko says:

    I used to fly private (now I´m retired) and boy was it great to choose your own alcohol and pour it yourself (we didn´t have flight attendants just the pilots) and just relax. I understand that many can´t afford the ticket but thats the hole point: People sneak their drinks so they wouldn´t have to pay…

  89. stickmantoo says:

    This thread is hysterical. Thanks for the entertainment.

    • Aly Ashe says:

      I know! People think because you want a few drinks, you’re a drunk. I for one don’t drink at airport bars because they are expensive, and I don’t want to risk some tight ass saying I’m intoxicated and won’t let me board. I take my own booze in mini bottles and sneak. I remember the good old days when you could smoke! I still look at those little armrest ashtrays lovingly.

      • Aly Ashe says:

        I WILL say, altitude does make a difference. I saw some Navy recruits heading to basic training. They bought a couple beers and were TRASHED! 🙂

  90. maqami says:

    Reblogged this on Arsean Maqami and commented:
    Great idea. Except for the fact that it is illegal to consume alcohol that is brought on board. http://www.airweb.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library%5CrgFAR.nsf/0/4169CCE6717F88B386256BC9004338B6?OpenDocument

    In order to become a serious alcoholic, bring your bottles to the bathroom and consume it there… Or spend 7 dollars on top of the $600 you spent on the flight and buy a drink on the plane.

    • Molly says:

      (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him. – So, if the airline attendant is willing to serve it to you, you are not in violation!

  91. Jackie says:

    You’re not “allowed” to drink outside liquor on the plane. So put your liquor in a fast food cup once you pass security. Enjoy!

  92. Someone says:

    You are allowed to bring them through security, however you are not allowed to drink them on the plane. Flight attendants have every right to throw your full drink away if they see it.

  93. Someone says:

    And yes, it is illegal to buy a soda and mix it before you get on the plane. If a flight attendant smells your drink, then yes. We throw it away! Get over yourselves. If you HAVE to drink on the plane be an adult and buy it for Christ sake

  94. OhLordy! says:

    Well well, there go the cheapies and self entitled non frequent fliers with their cheap tickets!! Seems like I’m reading a thread composed by teenagers! Alcohol not purchased on the aircraft/plane you’re traveling on shall not be consumed. If you want to be drunk go to numerous bars in the airport before getting on the plane. As a FA I will continue to enforce the FAA and hand over the cheapies to the authorities if need be!

    • jsbull says:

      How many fliers have you turned in? How many were fined or arrested?

      I see dozens of, “Don’t risk getting arrested, it’s ILLEGAL!!!” But I have yet to have someone post that they were fined or arrested. As far as I can tell, unless you become a major issue, you aren’t at risk.

      Also, I’m EP, so I’m on flights almost weekly. Start carrying a decent bourbon and I won’t have the need to take my own.

      • Jane says:

        I have turned in one guy cause he refused to put them away when asked and caused a huge scene on the plane. He did get arrested in the jetway by the police. BUT there has been many times where I have caught people, and just asked them to put them away. I know they kept drinking them, but they didn’t keep it out in the open. But from now on I’m just going to be that flight attendant that turns you over to the police at the airport, no more second chances. Then you can complain about how bad your flight attendant was this one time on a plane, or I’m never flying your airline again blah blah blah. Passengers wonder why flight attendants have poor attitudes, it’s because people like you. You personally ruin it for the rest of the traveling public.

      • jsbull says:

        If you met me on a plane, I suspect you’d think I was the nicest traveler you’d had all week. I see what flight attendants deal with and empathize with it completely. Now, if you profile people who like to enjoy a cocktail, then I believe you’re making a mistake. If you assume people know it’s against airline policy, then I also think that’s a mistake. If it puts someone at risk, then by all means, have them removed and/or arrested. If they are simply enjoying a cocktail peacefully and you ask them to hand it over and they do, I DO NOT believe it’s fair to have them arrested. A lot of people have read this blog, but it’s unrealistic to believe all passengers have read FAA and FAR regulations. I haven’t seen them in the seat-back pocket lately.

        If you have a problem with the article, and the fact that it points out that people are allowed to take alcohol through security, then you should have the TSA rule changed. I’ve simply pointed out something that is allowed that few people realize. People can do with that what they wish. I suspect 99% will act responsibly because travelers aren’t all a bunch of jerks like you seem to believe.

        It shocks me how some industries view their customers. The FA’s that have posted here are about 50/50 with good/bad attitudes toward customers. I suggest half of you find a new line of work. You obviously don’t enjoy yours. I look forward to meeting the other half because you’re very honest, straightforward and fair with your comments and attitude. Let’s get back to making them the “friendly skies” again.

      • soandso says:

        It’s apparent that you feel that you are a responsible person who can operate outside of the regulation prudently. However I think the concern(s) of many people who are commenting are: 1) You imply in the blog post that there is nothing illegal about consuming alcohol on the plane. You mention it is legal to bring it though TSA checkpoints but mention nothing of the F.A.R. and 2) There is no way to assume that your potential blog audience will conduct themselves on an aircraft in as reasonable of a manner as yourself when they get loaded on their own supply.

        By your own admission, you acknowledge that the spirit of the law is intended to protect the safety and security of airline passengers by making sure a flight professional doles out and monitors the intoxicants that are served on an aircraft. You aren’t showing yourself to be the responsible person you claim to be when you encourage this kind of behavior on an aircraft.

      • jsbull says:


        Please re-read the post.

        1. I say nothing about drinking the alcohol in the post.
        2. I don’t encourage anything. I’m only stating the rules, and my experience, of getting tiny bottles through security.

        I encourage everyone to be responsible, as I always am. If someone is disruptive, I’m the first to support them being removed from a flight. However, there are waaaaay too many people here that are taking it way to seriously and drawing too hard of a line on this. I travel for a living. I don’t bring alcohol with me every time. In fact, I seldom do. Usually, it’s only on fun vacations when I have a long flight and I’m not in first class. My experience on American is that 80% of the flight attendants are great, nice, fun people. As I stated earlier, I still haven’t seen a post from someone saying they had been arrested. In all cases, except those from people being belligerent, the passenger is informed that it is against the rules and asked to put it up or it’s confiscated. Both are very fair options to me. If it’s obvious I’m pouring my own alcohol, it should be taken because it’s noticeable.

        Don’t celebrate it, just enjoy it. It’s not alcoholism, it’s the start of a vacation, it’s thrifty and it’s tastier than you get from the airlines.

    • C marshall says:

      Also the FAA prohibits airlines from boarding passengers who appear to be drunk…so don’t get plastered and expect to fly. I’ve been on more than a few flights that have had drunks removed and denied travel until they are sober.

  95. Linds says:

    Okay guys, here are the issues with drinking your own liquor on a plane besides the fact that’s ILLEGAL and you can get arrested for it. The reason airlines restrict the amount of alochol you drink isn’t just so you don’t become an obnoxious and belligerant drunk, there is also a safety aspect to it. If your seatmate gets piss-drunk to the point where they’re passed out and can’t evacuate themselves in a timely manner, they could now be blocking your egress to an exit, which means you might die. Yeah, that’s great that all you guys are just like “Oh, I only have a couple, I’m not the one they should be worried about”, but there are MANY others who do bring their own liquor on with the point of getting intoxicated. Ailrines are have liquor licenses just like a bar or restaurant, and many of those establishments, you are NOT allowed to bring in your own liquor. And another point…Flight attendants DO know when people are drinking their own liquor, we just can’t always prove it. We’re not idiots and spending 10-14hrs a day on a plane with people, we’re pretty good at reading them. We can also tell if someone is progressively getting drunker especially when we haven’t served them a drink the entire flight. So you may think you’re being all sneaky and shit, but you’re not. All it does is piss us off and give us more paperwork to do. So just suck it up and pay the extra money for the 1 1/2oz mini or hey! don’t drink. PS-The rules are the same in Canada and are in fact, more strict.

    • ernest ventresca says:

      very well said

    • VegasFlier says:

      Oh, so the person who has had a few drinks and falls asleep is the problem but not the person who drugs themselves into a coma with Xanax because they are a nervous flier? Why stop at dumping out peoples’ drinks? Maybe we should start drug testing everyone who walks onto a plane. I have a very difficult time believing most FAs are half as hard-assed as most commenting on this thread seem to be. On the last 4 flights I have been on to/from Vegas there have been more than one person who were noticeably intoxicated but who were not causing any issue and were frankly quite pleasant. I have also personally seen more than one FA serve a passenger 6 drinks in the course of a 2 hour flight – if it’s really a matter of “limiting consumption” then they were not doing a terribly good job of it. They were more than happy to continue serving as long as the passenger was willing to continue paying – but the passengers were not causing any issues either. If someone is not causing any threat to safety or security, who cares if they have had zero drinks or ten? It’s silly that anyone is getting so worked up about people spiking their drinks with a couple of shooters mid-air. Yes, yes “but it’s the LAAAAAAW” – maybe we should have a couple fewer nanny-state laws….

      • Susan says:

        Wait until the person sitting next to you is drunk and pukes on you. You can’t do anything about it and have to sit in puke the rest of the flight. Yea, fun vacation.

      • gee says:

        VegasFlier, I get what you are saying but the line has to be drawn somewhere right? Whether someone is a happy drunk or angry drunk isn’t necessarily the issue. It’s the fact that alcohol already consumed affects the body differently up in the air and if someone who is borderline drunk (happy or not) has a few more in the air, besides the fact that they may cause disruption to others, the main concern is safety for themselves. Vomitting, becoming unconscious, etc. We can’t work on the honor system and just say, okay, everyone is allowed to drink one drink of their own on-board and then they have to pay for the rest.
        In my experience, just this week I caught 4 different people drinking their own alcohol. I don’t believe they were aware of the rules so they were compliant and if they had any other alcohol with them they didn’t touch it after we talked. I have had instances where I have dumped out 3/4 of someone’s duty free bottle that they decided to open (because I am obligated by law to do so) and again because they were compliant I filed the paperwork but left it at that. And then I have had instances where someone was too drunk to fly and argued to the point where the police had to come and escort them off the plane as well as situations where police have come to meet a passenger on arrival.

        I absolutely agree with you that not every FA is great at doing their job/following the rules. There are some who may not know/understand the regulations, or maybe even some who don’t care. But I think for most of us, or at least I can speak for myself, I’m not out to be the Alcohol Natzi Bitch and ruin your day/trip/vacation/whatever. I will try to make sure you have a fun/positive time on my flight. I love to drink & party when I’m not working! BUT Safety for myself, my crew members, everyone else on-board and even ‘you’ are my priority on that bird- Not getting you wasted or trying to make tips, etc. It’s an airplane, not a bar and as much as I want ‘you’ to have a good time, trying to save someone’s life just because they drank too much shouldn’t be/isn’t a necessary part of my day, & letting/helping someone get intoxicated and possibly losing my job aren’t worth the $20 tip or whatever.

        Until you’ve seen first hand the dangers that can actually occur, maybe then will you understand the importance of it.

  96. Ian says:

    Well, I am glad you are able to take it through security, but on American and pretty much any other airline, if you take those out and proceed to consume them on the airplane they will be confiscated by the flight crew. It’s kind of like taking your own brown bag booze into a bar. They wouldn’t allow it, nor would we as flight crew. Why? Because like a bar, we have a liquor license that can be easily revoked if it is not alcohol we serve. Reason being is because we cannot control your consumption, and once alcohol hits you, you become unruly, and something happens – its our butts. Not to mention, its against the law, particularly on transatlantic flights due to customs and immigrations regulations. Save your minis for after the flight, it saves us from a lot of trouble including having to deal with a potentially drunken…you, or any other passenger for that matter. Please and thank you.

  97. C marshall says:

    Not a good idea to promote illegal behavior

  98. Sonja Chacon says:

    Game. Changer. Brilliant. I don’t know why I have never thought of that.

  99. Shesjetlagd says:

    Just FYI, while those little minis might meet tsa criteria for legal liquid amounts, it is a FEDERAL CRIME to consume your own alcohol on an airplane!! You will be prosecuted!

    • It isn’t. The law says that alcohol consumed on the plane must be served by the flight attendants. SERVED. Not sold. Obviously, there is no obligation on the airlines to serve passengers their own alcohol but the law does not prevent them from doing so. Seriously, it’s easy enough to do a search for the actual regulations.

  100. Whomever needs 10 cocktails on a flight from Missouri to Las Vegas is sure to lose their shirt in the casino.

  101. Katie says:

    Hey! Keep this quiet – I’ve been doing this for 10+ years, and I’d like to keep it available to people. Thanks!

  102. Debra B. says:

    Some commercial carriers will not allow the consumption of alcohol that is not purchased from the airline. Check the back of the airline magazine for clarification. Airlines must by Federal Air Regulation have a policy approved to allow outside alcohol. The purpose of the policy is to be able to control the amount of alcohol consumed by a passenger onboard a flight. You can be fined, removed from the flight and arrested for ignoring the policy. Ask before you consume.

    • J M says:

      policy is not law, you cannot be arrested for ignoring a company’s policy. especially if you don’t work for them.

      • gee says:

        JM maybe ‘policy’ wasn’t the right word used but it is a legal regulation = law (one of many, just like how many hrs a crew member can work in one day,etc) that governs what goes on in the skies. Some of these laws are the same for all modes of transportation,and some are set in place specifically for air travel. They are not made up by the company, they are required to be followed by the company but are governed by the government.

      • VB says:

        It is against Federal Law to not comply with instructions of flight attendants and their job is to instruct passengers to comply with both federal regulations AND their own company’s policies. So yes, you can be arrested for ignoring an airlines policies.

  103. kevmoore says:

    Hey, don’t wash your hair or brush your teeth or use deodorant, but hell, as long as you can get shit faced…..smacks of desperation to me! 🙂

  104. lins says:

    It is illegal and as flight attendants we have the right to dispose of this liquor if you are caught CONSUMING it on board. We as an airline are responsible for getting you safely to your destination and our license to serve can be taken away if we do not monitor the consumption of our guests, just like any bar. Liquor also effects the body differently at 30,000 ft. It is not a place to get shit faced and party, especially with all of the security issues this day and age. Sure, relax and have a couple drinks that you legally purchase on board, but wait til your destination to go crazy. I have seen guests turned away at customs (in mexico especially) for arriving overly intoxicated. They got to wait 6 hours in a room until the next flight home, and our airline had to cover it.

  105. lins says:

    wow another post by a linds, saying exactly what I wanted to say!!!

  106. Jim says:

    Just because you can legally go through security with it does not mean you can use it on the plane. You ban take unlimited condoms through security but. . .

  107. Betsey Terry says:

    ok..so you dont serve yourself on the plane…sure beats a $12 drink while you’re waiting for your flight!! By the $5 coke, or soda etc..and add this to it!

  108. @BitchStewardess says:

    Don’t let me catch you drinking your own booze on a flight. I will bust your ass and have you met by security at the gate.

    • Reality Check says:

      The name says it all.

      P.S. If you get caught, you’re doing it wrong.

    • Al K. Holic says:

      Man, I remember back in the terrible times all of twenty years ago, when the qualifications for stewardesses were being a hot babe and you are fired when you turn thirty. Free drinks were served up as much as you wanted, and you could bring your own normal sized bottles of booze and the stewies would happily serve u ice and mixers. Ffs you could even smoke! Of course, pla nes were regularly highjacked, and there were drunken riots on almost every flight. We are so much safer now. We have always been at war with Oceania.

  109. ernest ventresca says:

    i hope the dumb ass that wrote this article would be on my flight (i’m a flight attendant)

  110. Adam Wood says:

    You’ve only just now figured this out? I’ve been doing this for years. Alternate tip: you can get the empty little travel bottles at Wal-Mart for 50¢ a piece or something, and they actually hold a full three oz. Fill up as many of those as you can stuff into a ziploc and you’re well-set for your flight. For the return trip home, just fill them up again.

  111. This is crazy! I wish that I would have known only a few weeks ago on my last flight. Just buy a big soda before you get onto the plane and you’re set!

  112. stimewell says:

    Last time I was on an an American flight I couldn’t even take water on board between flights.

  113. freezekeep says:

    Consuming your own booze on a flight is a federal offense. If a flight attendant writes you up for it, you can be fined by the FFA (Federal Flight Association) between $3000 – $5000.

  114. Robb says:

    This is a great way to get kicked off your flight as a flight attendant…. it is against the law to consume your own liquor on a flight and you might just get arrested too

  115. Tamara Bye says:

    Ok,,,,,I am a flight attendant and if we see it on board or know your doing it…..IT’S not OK!! You can NOT bring your own and pour it! You are required to purchase the liquor on the plane….just like the bar…you can not bring your own to the bar either with out being kicked out!! IF your drunk for your next flight OR IF you smell like alcohol you may be denied boarding that flight……

  116. Jane says:

    Buy a 1st class or business ticket & cocktail service is solved !

  117. Summer says:

    God these comments make most flight attendants sound like such bitches lol! Also, I’m sorry but for how uppity most of these flight attendants sound, they sure don’t know their own regulations if they don’t realize that in fact it’s not illegal if /they/ or another one of the flight crew pour it (which many airlines in fact have in writing in their policy, especially for special occasions such as honeymoons and such). It’s no wonder flying these days is so much of a pain when their are so many uninformed people working for the airlines themselves.

    Also Linds you seriously need to chill out, for someone that works in the service industry you sound like you have just an awful personality to deal with.

    • Linds says:

      I’m actually a lovely person when I’m at work, but I will set people straight when they’re clearly breaking the rules or condoning it. I just had a blind audit done recently and was told I’m an excellent flight attendant, know my job well and am great with the passengers. It frustrates me to no end though when people think that the rules don’t apply to them, but I’m very good at not letting it show when I’m in uniform. Maybe the rules in Canada are slightly different from the US. You can not bring your own liquor on board to consume, regardless if the flight attendant pours it for you or not. Also, any procedure of policy that is approved my Transport Canada (FAA equivalent) and then printed in the manual, it is in fact the law according to TC. So regardless if it’s originally the company’s policy, it is regulated by TC and IS the rules/law. I have dumped many bottles of alchool down the drain and had the cops meet the aircraft on several occassions. It’s written up every single time and can potentially cause you to be put on our ‘no fly’ list. It’s not something to screw around with and we take it seriously. I’m not going to turn a blind eye because it’s MY JOB on the line, and I’m sorry, but your cheap liquor is not worth my livelihood.

      • gee says:

        Well said Linds.

        Summer, majority of airlines do not allow ‘outside’ alcohol consumption on-board even if served by a crew member whether it’s for a celebration or not. Zero airlines in Canada allow it and JetBlue so far is the only carrier in the US that I have heard allows it (according to comments on here…)
        Regardless of what someone’s job is, it’s always easy to say they are fun and easy going until you want something and they say No! Doesn’t matter to you why they are saying no, just that they are. Then all of a sudden that person is a bitch, uppity, rude, has a bad attitude.. all because they are doing their job as they are trained to and following the law/rules/regulations. I don’t know you or what you do for a living and you’re probably a nice person but let’s reverse roles for a moment…. Just think about when you are at work and someone is blatantly trying to break the rules. You stick to your guns and do your job correctly and that person gets angry with you insulting you and your intelligence. You may be sweet as pie but that person is thinking you’re the devil because you’re not giving them what you want.

        Perhaps, some people working in our position still shouldn’t be and should be on the road to retirement sooner than later, but it isn’t fair to judge when someone is just doing their job as they should & you aren’t informed of the actual information/rules/regulations yourself.

      • VB says:

        The same is true in the US. Airline company policy (many do NOT permit flight attendants to serve passengers the liquor that they brought onboard) that is printed in the manuals is regulated/approved by the FAA and required to by law to be enforced as if it were an FAR.

  118. Andrea says:

    PLEASE don’t do this. Coming from someone who works 40,000 ft in the air with people who drink alcohol this is NOT a good idea. If I am selling the alcohol I can monitor your consumption. If you bring your own I’m screwed. 1 drink on the ground is equivalent to 2 in the air due to the altitude. Largest contributor to air rage and unruly passengers is alcohol. The last thing I or anyone needs to deal with are people drinking their own alcohol and becoming disruptive. What a great way to start your vacation with the police meeting the flight in your destination city because of your illegal consumption and unruly behaviour.

  119. Julie says:

    You’re not a travel ninja, you’re a travel moron. Consuming your own liquor on a commercial aircraft is illegal. I am a flight attendant, and advising people to do this is stupid. At the very least, you can end up kicked off your flight, and at worst, arrested and fined. Any more bright ideas?

  120. Melissa says:

    I can’t believe how many people think they need to say something that has already been said AT LEAST thirty times. Talk about beating a dead horse. Nice article by the way, I can see that you did not promote irresponsible behavior in any part of it.

  121. misseesue says:

    I can’t believe how many people think they need to say something that has already been said AT LEAST thirty times. Talk about beating a dead horse. Nice article by the way, I can see that you did not promote irresponsible behavior in any part of it.

  122. itravelalot says:

    I suppose different airlines might be different, but @ Delta the rule is :
    “Passengers may only consume alcoholic beverages provided by the
    Company AND served by FAs for onboard consumption. This policy
    prohibits any FA from serving liquor/wine brought on board by a
    passenger for special occasions or
    purchased from Duty Free.”

  123. Vivian says:

    I like how bringing your own alcohol onto the plane is now considered being an alcoholic or a drunken fool. But yet when you buy the required alcohol from the airline it’s a-ok. Some flight attendants claim that doing this would help monitor how many drinks are given to a customer. I call bs on that one. You’re just doing your job; you don’t want to get fired; you don’t want to be that ONE attendant that allowed a customer to consume their own alcohol and it turns out he/she is a drunken fool. Understandable. But don’t go lumping everyone that wants to skirt the rules a bit as some alcoholic. That’s petty and very childish. For those against it, what makes you think that folks that do bring their own alcohol will consume the whole content? What makes you think that just because they paid a lot of money to fly then, oh well, what’s $7 for a small bottle of vodka? A lot of assumptions in this thread. So sad.

    To those that get away with it I say keep it going! I see no problem with saving a bit of cash. Just be smart. To the flight attendants that are doing their job, I applaud you. Yes, you may be seething mad that some of your customers are doing this right under your nose but let it go. Maybe one of these days you will catch a culprit and be proud of your achievement – and you should be. You caught someone breaking the law. Until then, it is what it is.

  124. Megan Dieme says:

    Yeah you can bring your stuff, they even sell alcohol in the duty free section of international airports. That parts not really new. However yes, I would second or 100th in this case what other people have said that you CANNOT drink your own bevs on the flight. Same goes for Amtrak. They advertise that you can bring your wine back from the winery, but when we opened our drinks we almost got kicked off! Because it was our first drink, we weren’t belligerent, etc. we just had to pour out the liquor (because it couldn’t be measured) but the beer she gave back to us at the end of the trip. Really what she said makes sense that because if someone is going to purchase alcohol, they can check their id, and they can also control how much they are consuming (for the most part) however on your own they can’t. Although yes I am sure they want the extra money as well but it’s for the safety of the other customers on flight/train. I wouldn’t want somebody to slam 7 drinks next to me and my two year old on a trip and be drunk the whole trip either.

  125. fatgirlkr says:

    Have you never heard of duty free liquor? 1 litre of happiness!

    • JB says:

      yes, you can bring it to the plane, or purchase it in the plane, but can NOT drink it! flight attendants have to take it away, and give it to you at the end of the flight.

  126. Jason says:

    I can’t believe how many people think they need to say something that has already been said AT LEAST thirty times. Talk about beating a dead horse. Nice article by the way, I can see that you did not promote irresponsible behavior in any part of it.

    • lol says:

      SERIOUSLY. like they have to scroll all the way past almost 300 comments but don’t read a single damn one of them and then rehash the same stupid arguments over and over and over!!

    • Jill Boeck says:

      This is the third post I have seen with EXACTLY the same wording re: repeating what has already been said……Great minds, or empty ones? (Melissa, 06/13/13, 106am; misseesue, 06/13/13, 1:07am; Jason, 06/13/13, 10:39am)

  127. Pingback: Get Boozy on Your Next Flight « Lady Clever

  128. Windy says:

    I always tell them its my birthday and they give me a free drink. Just play nice not dumb. something like this “Im excited im headed to XXX to meet my friends, its my birthday!”

  129. MissZ says:

    If you dig a little deeper you also will find out that, much like a bar it is illegal to serve yourself in an airplane. Because of the physiogical difference alcohol can play on a person at the high altitudes flight attendants are trained, much like a bar tender to keep an eye on those drinking. So if you do try this. You could find yourself in some trouble as it can be considered a searious offence.

  130. Amanda says:

    Although you can in fact bring liquor through you can’t legally drink it on the plane. Got caught going to Cuba and the flight attendant was no impressed. In fact we got cut off from purchasing liquor from her as well as having ours bottles taken away. So if you wanna drink them maybe do it in security but don’t try the plane!!

  131. Matt says:

    I have a friend who has been doing this for years, and he flies A LOT! He’s never had an issue with it, but he’s also relatively polite for drunk guy on a plane….

  132. Grace says:

    Nice try, but the fine for drinking your own alcohol on an airplane is a lot more than $7. It’s illegal, stop giving such lame advice please

  133. Francis says:

    A reblogué ceci sur Meuh ! Pour vrai ? and commented:
    Un joyeux luron à trouvé une façon assez amusante d’enjoliver ses vols. À défaut d’avoir l’air d’un alcoolique, il aura au moins eu la chance de tester les règlements de TSA (en anglais)

  134. Mary says:

    My father always brought his own minis on the plane. He liked his martinis, so he’d bring all the fixings for his drink. He even brought them on international flights where he could get free booze. He passed away about a month before the liqui-bomber got caught, so he never experienced the liquid ban.

    In the spirit of my father’s thriftiness, I pour red wine into travel size bottles and take them with me. I carry 6 to 8 oz with me. I also bring my own food on the plane. I’ve never been hassled, but I’m also discreet about it. There was one flight where I was sitting next to a FA who was commuting to her job. I was even more discreet on that flight. Though sometimes when I come prepared with food and wine, that’s when my upgrade request comes through and I don’t need it. 🙂

    Flying out of Vegas on a red-eye flight, I was surprised when the bar where I had gotten a glass of wine asked me if I wanted it in a to-go cup. I sat at the gate sipping my glass of wine, and finished it on the plane. I’ve never experienced that at any other airport. Though Vino Volo in SFO sells wine in cans. I bought a red and white to take home. The salesperson asked me if I wanted a chilled white. I guess some people like to drink them on the plane.

  135. JJ says:

    At the airport in Puerto Rico once you clear security you can go right to the duty free shops. I brought a huge bottle of absolute on plane and just asked for a virgin Mary then I made myself a bloody Mary ….Although I was discrete about it…needless to say I had a fun flight & a great way to end vacation.

  136. lol says:

    wow, there is almost 300 comments on this article and a stupidly large portion of them are the same things over and over – “OMG YOU CAN’T DRINK IT ON THE PLANE ITS ILLEGAL” “YES YOU CAN THEY HAVE TO SERVE IT TO YOU” “NO YOU’RE WRONG.” and then it literally repeats. doesn’t anybody freakin scroll down for like five seconds???

  137. Bung bung says:

    Its against the law to drink those on the plane. Yes you can carry them on and flaunt about with them. But the second you open them you are breaking the law and can be forced to leave the plane. Very unlikely, however of your faggot flight attendant does not like you the. You be in a lot more trouble then you want. Been there and seen it first hand.

  138. Jason says:

    ok so many comments here are focused on the idea that it must be illegal to do this for public safety but what really needs to be illegal is the same thing that is illegal EVERYWHERE which is public drunkenness. And as elsewhere that is not a matter of how much alcohol one has had but if one becomes a nuisance. So yes, the police can arrest you fort public intoxication but only if you are creating a nuisance. Same thing really on a place…you will get arrested if you create a nuisance…whetther you are drunk or not, and if you are going to the bahamas and bring an under the radar vodka soda, and are a wonderfully sweet and easy customer, then it is just not going to cause a problem for anyone. If you are obnoxious, for ANY REASON you may get taken off the flight.

    • J M says:

      You are wrong Jason. Public Intoxication is NOT illegal in many states, and only illegal in some when there is a danger to others, or creates a nuisance. The rest of your point is valid though; like everywhere else, drinking is only a problem if you make it a problem.

  139. Austin jeter says:

    Great article! I’ve been doing this for the past month or so as I travel twice a week. Never ran into any issues or even a joking comment from a TSA agent. You can actually get nine or maybe 10 bottles in the allowed 1 quart bag. Beats the heck out of paying seven dollars for a drink in the air. Happy travels!!!

  140. greggsobek says:

    You are a travel ninja. Love this idea as well as the writing style. Thanks for the laugh.

  141. D. Robinson says:

    Thanks for posting this amazing tip!

  142. rgscpat says:

    Since we have so many respondents who love to make blanket statements without citing a source, and even flight personnel who don’t seem to discriminate between airline policy and federal aviation regulations, it might be useful if the Travel Ninja were to publish a table of policies of major airlines. Some people seem to assume that the policies of one airline have the force of law, or that the policies of one airline are going to be the same as on all other airlines. Also, it would be nice to post some policies from international carriers, although I realize this can be complicated depending upon the country of flight origination and other variables.

    • jsbull says:

      I agree with most of your statements, however, it’s unlikely that the flight attendants even know their own airline’s policies to that degree. Also, after hearing from many of them, I highly doubt they’d believe a copy you print out and provide them.

      Therefore, the Travel Ninja kindly advises everyone to be respectful, calm and sneaky if you want to break a regulation and enjoy this trick.

  143. Mary says:

    My 6-8 oz on BYOB wine is less then the amount of wine I’ve been served in business class. One flight the FA just kept coming by and topping off my glass. By the time I got to New York I had quite a buzz going. My husband looked at me and asked “OMG how much did you have to drink?” Truth be told. I have no idea because they just kept topping off the glass every time they came by. That was one of my earlier experiences with traveling business. I learned from that flight. 🙂

    I noticed about a year later they stopped serving wine in the large water glasses, and had gone to using the small wine glasses that come on the dinner tray. It’s far easier to monitor my consumption in the small glasses. My last trans-con in BC i kept asking for water refills, and not so much wine. I glass with the warm nuts, and another glass with the meal.

    It would be interesting to compile a list of what airlines’ policies are in terms of BYOB. I may have to go take a peak in the back of my latest copy of American Way.

  144. Pingback: The Boys Club | Your Weekly Internet Cocktail Hour

  145. Flight Attendant says:

    This information is incorrect. In Canada ( if that’s where any readers may be traveling) it is illegal to consume your own alcohol on your flight. If you are caught, the alcohol will be disposed of and if there is any fuss, the police meet the aircraft. TSA liquid regulations are regulated in a different manner than an airline liquor license. Hate to be a ball buster 😦

  146. Vancouverite says:

    Good luck with that. After you are served a verbal warning and then your beverages are dumped down the sink and if you don’t comply a notice from the Captain then airport police meeting you at the flight.

  147. doreen says:

    Not true. you may NOT bring your own liquor onboard an aircraft for personal consumption.

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  149. renee says:

    I couldn’t tell you the last time the FA actually poured my liquor. You pay your $7 via cc, then the FA hands you the bottle, lid still in tact! So, I end up pouring my own beverage. I’m confused here? I’ve always wanted to bring my own, just never had the nerve. I was in St.Paul a few weeks ago, ordered a bloody mary from the bar close to my gate – the international flight I was on started boarding. My drink was in a plastic cup with lid so I took it “to go”. One FA asked me if that was a bloody mary, when I replied Yes – she made a joke about bringing enough for everyone and then told me the bar shouldn’t have let me take my drink outside their area. I then had to say “oh this isn’t a bloody mary, it’s just tomato juice” in order for her to allow me to keep my drink. I think the problem here is the same problem we experience with many laws – it’s “interpretation”. Everyone interprets the rules/regs differently.

    • jsbull says:

      You make an outstanding point.

      Even in first class, they usually just hand us bottles. A few weeks ago I realized a bottle of Jack that was given to me by a flight attendant had been in my laptop bag for about 6 months (probably because I’m not a fan of the stuff). I probably went through TSA 30 times in that span and they never asked about it once.

      My next post: Keep bottles supplied by the airline for later flights. Ha, I can already hear the FA nasty comments coming!

  150. frank says:

    How desperate do you have to be to sneak liquor onto a plane … Do you need a drink that Bad
    if so then you have a big problem ……

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  152. b1gm1nge says:

    The answer here is easy.

    Get minis of vodka through security. When you’re waiting for your flight buy a bottle of water (sports cap type works best to minimize detection through odour). Drink water. Pour minis into empty bottle of water. Enjoy your flight without the FAA and flight attendant Nazis ruining your fun by protecting their own interests in selling you astronomically priced drinks.

  153. John says:

    Technically you are allowed 100ml which is 3.3 oz. They do make 100ml bottles.

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  155. Titz says:


  156. john smith says:

    I truly can’t believe no one commented on the fact people actually agree to walk through the full body scanner. Why would anyone give consent to be put into a microwave that takes retina scans and fingerprints and who knows what else. Wise up America, it is your right to ask to avoid that ridiculous machine that invades your privacy. Take the small gate beside the cattle entrance for the manual pat down.

  157. Nick says:

    Now that you’ve written this article im sure they will ban it. Good job!

  158. Million Miler says:

    This is so stupid. These comments of, I’d never think of that? Really?
    Sure.. TSA could care less about what liquids are in your bag. But there is a federal law against brining and drinking your own alcohol on board a flight and is punishable by a $25,000 fine.
    If you need alcohol that bad, seek help.

  159. BJ says:

    Great idea for taking your favorite liquor on vacation, but I agree with many on here – if you are willing to take a risk on a huge fine, just to save some money on a drink in the air, maybe you have a problem. Drink whatever the FAs offer, and have your alcohol when you arrive. Personally, I take an empty water bottle or two into the airport through security, then fill them from a water fountain and take them on with me, along with granola bars, a piece of fruit and a can of nuts. I’ve read too many stories of people stuck on the ground in a plane with no food or water offered for hours. As a diabetic, I’d be more worried about that! (A tip: don’t take yogurt on, though, they made me throw mine away, even though the lid was still sealed, wouldn’t even let me eat it.)

  160. I agree about the sky-marshall blowing his cover. That ‘diversion’ could become act one of the plot. Flush out the one passenger who would be the big threat. On a really large aircraft if you ‘pour your own’ after the cart goes by the sight of a miniature on the tray is not that out of place and likely would be unnoticed.

  161. Patty says:

    For the lady who had the alcohol spilled on her . So what is your point !!!! lighten up lady and enjoy the ride.

  162. Travelguy says:

    You can take it in the plane but opening it on board is an FAA violation. You are only allowed to drink alcohol if its served by the aircraft operator.

  163. Colleen says:

    I love this idea and would love to do it however as some people have stated you are not allowed to bring your own alcohol on the plane. In fact about a month ago on a flight from PHZ to DFW a gentleman tried to open up a bottle he bought in the airport and was quickly told to put it away or they will take it away, if course it was US Airways and my one and only experience with them indicates that they are seriously lacking in customer services skills…

  164. mashimaro08 says:

    wow. What a very useful information I did not know about this. In Australia, I think they have this regulations in using alcohol and has to undergo several trainings before you can get a permit. But anyone can avail an online training in websites like RSA Online – and here is their website http://www.rsaonlineinfo.com.au/. I apologize for posting a link but just giving an info.

  165. Captain Morgan says:

    One thing that pisses me off about Americans is how uptight they are about rules and laws. Most places in the world have far fewer laws and the ones they do have are used as a GUIDE for responsible behavior. It need not be so black and white all the time!
    I have been carrying minis and consuming them on planes and adding them to cups at 7-11 for years. Discreet (but not weirdly sneaky) and responsible and there is never any issue. I have a lower BAC sipping a double drink while driving home from skiing than the guy who already had the double or more at the base lodge bar. And you won’t see me, relaxed and mellow, road raging or tailgating; just cruising the speed limit in the right lane. But if you want to go faster, have at it! Speed rules are the same issue. We all know many performance cars are perfectly safe at incredible speeds and perhaps a 71 VW microbus is less so. Use intelligence and judgement folks!

    • Jason says:

      LOL Captain Morgan seemlessly transitions from a criticism of the law against drinking your own alcohol as a passenger on a flight, to a defense of driving in snowy mountainous areas, over the silly speed limit, while having a Jack and Coke…make that a DOUBLE Jack and Coke. Use intelligence and judgement folks! indeed…

  166. Sue says:

    I’ve been doing this too………most doesnt’ usually make it on the plane tho LOL Dh and I usually share a couple drinks before boarding and then one on the plane. I’d rather carry this then shampoo any day LOL

  167. Pingback: Llevar tu propio licor en un vuelo está permitido | The WOW

  168. OMG, reading the article AND the replies IS entertaining!
    Thanks to each and every one of you for brightening my evening. I’m going to minimize this screen, and in the future bring it back up when I’m bored.
    Also, I don’t really have a firm opinion about the subject, but hey, if you want to bring booze on board, go for it. If you think it’s illegal, then don’t. jmo
    Don’t we all go over the speed limit by 1mph? (hahhah), AND some approve of the ‘illegals’ in this country? 😉

  169. Pingback: Carry Your Own On Alcohol On Board? | Infinite Legroom

  170. Jacquelyn says:

    I’ve been doing this for years and have never had a problem. . I’ve even carried on marijuana cookies, marijuana chocolate & pot jolly ranchers.

  171. Greg says:

    Loved the article and the comments!! The one faulty idea that keeps coming up is that if you bring your own booze on a plane and sneak drinks, you’re an alcoholic. If you buy drinks from the airline, you’re not an alcoholic.

    REALLY!?!?!? What a dumb idea. There’s millions of raging alcoholics wasting money to get drunk when they fly. Saving money has nothing to do with being an alcoholic.

  172. levin1979 says:

    If you bring your own alcohol on the plane and sneak drinks, you’re an alcoholic. If you buy drinks from the airline, you’re not.


    Some of you people are so stupid. Saving money has nothing to do with alcoholism.

  173. John says:

    The tip is good, but nothing new. Dr. Otto Weizman suggests this in his free book about what thigs to take onboard a light, available at SimplifyLifeNow.com

    I always take 2 mini bottles in the event of turbulence when the flight attendants cannot serve you, at which point you can usually drink it discretely from the bottle without anybody noticing. I find a small bottle of brandy calms me down.

    Don’t return with an empty glass bottle in your carryon. It can show up in the airport scanner. A sealed bottle might be easier with a picky security official.

  174. Vidiot says:

    I just wish that airlines sold better brands — for sure I have better bourbon than airlines are selling. And what airline sells vermouth? I’d love to have a cocktail on board that isn’t a highball. For instance, if I wanted a Martini or a Manhattan, I’d be happy to buy a mini of good whiskey or gin from the airline, but add my own vermouth and bitters that I bring on because the airline doesn’t sell ’em.

    I’ve even made a Tom Collins on a Virgin America flight — asked the flight attendant for a lemon wedge, a packet of sugar from the coffee service, a can of seltzer, and a glass with ice. Another glass inserted into it made a pretty serviceable cocktail shaker, and the flight attendant says I wasn’t breaking any rules because I bought the gin from her.

  175. Amrfis says:

    I buy travel size Listerine bottles. They are 3.3oz (100 ml) exactly, and because they’re used to high alcohol concentrations, won’t leach out nasty stuff into my precious 100ml of social skills.
    I then fill it with the spirit of my choice. At first I would choose spirits that would be the same colour, or add food colouring. After having no issue, I fill it with whatever I would like. I lived on an island for many years, and I hate flying. This helps.

  176. J.Angus says:

    Saying the price of drinks is to limit consumption is pure bullshit. In some premium cabins they start offering you complimentary drinks as soon as you board. Some carriers offer free drinks in all cabins, only the quality differs. So it is about money. If over serving is such a problem, then why serve at all?
    I read the FAA regulations referenced here and they say “served”, not “sold”, so it seems that some carriers have misinterpreted this to enforce their monopoly and use brainwashed FAs to be their pushers. I will give a seven dollar tip for a comp drink long before I pull out a credit card every time I want a drink.

  177. Dave E36 says:

    I had no idea about the fact that it was illegal to bring booze on board. I learned this yesterday. I had purchased a sandwich and a small bottle of wine at one of the food concessions beyond the gate at PHX. I ate the sandwich while waiting to board but didn’t drink the wine. Once aboard the plane, when beverages were being served, I remembered I had the small bottle of wine and poured it into a cup and drank it. When the attendants were going through the cabin to collect trash I put it in the trash bag. The friendly attendant asked if I had purchased the wine on board. I replied that I had not. He leaned down and said that it was illegal to do so and that I should be careful since some attendants will not give a warning. I apologized and will remember this. Thanks to the attendant for the warning. Most of us have no idea of this law.

  178. Jamie C says:

    You should really not advise your readers to engage in illegal activity. Per FAA regulations it is illegal for a guest on-board an aircraft to consume liquor that has not been provided by the flight crew.

    If we see it, we have every right to tell you stop drinking it, make you throw it away or take it away completely.

    If a guest continues to consume liquor that the flight crew did not provide they can explain to the FBI why they thought breaking the law was okay.

    You might want to update this article with a “At your own risk”

  179. Wood says:

    Just a heads up that while TSA allows these thru security, you’re still not allowed to consume your own alcohol on any given airline. They will be taken by the crew upon the realization that you’re mixing your own cocktails.
    Been there, done that.

  180. Pingback: Thank me later | The Urban Traveler's Blog

  181. LaViajeraMorena says:

    Haha that is good to know!

  182. Otto says:

    This comment board makes me think about the old lady that whipped out the coke and mirror in the movie Airplane when they thought they were crashing.

  183. You can only carry alcohol with you if it’s in it’s original container. So you can’t put it in shampoo bottles

  184. 41kfeet says:

    This is actually illegal. The operator has to have control of all alcoholic beverages on Part 135 and 121. Not to mention Bacardi 151 and everclear are under hazmat (will not carry). The TSA no fly list isn’t a list you want to be on.

  185. Joel says:

    This is a tricky subject. I watched someone so this exact thing on my southwest flight from OKC to Denver. Everything went through security just fine. Once in the air the gentleman took the drinks out and preceded to pour them in the empty cup he requested. Within minutes the the flight attended was demanding he put them away, that is was highly illegal to bring your own liquor on an airline. Needless to say he was made to put his liquor up and purchase trough the airline…

    • usa airlines/FA are the worst says:

      I’ve always wonder this. What makes something “highly” illegal? Are there some acts that are more illegal than the other? One would think an is either just illegal or legal. What makes something more illegal than another thing?

      • VB says:

        something illegal @ 40,000ft. in the air. which is way up HIGH. get it? HIGHLY illegal. play on words…joke…funny? no?

  186. George says:

    I have been doing this for a long time!

  187. Diane says:

    If its illegal to consume “our” alcohol on the plane then why not actually purchase one from the flight attendant. Then when you are done, just swap the bottle with one of yours that you brought on the plane. If its the same bottle then how will they know you switched them out?

  188. S says:

    Yes, but drinking your own alcohol onboard an airline is in violation of Federal Law. Check it out. And then, if you don’t care if you’re prosecuted, hope you get a lazy flight attendant who won’t care. But then, do you really want a flight attendant who takes the same approach to your safety…? Hmmmm

  189. brian m says:

    I’m a Flight Attendant, and yes its true, it’s against the law to bring your alcohol and serve your self. It’s been noted several times already in the comments above. I caught a middle age couple doing this and talked to them immediately. It was totally innocent on their part, but they complied and did not drink any more of them. A lot of times I will have the quick conversation with them, then go get the warning notice then just leave them alone. Just so they know we’re very serious.
    It’s understandable, everyone wants to save money, Yes the airlines charge an outrageous amount for anything you buy onboard, but look at it from our point of view. We haven’t served you any alcohol and have not seen you consume any. Your behavior was normal when you boarded, then during the flight you are becoming intoxicated. A problem that can be averted if we are able to ‘cut you off’, but if we’re not serving you, it’s a problem we cant stop. Drunks on an airplane are a pain in the ass, and can be dangerous. To them selves and others. Ever hear of stories of a passenger that was trying to deplane during the flight? Passengers that tried to open a door during the flight?

    The rule has been applied differently in the past, When I first started, a passenger could bring their own, but it had to be left with the crew and poured by them, then you get the left over back at the end of the flight. It might have just been my airline, or interpretation of the rule.

  190. Carlos says:

    I downed 750 ml of duty free tequila in my flight from Houston to Tokio back in 2011. You just gotta know how and when to do it.

  191. Bob says:

    This works until you get on the flight. It’s against regulations to consume alcohol on a flight that was not purchased on that flight…

  192. Are you people stupid? So what if it is illegal to consume your own liquor on a plane and you are an idiot if you wait until you are seated on the plane to do it. NEWSFLASH you can buy a soda or 4 at the news stand for a few bucs, go to the restroom or hell even the dining area, mix your drinks, bring them on the plane. Bing Bang Boom, you have got your reasonably priced liquor and the flight attendant has no chance to see you pour it. All of you who are dumb enough to wait until you are on the flight to mix either A) are dumb as hell or B) have never been to a sporting event or concert with a flask

  193. So many flight attendants commenting with the “rent-a-cop” approach to power trips. You guys are speaking as if you absolutely hate every traveler you deal with and are some sort of expert detectives for knowing someone is drinking. As the author said, half or more of you clearly do not see your customers in the highest light (perhaps this is why there are so many ridiculously rude FA’s and airport counter workers out there who really seem like they get off on not helping you) and should really find another line of work. Just as you can tell when someone is drinking, the customer can tell when their business is not appreciated. They will take it elsewhere, perhaps even file a complaint, lose your airline money and in turn lose you your job. Because really, just like the inflated liquor prices, it is all about the dollar bill. Lighten up, you are not the most important professional in the world and 99% of us are not biligerent alcholics attempting to argue with you…Just trying to travel, make the flight a bit smoother (especially for those like me who are terrified of heights and a little whiskey eases that) and not have to pay 14$ for a mixed drink…that is a full hours work for many people. I am sorry but if I am already paying inflated ticket fees, inflated dining fees at the airport restaurants, extra fees for a bag (who charges for a bag?!), I am definitely going to try to save money where I can. Get over yourselves, lighten up and take a swig, you guys seem to need it more than anyone…

  194. Richard Stevens says:

    Unfortunately it is illegal to drink your own alcohol on a commercial flight. Do it and you face a $2500 fine and arrest. But good luck with that!

  195. T Green says:

    I always bring a few with me, order a sprite or ginger ale with ice, drink the soda, pour the liquid in after they serve you. I have never had an issue, only 2 drinks will be enough. Bring 3 incase your seatmate wants a drink, makes for a much nicer flight! More than that will cause an issue, the attendants don’t care, they have enough to worry about and they don’t get paid to serve you, just to protect you during the flight. The beverages are to keep you quiet!

  196. Lani says:

    You may be able to get it thru security
    But the FAA has rules you cannot do this and if caught comes with a large fine and possible jail time. Over all
    Not a good plan if you wish to make it to your destination.

  197. maggie says:

    Take all you want, but its illegal to consume them on an airplane. A simple fact you failed to mention.

  198. Mike says:

    Hahaha…here’s a another tip for you…don’t pour the alcohol when someones watching you…specifically a flight attendant….c’mon now people….are we that doomed as a species!!!

  199. Seven Echoes says:

    So, we have the following:
    -flight attendants letting everyone know it is illegal to drink booze
    -people defending the issue, saying you can bring it onboard and if the flight attendants serve it to you it’s fine
    -flight attendants rejecting that notion
    -people shaming flight attendants for being party poopers

    Different airlines have different operating procedures, but general consensus is that bringing your own booze on an airplane is legal, but drinking it is not. What I guess I don’t understand is 1) the absolute NEED to drink on a flight and 2) this shaming of flight attendants for wanting to do their job in a safe environment.

    You are thousands of feet in the air, and most airlines monitor your drinking. On longer domestic flights, patrons will be cut off in order to maintain a safe environment ON A METAL TUBE IN THE SKY. Imagine you are at a small bar, and one man has had too much. He is causing a scene, and begins acting aggressive and belligerent. It’s not a fun place to be, is it?

    Imagine that thousands of feet in the air, in a pressurized cabin.

    My opinion? You aren’t giving flight attendants the respect they deserve. They are just trying to get you to your destination safely and without hassle. I’m really sorry you are missing out on a quality buzz because you don’t want to pay up the wazoo for an in-flight cocktail provided by an airline, but sneaking drinks to “save money” sounds more indicative of a larger problem.

    If you NEED to drink, drink at home and cab to the airport. Drink at one of MANY airport bars.
    Sneaking drinks just feels like we’re all 16 again.

    Also, Travel Ninja, in response to someone else I saw you post this:

    “Please re-read the post.

    1. I say nothing about DRINKING THE ALCOHOL in the post.”

    …true…except the article is called “Take Alcohol TO DRINK ON YOUR FLIGHT.”

  200. Kate says:

    The flight atten. Get a percentage from their liquer kit sales I worked for the Airlines for 12 years

  201. Been doing this for years… order a soda and pour… discretely …

  202. cbitter13@gmail.com says:

    Try these. You can fit more because there is no bottle! I get them at my local liquor store.

  203. Pingback: BYOB On The Plane: Yes, It's Legal, You Can Bring Your Own Bottles On Airplanes | Elite Daily

  204. Molly says:

    I work in the airline industry and it is actually against federal law to drink your own liqueur on the plane… you can be fined up to $10,000 dollars. Do not recommend it.

  205. You you says:

    This is not true. It is against FAA regulations to play bartender on the plane. You must give your liquor to the flight attendant and be served your alcohol by him/her.

  206. bobby jones says:

    the Refill idea is smart but shouldn’t work. I belive these liquor bottles must be sealed. any one can put whatever they want. Im surprise they didnt check that your bottles were in fact liquor and not explosives.

  207. Danie Ware says:

    I took my own and the cruises I took, except I used a water bottle and they never said anything =)

  208. rr says:

    Fly British Airways: free booze

  209. pleebus says:

    Simple Solution to your own booze on a plane… bring the herefortomentioned quart bag’o’one-ounce’boozies… buy a togo drink at the airport McD’s… pour said booze into drink (on ground in the airport), walk on plane. Find your seat and get your drink on!

  210. Sabrina Lee says:

    50ml? I thought it was 100ml or less. All travel bottles I get are either 75ml or 100ml and I’ve never been stopped for it.

  211. Bebe says:

    Do you REALLY need a drink that badly that you can’t wait a couple hours for one when you get off
    the plane? If so, you have a bigger problem than sneaking booze on a flight.

  212. funnyassWES says:

    Plane ticket to Vegas 138.50 … Seven airplane bottles of Jack 17.50… The police waiting for u at the terminal cause you got drunk and violent on the plane ..priceless!!!

    • Marce says:

      Where are you flying from that a ticket to Vegas is $138.50? I haven’t flown to Vegas for less than $350 in 6 years! And Seven airplane bottles of Jack at the average cost of $7 a drink is $49. and I don’t know about you, but 7 mini bottles of Jack would be enough to just lull me right to sleep making for probably the easiest passenger on the whole damn flight, wouldn’t that be a flight attendant’s dream?

  213. Laurajo says:

    Wow. If you plan to drink, and you find you have a seat by an exit, ask to be reassigned. Please.

  214. thetruth says:

    Why in the world would ANYONE pull out the bottle in front of a flight attendant? Theres plenty of time during ANY flight to discretely pour it into the coke you ordered from them when they arent around. Thats just plain stupid. I mean the thing fits in your palm. if done right the person next to you wouldnt even notice. Not like the flight attendant is stationed next to you. If youve gotten caught….its your own stupidity. Plain and simple,

    • VB says:

      Ummm….those would be the same smart people who don’t think to hide their cell phones when the flight attendants walk by to do inspections before take-off.

  215. Gee says:

    You are correct that you are allowed to bring these liquids through security and onto the aircraft, HOWEVER, consumption onboard is a completely different story and something the baggage screener may know nothing about as that is not part of his job requirement. It is ILLEGAL to consume any alcohol onboard an aircraft that has not been served to you by the crew (ie. you’re own alcohol). Contrary to the belief of those ignorant ones saying it’s because the airlines won’t make money- This is a Canadian Aviation Regulation as well as FAA (USA) rule set in place, and many international countries have similar laws set in place. This also includes duty free liquor. You are allowed to carry it on board but at no time are you permitted to open &/or consume it!

    The liquor laws work like restaurants in the sense that you can’t just bring your bottle of scotch or vodka to dinner and start doing shots! The Main reason is safety! Crew members are unable to monitor how much one has had or tell if a person is intoxicated if they have had several drinks at the airport and then whatever they brought on board. If you are intoxicated when boarding a flight, air crew has the right and are bound by law to refuse transporting you for the safety of everyone else on the flight. Not to mention that the change in altitude alters how alcohol affects your body. 1 drink = 2 or 3 drinks. It is not uncommon that someone will suddenly become sick and need medical attention, sometimes to the extent of having to divert a plane. You are also taking a mode of transportation. The aircraft isn’t a pub or nightclub. The purpose is for you to get from point A to point B SAFELY. Whether you are on vacation or not, the air crew isn’t there to get you wasted. Five weeks of training wasn’t to learn how to Bartend.

    If you are going to risk drinking your own alcohol onboard just to save a few bucks, be fully aware that if you are caught: a)the crew Will confiscate the bottle(s) and if opened, they will be dumped down the drain at your own expense (even if it’s a $200 anniversary bottle) and you also risk the chance of being escorted by the police when you arrive. Don’t ruin your family vacation by going to Mexican prison on arrival just cause you didn’t want to spend $20 on the flight!

  216. Nicole says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble but most airlines won’t allow you to drink your own alcohol on board. You can bring it with you but you can’t drink it on the plane.

  217. Jeff says:

    yes, this post is correct. you CAN do this. However, you either have to drink what you bring before you get on the flight, save it until after the flight, or drink it on the flight (secretly) and hope not to get caught. I do this often, but advise doing it the first way. I normally stuff to mini bottles in my Quart bag and then by an OJ. Takes the edge off and completely legal, so long as you consume it in the terminal

  218. flyairhost says:

    As a crew member, I have confiscated many of those. That’s the rule, Only drinks that are served by the crew can be consumed. We return them at the end of the flight but, if you are making a connection, we do inform the next crew as well. You might be able to pass through security but on the plane, is a different story.

  219. Carol says:

    I wouldn’t try opening the bottles on the plane. The think there are rules against that!!

  220. ALang says:

    I’m a flight attendant – it is prohibited to bring your own alcohol and consume on board an aircraft. This is not smart …

  221. Kmcpty says:

    What the writer of this article does not tell you is that while you may carry the alcohol on to the aircraft you can’t drink it on board. Federal aviation regulations, as well as internal airlines’ policies and procedures state that passengers are only to consume alcohol sold and dispensed by airline personnel. It’s the only way to keep some people from becoming completely intoxicated, representing a potential security or medical problem on a flight.

  222. kmcpty says:

    This is a huge liability issue for the carriers. As crew, we are only allowed to pour the beverages WE have on board. If I pour you your home made moonshine and you pass out on me, causing a medical emergency and a possible diversion to the nearest airport so you can get your stomach pumped, guess who’ll be the first person fired over it? ME. Not to mention you’ll probably have the nerve to sue the carrier and me for having poured it. I don’t care if they are exactly the same thing I sell on board. I don’t know where what you brought on board has been or if it’s even what you claim it is inside the bottle. So the answer is NO! You can transport your alcohol within the FAA guidelines, but you may NOT consume it on board the aircraft. If I catch you, you’ll be in trouble. I don’t need to deal with intoxicated individuals on board. I have no access to bouncers at 35,000 feet.

  223. mike says:

    You can take them through security but its ILLEGAL to drink them on the plane. Your only allowed to drink purchased liquor on the airplane.

  224. Ken C says:

    According to the FAA (Page 3 of this document: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ash/ash_programs/hazmat/media/materialscarriedbypassengersandcrew.pdf ) you are allowed to take up to 5 liters of alcohol on board with an alcohol content of 24% up to 70% in unopened retail containers but the limits may be reduced by TSA. This is in the realm of allowable personal HAZMAT. Beverages with an alcohol content under 24% such as beer and wine are not regulated. They don’t actually address if you are allowed to drink any of it once in the air but seem to presume that you will just be transporting it.

  225. David says:

    You should check out our new product http://www.SlickShotz.com which makes bringing booze with u cheaper, easier, and more convenient.

  226. Dave says:


    (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

  227. gen says:

    So how is it i went to Mexico and brought back a huge bottle that I had purchased at customs, but was allowed to drink it on the flight?

  228. B says:

    If you can’t afford the booze on the plane or a bottle of water in an airport then you can’t afford to fly…stay home and drink.

  229. David says:

    I don’t see any penalties listed in FAR 121.575. It appears to be a regulation that is imposed on airlines, not on passengers. Perhaps you can be arrested, but it doesn’t appear you can be charged with anything.

  230. Montreal Convention says:

    Sorry to disappoint you, but under the contract of carriage an airline has the right to bar passengers from drinking customer provided alcohol, regardless of quantity allowed through TSA. Not to say people don’t do it..wink wink…but it’s a FAA no no.

  231. Leslie says:

    What are all you guys talking about? The article is saying you can BRING alcohol on flights. And you’re all fighting about whether or not you can drink it on a flight??

    • M says:

      Correct, but the very last part of the article, under the quick tips section, notes that a bottle on the flight cost $7 in comparison to the $2.50 liquor store price. It also notes in the “quick tips” that the plane does not offer the same variety a liquor store does, and since nobody is looking to buy a mini-bottle on the plane to eventually take off the plane, and consume at legal location on the ground, the article does a pretty good job of implying that the full cycle of bringing the alcohol through security AND drinking it on the plane are both legal activities.

  232. jux says:

    hmm….if it was illegal, who would fly the planes?

  233. flavavitz says:

    Reblogged this on weirdpresse and commented:
    Now alcohol that a great idea.

  234. dank says:

    I have been doing this for years. I have been told once that it was against federal regulations to drink your own booze on an airplane, I kindly replied that it should be against federal regulations to charge as much as they do for booze on an airplane.

  235. Daisy says:

    Drinking on airplane is such a horrible idea, especially for long flight. If you have to, have a glass before boarding!

  236. Mercedes says:

    Flight attendant here. It is indeed illegal to drink your own alcohol on an airplane. It may be legal to drink your own in the airport before boarding; not sure.

    Keep in mind that it is also forbidden to fly while intoxicated. This might be a tricky one to understand if you aren’t a flight attendant; however, if you spend two hours trying to control a beligerant drunk in the air, it will make perfect sense to you. Unfortunately we don’t have bouncers in the sky, and when someone is out if hand it is 100% OUR problem. So just be careful not to become “visibly intoxicated.” 🙂

  237. Linda says:

    I have been doing this for years but I buy the 3oz bottles and fill them from my liquor stash at home…..only thing to be cautious about, don’t let the flight attendants see you pour these into your mixer!!! Even in first class I was scolded for pouring Chambord into my champagne!!

  238. Doug says:

    This would be great advice if it weren’t illegal to consume your own alcohol on planes. I used to do this often until I was informed by both a flight attendant and an FAA Representative that it was a significant fine and could result in criminal charges. If you do this, don’t throw the bottles away with the flight attendants, use only brands that are carried on the plane and don’t let the Flight Attendants see you consuming it.

  239. dj says:

    just fly airFrance … alcohol is free …

  240. Matty, the Flying Broom Closet says:

    Okay, so it sounds like the consensus here is that the law is you can’t drink your own alcohol on a flight, but how about letting the f/a serve it to your and therefore monitor your intake as they would if you bought the stuff? Someone suggested this (allegedly and F/A) so I wonder how an f/a would handle is request.

  241. sixranges says:

    To me, it seems the issue here is respect. Can you get away with it? Sure. But when you’re confined to a small space for hours on end the last thing you want is your fellow passengers to think that somehow the rules don’t apply to them.

  242. Bill says:

    Holy crap people! Is it such a chore and inconvenience to avoid drinking alcohol for a few hours? It’s pathetic sometimes, what people choose to care about.

    • scott morr says:

      it’s obviously a chore for you to troll websites and give people your sober piece of mind. have fun dying funless.

  243. zoeboe says:

    I would just like to note more than one flight attendant has gotten me schnokered over the years, so the airlines don’t worry THAT much about getting passengers drunk. They want the money.

    • Danielle Woods says:

      A FA did you “get you schnokered” you got yourself drunk. The allowed you to purchase the alcohol and they were indeed watching you. Again, you have the few who don’t enforce the law, they are the ones who will suffer in the long run

  244. zhongcheung says:

    Are those bottles glass or plastic? What if they were glass? Would it pass? imagine breaking the end of it and it can be used as a weapon.

    • jsbull says:

      Some are glass.

      Should they ban pens and pencils too? You could stab someone much easier with one of those than making the effort to break a tiny glass bottle and somehow fashion it into to a weapon.

      Not to mention that they are now allowing small pocket knives through security….

  245. joopykunk says:

    Isn’t it sad that we have to live in fear of such a ridiculous thing? Afraid of being caught for over 500 ml of liquid, or how much you can actually fit in a plastic qt bag? It’s a shame that we all let stuff like this go on. Government shut downs, NSA spying, TSA Inspections. The land of the free has been forgotten, and replaced with the land of a shuffling heard excited about a freedom that hasn’t been taken away.

  246. I serve alcoholic beverages in retail stores. I am also TIPS certified.

    Part of the job of even a restaurant hostess is to not allow intoxicated people in. Even if we serve you a simple WATER, well….we have technically served you, according to DRAM shop laws. So when you hit a bus full of nuns later, even though we served you water, we are just as liable as the bar you got trashed at.

    I card EVERYONE. I don’t care if you look like you were 100 years old when the Titanic sank, I don’t care if I personally know you, I don’t care if you are my own relative – NO ID, no service.

    If you take your own booze on a plane….again, they are licensed to serve FROM the beverages they have purchased, and that only. If you really need a drink from that bottle, I suggest you take it to the bathroom and gulp it while you take a whiz.

    • Danielle Woods says:

      As a FA, yes, you can bring it through security, no you cannot drink it on the plane. What Gee said is 100% true. You have the minority of FA’s who are too lazy to “enforce” the law, but they are the ones who get fired and fined.
      I have a friend who did get fined for even allowing a intoxicated passenger on the flight. She almost lost her job and was sued by the family of this person.
      Not worth it. And for you passengers, please don’t do it. Don’t put our jobs in jeopardy by thinking you are allowed to do this. I don’t come to your place of business and put your jobs on the line.

    • Danielle Woods says:

      NO! Please do not do this. Most people aren’t even aware that one drink on the ground is 3 drinks in the air. It’s the altitude that effects the alcohol levels in the brain

  247. Pingback: TSA win for once.. - The Vette Barn Forum - A Community for Corvette Lovers

  248. Reblogged this on Cage Free Lifestyle and commented:
    All smiles

  249. Will Menezes says:

    You can bring it on board but you can’t consume it. It’s actually ILLEGAL to consume alcoholic beverages brought on board by passengers. The only alcoholic beverages that can be consumed on board is the booze served by the flight crew. For example, passengers can’t pop open a bottle of vodka they bought on duty free in the aircraft. It’s the law.

  250. Anna says:

    Good luck with this! If your airline catches you they could have authorities meet the plane upon landing because you are not allowed to serve yourself booze on the flight.

  251. Heather says:

    Drink in moderation and just order the chaser and mix it when they walk away and hide the evidence. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. If you are careless and get drunk, it’s your own fault. They serve liquor in airport bars where most people get drunk before boarding.. just tell them you had a lot to drink before getting on the plane. This law is as silly as not being able to bring your own food into a movie theater.
    We can serve you alcohol, but don’t consume your own? If you need help regulating your booze, you probably shouldn’t be drinking anyway.
    I guess it’ll end up being a few careless drunks that ruin it for everyone else, most likely there will be some incident that will have this enforced soon enough.
    They should state on the liquor menu not to consume your own as a disclaimer, or else how are people supposed to know?
    Anyway, I have a couple more trips this year. I always drink on planes, I am an adult and know how much to consume.
    Thanks for looking out. I think my friend Mr. Daniels wanted to go, I’ll make room for him.
    I have never ever been cut off of alcohol on planes, and believe me I’ve gotten drunk on flights many times.
    ps I think it’s cute all of these role model citizens are saying how “it’s the law.” As if “the law” ever gave 2 thoughts about you. Our rights are constantly being stripped from us and you guys care about drinking your own alcohol vs theirs.

    • Heather says:

      on a side note, airlines no longer accept cash for booze. Cards will leave a trail of who received alcohol. If you bring your own, how would an airline determine who is liable?

  252. Traci says:

    I can say for a FACT that in Toronto’s Pearson international airport (duty free shops) they have signs confirming that consuming your own supply of alcohol on board the plane is AGAINST THE LAW.

    I wanted to buy a mini bottle of bubbly for the ride 😦

  253. Daniel says:

    No idea what kind of discussion that is… I bought plenty of hard liquor at duty free shops after the security control in the past (especially on trips to scandinavia) and could have easily drink it on the plane without anyone even take notice… I just don´t really feel like getting piss drunk on a plane…. 🙂

  254. I recently flew the boxcar with wings, Alitalia. The flight was so rough with turbulence that people were breaking into their duty free bottles (like the Havana Club rum) and making all sorts of cocktails. I admit that the Italian Blood Orange juice they served on the plane and Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos makes a darned good cocktail.

  255. Ryan says:

    You all sound like a bunch of bloody alcoholics! If you “have” to drink…pay the price. If you’re a cheapskate who complains about markups, then don’t, and don’t take your kids to theme parks or buy popcorn at movie theaters. Jesus! lol

  256. Troy says:

    They’re called stewardists, not flight attendants…

  257. Rob says:

    I can’t believe how much of this convo I just read. All flight attendants please stay off this message, we don’t care. This is about being a travel ninja. And ninjas don’t get caught sneaking there own drinks. It’s just nice to know you won’t get it confiscated through security.

    • Yes, but it’s best to be a ninja in a country that isn’t a totalitarian state. Flight crews have been deputized to do anything and everything they want to you under the phony guise of “preventing terrorism”. Like anyone given so much power, they are prone to abuse it. Stick to flying in Asia where 103 lb, cute, smiling FAs don’t have to enforce draconian regulations, nor would they get pleasure out of doing so.

  258. John says:

    Fly Korean Air. Free alcohol. No bitchy FA. They’re actually nice to look at. Last, but not least, their service, as a member of the service industry, is actually top-notch. (Who would have thought, huh?)

  259. Good luck with that. I was threatened on a flight merely for complaining about our late departure. And that was as a first class passenger with top tier elite status, who is supposed to be treated with less suspicion by the airline then a random passenger.

    The FAA requires a flight attendant to serve you any alcohol, either your own or that you bring on board. No airline I know of will serve you your own alcohol.

  260. Pingback: good news for flyers :)

  261. I just dont need to go through all that effort to save $5.

  262. Actually, you have to be really careful about this. I know from experience. It’s actually illegal for passengers to self-serve on airplanes. I almost got kicked off a plane once for doing this; if we hadn’t already taken off I’m sure we would have. As it was, they confiscated the alcohol. It could really get you in trouble – yes you can get it through security, but it’s actually illegal to drink it on the plane.

  263. JN says:

    It is amazing how many FA’s commenting here are quoting their airline’s policies as LAW.

    • M Barnett says:

      Actually it’s not an airline policy it’s a Federal Aviation Regulation put into effect by the FAA, so here in the states it kinda is a law.

  264. Mike J. Kee says:

    Pretty funny what some people will do cause they can’t be without their mind altering substance!..thats pretty weak

  265. kimartino says:

    Reblogged this on kimartino and commented:
    Wish I knew this before now!! I fly every month.

  266. victoria says:

    @Arnold Gitard, where’s the like button??

  267. Stephanie Stewart says:

    What was written above is partially true……they left off the part about passengers not being able to open those little bottles once they board the aircraft. You wouldn’t want the police waiting for you at your destination, would you?

    A flight attendant

  268. Well, if you read the FAA laws posted verbatim above, nowhere does it imply or state that you are not allowed to bring your own alcohol onto the plane. It does state, however, that you may only DRINK an alcoholic beverage that the certificate holder of the aircraft serves to you. Therefore, according to the law above, it is inferred that you can bring your own, but must ask the FA to pour it or mix it, thereby acknowledging your consumption and allowing them to monitor your intake. They may refuse you if you show signs of intoxication.

    While this law appears to be clearly stated and could be argued in court, getting arrested and having a day in court isn’t the desired outcome and it seems that many FAs and airlines are in disagreement about the interpretation of this law, which could end badly for you. The letter of the law should be more closely examined and taught in a more streamlined fashion so everyone is on the same page. Until then…

    I’d say try this only if you are prepared for a battle. Is it worth the extra 5 bucks per drink? If you’re the type to challenge misinterpretation and false application of the law, then maybe. If not, buy a few drinks in the airport bar (or consume your mini bottles) and drink them before you board, enjoy the buzz, act sober, and “Ding, you’re now free to move about the country”. 🙂

  269. Tom Martin says:

    Or just by a 4 pack of shampoo bottles and fill away — been doing this for years… have never had an issue getting through TSA.

  270. scott morr says:

    well, it’s definitely true. however, refilling them may not be permitted as the law is UNopened bottles.

  271. meg rush says:

    I bring my own shooters on flights all the time and never questioned that it would be controversial. I’m deathly afraid of flying but have to do it all the time for work. I’ve tried serious doses of xanax but it rarely works for me. Instead I always get a drink at the airport bar right before boarding (so it will hopefully hit before take-off but not wear off), then have another once we’re in air and moving (it usually takes flight attendants too long to get the beverage carts over…if I waited on them you’d likely have me hyperventilating and yelping loudly at every bit of turbulence…much more disruptive).

    Plus, sometimes its just really embarrassing to have to order a drink at 8am or whenever my flight is. It’s never even occurred to me that this would be illegal. Plenty of flight attendants have seen. I’ve gotten a weird look before but have just told them that I’m scared of flying and no one has ever said anything.

  272. Sheilaajohnson says:

    I’m not too cheap to buy my drink, but they Never have my drink of choice, which is Pinot Grigio. Therefore, I never get to enjoy a cocktail on domestic or international flights. I would be thrilled to be able to hand over two tiny bottles of my wine to be served on a long flight!
    It’s also hard to find Hot Chocolate!
    So, that’s my 2 cents worth on the subject…😊

  273. Steve says:

    People think it’s because the airlines want to make money but it’s true….any alcohol drank on public transportation has to be served to you in order to monitor consumption. Federal law.

  274. Hawaii bob says:

    Aloha LAUREN : ) Gotta LOVE ur determination & creativity!! Geez i thought i was pretty cool putting brews in coke cans, i had nothing on u!…chuckle…ROCK ON, QUEEN of yoga (-: aloha SEK C hb

  275. It is no more legal on a flight than it is to bring into a licensed bar in a city. Additionally, refilling a 3 ounce bottle is illegal and can be confiscated by the TSA.

  276. Mimi says:

    Whatever happened to going a few hours without a drink? Can y’all not wait til you get home/to your destination? I can’t imagine anything much worse than being drunk on a plane. Having lived in the UK for a number of years, I’ve done my fair share of jet setting across the Atlantic. I never understood the appeal of booze on board. Drunks (no matter how pleasant) make for an uncomfortable flying atmosphere. Passengers pay way too much to put up with that crap.

  277. Disappointed Passenger says:

    I literally bought four little air plane shooters for me trip to Chicago today and have been notified by the attendant that I am prohibited from consuming my own alcohol under FAA policy. On the plane now and I bought 30 mins of Wifii just so I could re read this article and do some quick research and despite my disbelief, the attendant was in fact correct. Though this article never mentioned anything about consuming alcohol on the plane on his trip to Vegas, it sure appeals to the reader as the main point of this article. That being said, this was a tremendous let down. Thanks for nothing.

    • jsbull says:

      Dude, don’t advertise it. Just be a tad sneaky, don’t be a jerk, and no one cares. It’s not that hard to be discrete when only 3-4 people are serving 200 passengers.

  278. Norm says:

    LOL! This, and all the comments are hilarious! I agree with Mimi. Sure, I like a drink on occasion. But she is right. For heavens sake, wait a couple of hours or pay for a drink if you can’t go without one. You paid a couple of hundred bucks for a ticket but you quibble over a $7 drink? Besides, how enjoyable is a drink when you are being bounced around or jostled in close quarters in anything other than first class. Oh, and if you can’t go for 2 or 3 hours without a drink, when you land contact AA.. Good grief.

  279. James says:

    Or just avoid all of the risk and uncertainty about legality and fly on VIRGIN ATLANTIC, where the drinks are totally free. In their UPPER CLASS cabin, they even have a bar!!

  280. Jenna says:

    Why do the stewardesses always tell you what type of plane you are on and how many thousand feet you are flying at?? Bitch just bring me my peanuts!

  281. Father Tetra says:

    OMG TOTALITARIAN HEATHENS! TAKING AWAY OUR RIGHTS!…no they have these rulse cuz someone screwed it up for everyone else. Cant drink on the plane? Drink before the plane dummy. FER YER HELTH

  282. Cindy says:

    You have discovered an interesting loophole with TSA… However, as a Flight Attendant, OUR REGULATIONS will not permit you to drink them on the plane!! You may not drink any alcoholic beverage that we did not serve you!

  283. Meg says:

    As a flight attendant, I can tell you that even though you are permitted to bring the alcohol through TSA, you are NOT permitted to drink your own alcohol onboard the aircraft. If you do, you are breaking the law. As we all know, breaking the law onboard an aircraft can result in serious consequences.

  284. Jesus G says:

    Stop the cheap shit and pay!!! If you cant afford it you shouldn’t be drinking!!

  285. Bob says:

    I don’t doubt what gee is saying, but the truth is, most air waitresses aren’t particularly good at their jobs. I mean, you could probably snort cocaine on most flights without any complaints…

    More importantly, gee seems to be talking about the FAA. That’s an American thing, but there is more than one country, and the other ones also have planes.

  286. Jennifer says:

    I just buy a single cocktail, and then spike it with another little mini bottle or two.

    That way it doesn’t matter if it smells like alcohol or not, because you initially purchased a cocktail.

  287. Adam Aragon says:

    PRO-TIP: bring in your booze of choice, for example (Gin for Gin & Tonics) – then ORDER one gin and tonic with an extra bottle of tonic water. Then refill your gin & tonic from your own stash of gin and their tonic. As long as you’re not doing it in front of a flight attendant it’s a pretty much works, because it looks like you’re just nursing your drink. As for the people that say it’s illegal to drink your own booze on a plane, that’s true – however – F You Airlines, because you don’t shit on everyone enough already. Have you flown lately? Booze is pretty much required.

  288. Chris Monahan says:

    Can people not go a few hours without getting wasted? I like to drink but Jesus, this forum is longer than a cancer support forum.

  289. Mitch says:

    Flights around Europe you can take a normal sized unopened bottle alcohol (in my case Jack Daniels) and then should you wish, drink it on the plane. That includes international flights that I have taken to South Africa, Japan & Canada.

    IT only becomes a problem when you disrupt other passengers. Infact, on my first international flight I bought alcohol under the legal age limit as my parents were present. 2004, so post 9/11.

    No 1984 style oppression on European Airlines.

  290. Snowy says:

    Pff. Forego all these silly arguments. If you need to be descreet then you take your booze, you order a large cola, you top it off. Job done.

  291. Paul says:

    Federal Aviation Regulation Part 121.575-Alcohlic Beverages:
    “(a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.
    (b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—
    (1) Appears to be intoxicated;
    (2) Is escorting a person or being escorted in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.221; or
    (3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to him while aboard the aircraft in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.
    (c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.
    (d) Each certificate holder shall, within five days after the incident, report to the Administrator the refusal of any person to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, or of any disturbance caused by a person who appears to be intoxicated aboard any of its aircraft.
    [Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19219, Dec. 31, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 121–118, 40 FR 17552, Apr. 21, 1975; Amdt. 121–178, 47 FR 13316, Mar. 29, 1982; Amdt. 121–275, 67 FR 31932, May 10, 2002]”

    Short answer, violation it is considered a criminal act (interfering with the flight crew) as well as open to civil action (penalties as in forfeiture of future flight privileges and fines that can be quite considerable depending on the circumstances of the act). Federal Aviation Regulations take on the weight of law once a certificate holder has been issued a certificate to operate by the FAA.

    Keep in mind that the airlines’ operating certificate is at risk should a flight attendant witness the dispensing of non-aircraft alcohol. They will take it seriously and if caught a second time may invoke the above by alerting the flight deck Captain. You may be met at the aircraft door at disembarking only to be met by U.S. Air Marshall’s, Airport Police and possible the Federal Bureau of Investigation (depending on the seriousness of the act, the Captain can elect to divert to the nearest airport which raises all sorts of problems for the violator!).

    The flight attendants that have spoken before in this thread should be commended for standing by their training. Hopefully the above information can be used by them in the future when confronted with passengers (inebriated or otherwise) and on other board postings.

    Regarding TSA allowing alcohol through screening areas:
    1. All liquids, gels and aerosols must be in three-ounce or smaller containers. Larger containers that are half-full or toothpaste tubes rolled up are not allowed. Each container must be three ounces or smaller.
    2. All liquids, gels and aerosols must be placed in a single, quart-size, zip-top, clear plastic bag. Gallon size bags or bags that are not zip-top such as fold-over sandwich bags are not allowed. Each traveler can use only one, quart-size, zip-top, clear plastic bag.
    3. Each traveler must remove their quart-sized plastic, zip-top bag from their carry-on and place it in a bin or on the conveyor belt for X-ray screening. X-raying separately will allow TSA security officers to more easily examine the declared items.

    *More than 70 percent alcohol content (140 proof) is prohibited from carry-on and checked luggage. Up to 5 liters of alcohol with alcoholic content between 24 percent and 70 percent are allowed per person as carry-on if bought inside checkpoint.

    So you may pass screening in a fashion described at the outset of this article but…many distilled beverages exceed the 140 proof threshold. Be careful of this as an alert TSA screener could confiscate your bottle(s) and subject your other carry-ons to further scrutiny based on probable cause.

  292. Todd says:

    Wrong, right, legal, illegal…c’mon. I’ve been on flights where I was given a free drink just because. I’m not looking to get psycho, I just don’t have the money to buy expensive drinks. Same reason I have a nice bar at home and don’t go out. I don’t think they’d arrest you for having one Gin and tonic

  293. Kelly White says:

    The thing I have to say is they dont pour it for you any more ,they hand you the bottle and the can of mary mix

    I have done this since I was 18 ….30 years now .. and only had one snippy stewardess man say anything once .

  294. it's the law says:

    It is against the airline’s liquor license. Would you bring your own liquor into a bar? Flight Attendants are required by law to ask you to not drink your own if they see it. If you refuse, they may confiscate it.

  295. Chris Amato says:

    this too much every other person is your dumb this your dumb that you can do this you can do that if every one on here is F/A then how come everyone has a completely different set of rules an air plane has to have a liquor license there for no u can not consume your own alcohol and yes it is against the law so no its nobody’s right at all they take shit seriously up there. do you know what your fine is for making a plane land? yea thats comming out of your pocket. if u can afford a flight ticket then u can afford over priced shooters so deal with it why even leave a chance of getting in trouble and getting it taken away it’l cost the same

  296. Osc says:

    However you can not drink your own liquor on the flight. It’s against FAA regulation (Federal offense if you do).

  297. Dominic says:

    Macadoodles in Joplin?!! Small world, that place is ledgit.

  298. Renee says:

    Just put a letter big red letter A on all the people who feel they can not get through the flight without a drink and let them do it! At least everyone would know they have been checked for alcohol. Involve more paperwork too while you’re at it, have everyone fill out disclaimers and liability releases! Better yet, separate the planes, alcohol flight and non alcohol flights! Can we possibly get any more absurd when trying to have fun?

  299. Ang says:

    And per some company policies, the only alcohol allowed to be consumed onboard is that purchased from airline personnel. Save it for your destination vs. dealing with repercussions of not adhering to flight crew instructions to put your alcohol away.

  300. Lynn says:

    But you CANNOT Drink from them On the Airplane! It’s against FAA Regulations to Drink Alcohol that’s not served by a Flight Attendant while you’re a Passenger!!!!!

  301. Kerry Lalush says:

    Ok so there seems to be a lot of arguments saying yay or ney. The way I see it, if you can get it through security and your allowed to have it. What’s the harm in asking your flight attendant? If the answer is no it’s no. You’ve spent about $15 on liquor which now you can just have at your hotel! Hardly a waste if money. It’s not about being an alcoholic it’s about having a screwdriver to calm my nerves at 6am when your not serving liquor.

  302. Jk says:

    As a veteran Flight Attendant I can tell you that there are different policies for different airlines. You can interpret, or misinterpret the law any way you like. But what is more important, is the individual carrier policy. When the federal law is different than the carrier policy, the stronger of the two prevail.
    As far as the flight attendants not knowing–whether people chose to acknowledge it or not, their behavior is almost always affected by alcohol–we almost always notice! Just yesterday, I had a gentleman denied boarding his connecting flight because he became intoxicated on mine. I had no choice but to report it. If the drinks are really that important, perhaps you should seek help!!

  303. Shannon says:

    According to the TSA website itself: Travelers may now carry through security checkpoints travel-size toiletries (3 ounces or less) that fit comfortably in ONE, QUART-SIZE, clear plastic, zip-top bag.

    With the exception of medications, any amount of liquid including alcohol greater than three ounces must be packed in your checked baggage.

    Liquids, including alcohol purchased after clearing the security checkpoint are permitted aboard aircraft.

    So it is perfectly legal. Here’s the link if you want to read it yourself. http://www.tsa.gov/traveler-information/alcoholic-beverages

  304. John says:

    It’s legal to have them on the aircraft, but due to federal flight regulations, it’s ILLEGAL to consume beverages that are not provided by the aircraft or those responsible for it.


  305. Pingback: FAA Rule Change: Angry Birds Allowed During Takeoff and Landing | I'm a Travel Ninja

  306. Pilot says:

    It’s also against federal aviation regulations to consume that alcohol on the flight. Any alcohol must be served to you by the airline. FAR 121.575.

    Congrats on breaking federal law.

  307. Betty F says:

    I know alcohol and food are not the same, but for those comparing bringing alcohol on the plane to bringing alcohol to a bar, you CAN bring food onboard to avoid paying for the lame plane food offered. Why shouldn’t you be able to bring your own minis? When you go to a bar or restaurant you go there specifically for drink or food. When you go on a plane it is for the transportation service. Laws aside, and no one seems to have the definitive answer, the analogy is erroneous.

  308. Faith says:

    1. you need to remove this because I am reporting it to the FAA as false information
    2. Really? Who drinks a cocktail without ice- if you look like
    b. ask for a cup of ice and cocktail accessories- you’re busted and you will be busted because the FAA will look at this and send an industry wide e-mail to set examples for all the idiots who will continue to break the laws. the laws (regulations) are there for a reason; flight attendants aren’t obligated to put up with trashy-drunk assholes.
    So please feel free- do this- it will guarantee to cut your trashy vegas vacation\wedding short.

  309. Michelle (FA) says:

    You can bring alcohol on board an aircraft but you are not allowed to consume it. The FAA which puts out Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR’s) for all airlines that hold a certificate within the United States does not allow passengers to consume their own alcohol. Not only can you as the passenger get in trouble for this but the Airline and the Flight Attendant receive a rather large fine. Up to $5,000 for the Flight Attendant who allowed it and I have seen fines up to $40,000 for the airline. Remember that TSA just monitors what you bring on the aircraft the FAA monitors what you do with what you bring on board the aircraft, big difference.

    “Sec. 121.575 — Alcoholic beverages.
    (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

    (b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—

    (1) Appears to be intoxicated”

  310. Rhuaridh says:

    Guys, guys, guys (and gals), calm down. There’s a simple solution to all of this: fly with an airline that serves free alcohol. Problem solved.

  311. This is all about money. Airlines prefers to rip you off blind. plain and simply.

    • Maybe it is a law or not. but its a law that is favored by airlines. It’s like when a road has a 55 mph speed zone and then a 25 mph speed zone hoping to catch you not paying attention. Speed trap. Why else would the allow the alcohol and can;t drink them. If this was true why allow alcohol on plane them if you can’t drink it.

      • VB says:

        uhhhhhh…same reason you are allowed to bring cigarettes on a plane. So you can enjoy them when you GET TO your destination, NOT so you can smoke them on the plane!

  312. General Professional says:

    Welcome to the internet, where everyone is a lawyer, a pilot, a cop, a bartender or a general “professional” LOL

  313. Kelly Martin says:

    So buy a juice or soda after TSA and just dump some of your liquor in the bottle in a bathroom before you board and problem solved. Save your money and no need to buy airline drink.

  314. Pingback: All Aboard!

  315. Jared Baird says:

    How does the refilling of the bottles work? The seal has to be unbroken, no?

  316. Christopher says:

    I dunno about you all..but if someone drinks all that hard liquor that was in that ziplock bag in 1 sitting..I would say they are gonna be mighty intoxicated.I myself wouldn’t want to be on a flight..especially an international flight with a lot of drunks. I know not all would drink that much right after the other but you know there are people that will if they knew of this ability to get the alcohol on the airplane. Trust me..I do-not like the higher fees either but I can also wait to get to where I am going before I get drunk ….Just my 2 cents.

  317. Have a good time gal... says:

    I am more concerned about taking full bottles to my destination…I fly international alot and all liquor is included with Singapore Air. For 6 or less hours of flying, use your bottles at the airport
    to get a buzz….they are more expensive than the airplane….

  318. Sarah Taylor says:

    Did you know that drinking your own alchohol on a flight is illegal? I am a Flight Attendant. You may want to do your research before writing articles like this and potentially getting people into trouble. If we catch someone drinking we have to confiscate it, dump it down the laboratory toilet and document it. We are required to write down all the passengers information to be tracked so that depending on the severity the Airline will contact the passenger. Depending on the severity during the flight , this could result in security meeting the aircraft and the possibility of being out on a no fly list. Trust me people , it’s not worth it. I implore everyone to do their research.

  319. Peter says:

    Here’s the link to the Canadian law. Much like the US law, you have to have an FA pour it for you but there’s nothing wrong with it besides that… they won’t pour if you’re wasted, of course. Looks like even FAs need to educate themselves. And yes, that’s kind of the sad part, someone at the airline is training the FAs to think that it’s illegal so that they don’t forgo the profits of selling alcohol on board… and as someone pointed out it’s illegal to disobey and FA. So, if one won’t pour it for you because he/she thinks that it’s illegal, I suppose you have to listen, even though you’re right and they’re wrong.


    • David says:

      In the US, it is illegal to consume your own alcohol.
      The law is posted for reading in the airlines’ magazines.
      Every single airline posts it.

  320. Yeti says:

    I’m very glad I live in the UK, where none of this nonsense applies, and the flight attendants simply hand you the miniature to pour yourself, and you can drink your own too 🙂

  321. Ash says:

    The only problem with your great idea is that your not allowed to consume your own alcohol on board an aircraft. If your flight attendant catches you he or she will confiscate it and possibly have the authorities meet you at your destination.
    (I would)
    From, your not so friendly flight attendant.

  322. Tara says:

    WOW. Talk about irresponsible reporting. This is HIGHLY illegal. Yeah, you can bring it, but enjoy your jail time/massive fines if you are found drinking it onboard. Not to mention 99% of incidents in the air involve some douche who decided to have one too many. And believe it or not, alcohol affects you differently at 40 000ft in a pressurized metal tube than on the ground. Hence why your flight attendants spend far too much f’ing time watching out for dicks like you instead of being able to just focus on providing great customer service. JSYK, if you have had one too many on your flight, there are countries that will not even let you in but send you right back. And it is also ILLEGAL for a flight attendant to let someone board an aircraft if they are inebriated as they now pose a safety risk to the other passengers. Besides, who wants to sit next to that for a 4 hour flight?

    • Amy says:

      I understood this to be a blog, not a news report. And I have been scrolling and scanning through almost 1000 comments and just can’t believe how many people comment as if they are the only person in the world who KNOWS what the “law” is. I’m curious how you get to the point of typing out a comment without realizing that there are already eleventeen dozen comments that say the exact same freakin’ thing. Wow.

      • jsbull says:

        Hahaha. So true. I approve comments and I think I’ve approved about 400 identical ones from sofa legal experts.

        And thank you for pointing out that it’s a blog! I’m not a freaking journalist. This is a hobby and to me, this is a fun trick.

  323. I have been bringing mini bottle of alcohol on flights for years. I learned the trick from a flight attendant! I don’t openly show them that I have brought my own alcohol, but it is also completely legal. I order a soda and a cup with ice, they walk away, I pour in my booze 🙂 When the flight attendants do find out you have brought your own stash they simply ask that you let them know how many you have brought so they can keep tabs on you. I suppose if you don’t get rowdy then there’s no issue. I bring two to take the edge off of flying. I would ask that you take this blog down so my little secret doesn’t go national and then some idiot gets drunk and rowdy and ruins it for all of us.

  324. Pingback: The Daily Sampler | Hockey Dreams Come True, the Truth About Flight-Boozing, and the Bromance of the Century

  325. M. Allen says:

    I’m a flight attendant and I have to tell you it is very much illegal to drink your own alcohol on a plane. Same as going to a bar or restaurant. And honestly it’s about the same price. Being caught drinking your personal alcohol on an aircraft can cause you to be arrested and fined. INSTEAD! Bring a box of chocolates to your crew and they’ll likely take care of you. :wink wink:

  326. Weston Pope says:

    Denzel would have gotten off scott-free if he had just blamed the passengers.

    I’m not 100% sure, but if there was any accuracy to the movie Flight, the flight crew/FAA keeps tabs on the number of bottles on-board in case, like in the movie, there is a crash.

    Obviously this was a movie but I think it was based on a true story. Food for thought.

  327. Patrick says:

    My friend and I have been doing this for years now… Two points: you can have more then one 1 qt bag, so you don’t need to leave your cologne (or the second bag of booze) at home. Also, I wouldn’t suggest flaunting that you brought 7-20 mini-bottles with you on the plane but I order Ice in a cup all the time (and sometimes even mixers) even sharing with others around me, and I’ve never had a single FA say anything to me. Like any flight you’re on, don’t get plowed, smile at the FAs and if confronted offer a drink and apologize if they really want you to stop it should help defuse the tension.

  328. Ya know, after reading all this, illegal, legal, served by a cert holder, safety over profit, bottom line….no more alcohol on planes for consumption, period! how do I know that the pilot isnt a closet alcoholic?, or even the air marshall who is incognito and supposed to be ensuring our safety?, all this debate over something this petty, sounds like my 5 year old neices and nephews arguing over who gets to play with the toy! sheesh people,, get over it.

  329. douche canoe says:

    useless info thanks for the waste of time

  330. Loren says:

    But please note that most airlines don’t allow passengers to drink their own alcohol bc of security issues. Get caught on board and you’re in much bigger trouble.

  331. tlm says:

    The TSA may allow you to bring it, but the FAA will not allow you to drink it. Please remove this so others don’t get into trouble!

  332. Carris says:

    Flight attendant service announcement. If you are caught drinking from your own container on a fl)ight, the flight attendants are required to confiscate alcohol and return it to you at the end of the flight. All alcohol consumed onboard aircraft must be opened and served by a crew member. Happy flying and Safe Travels 🙂

  333. Pingback: BYOB! | 40 Litres To Freedom

  334. Ryan says:

    You’re an idiot!
    It’s illegal to drink your own alcohol on board an aircraft…
    Have fun talking with the cops when you land and having the FA’s confiscate your liquor!
    Riff Raff like you make flying a nightmare for everyone!

  335. Amanda says:

    Okay, seriously people. DON’T DO THIS!!! Yes, it’s okay to bring them through security. NO, it’s NOT okay to drink them on your flight. It is SO illegal! You can bring duty free on board, too, but DON’T DRINK IT TIL YOU GET TO YOUR FINAL DESTINATION! I work for an airline, I know what I’m talking about. Far better to tell the crew of the flight it’s your anniversary or birthday to get a free drink or two. And don’t get drunk before your flight, because you’ll get denied boarding. No messing around here people! Intoxication and airplanes mix to make some unhappy situations!!!

  336. mat says:

    Just shot it up in the restroom, problem fixed and then let the games begin lol and to all my flight attendents that are soooooooo worried about my alcohol intake….f off!!!!!!

  337. Katrina says:

    Canadian Flight Attendant here… unlike it states in the FAA, our CARS regulations state differently — that yes, you CAN bring your own alcohol (duty free, purchase from home etc), however you may not consume it on board, and you may not give it to a flight attendant to serve to you. Yes there are many tricks in the book, but the reason FA’s get so up in arms about it, is because the majority of passengers who cause safety problems on board an aircraft are under the influence of alcohol or drugs (this information comes from generated reports each year). We are taught to be aware of it, and sometimes some FA’s may make more of a scene, but it is a big issue we need to be concerned about.

    The other day when all the passengers had deplaned, we found 5 empty mini’s in a seat pocket — none of has had any idea that they were being consumed during the flight, which is usually the case — however, we made a report and also had the Gate Agent write a note on their file (according to the seat location).

    So sure, go ahead and take your chances — if you run into someone like me on board, I will most definitely be quite nice about it, however I will still pour out your alcohol — the safety of the passengers and crew on board are much more important to me than you enjoying your much needed drink.

    • k4 says:

      you found 5 mini’s that some passenger who in your delusional head was a safety threat. Yet you landed safely, with no problem. AMIRITE? yeah, thats what i thought. This is about profit, since you serve alcohol on board. if you were that worried about it being a safety issue, you wouldn’t serve booze at all. I am not sure why this has to be explained to you, because it is obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills!

  338. k4 says:

    This is going on and one with complete idiots posting about how it’s illegal bc apparently they are illiterate and cannot read the 400 times someone has posted ACTUALS LAWS FROM A LAW WEBSITE saying that you can bring it on a place but a flight attendant has to serve it to you. Seriously, what am I missing here that even people who work for the airlines aren’t understanding. It’s very simple people. Even Jet Blue’s regulation website has been posted saying it’s ok and yet we have these idiots still commenting that it’s not. What is scary is the amount of people who are supposed to be airline industry professionals that don’t seem to know, or who don’t understand plain english. This is why people are rude to many of you. You are incompetant, barely literate fools who clearly are awful at your job. I’m going to keep this in mind when dealing with you people from now on. As if ythe TSA and the downfall of the entire industry itself wasn’t enough, now it’s clear many airline employees rather spread lies and misinformation under some BS guide of safety. I think what us travelers can take away from this is that you better know the rules and regs so you don’t get falsely accused of something by an ignorant, bullying, airline employee! It is very likely many people have been taken advantage of for a myriad of things if this is the kind of people they have working for them!!!!

  339. Marce says:

    These replies have been the highlight of my morning! Everyone on their high horse about the law, Pu-lease! As many people stated, it’s also illegal to go 1mph above the speed limit, but we all do it. As for all the “Oh Mylanta! If you can’t wait 2-3 hours for a drink then you have bigger issues” I think most of us drink b/c we are terrified of flying, I don’t think the majority of us who want to enjoy a cocktail or two on board are trying to turn the plane into our own personal club/bar. We’re not trying to get shit wrecked, we just want a beverage or two (maybe 3) to make it through the flight.

    As for security purposes, I get that, but how is having 2 of your own drinks a security threat but not buying 2 drinks from the attendants? I understand they want to monitor people’s liquor intake, but how do they know what everyone’s tolerance is? I have friends who get hammered off 3 drinks, I have friends who could still operate heavy machinery after 15. If someone is getting drunk and rowdy that’s one thing, but if we’re sitting un noticed in a window seat silently sipping a vodka sprite, while catching up on “50 Shades of Grey” before it hits theaters, who gives a shit that it’s HIGHLY ILLEGAL? If it’s such a security threat then why not just ban alcohol on flights and airports all together?! Wouldn’t that solve the security issue? And serious alcoholics will be serious alcoholics no matter the restrictions you put on them.

    And the “if you can’t afford a drink, then don’t drink” comments. I have no problem paying $7 for a drink, in fact, I do it frequently, hell, I’ll pay $15 for a good drink. But keep in mind, this is mainly while I’m out with friends, enjoying a good meal, and I’m paying for the ATMOSPHERE not the drink itself. There is no way that the “pressurized metal tube” as so many referred to it as, is worthy atmosphere of a $7 drink. And as far as getting it past TSA in the 3.4oz bottle, in the 1 Qt. bag, how many bottles can one person even get onto the plane? I think the article claimed 10, but I might have to call bullshit on that one. I am a girl, so I do need my other ‘liquid essentials’ but I have only been able to get in maybe 3-4 tops. And really, 3-4 drinks on a plane isn’t enough to get me trashed. Especially if I’m flying 3-4 hours, that’s one drink an hour, I’d be lucky to have a buzz. I understand everyone wants to claim to be such law abiding citizens but should this really be getting you all in a huff? Just be glad they’re keeping the weapons off the plane and let us sit a sip a cocktail that we brought on the plane legally, its not that serious. If you have a problem with it being HIGHLY ILLEGAL, then don’t YOU do it. And I better not catch you speeding or stealing your neighbors wifi either!

    -END RANT!

    • Seven Echoes says:

      “I think most of us drink b/c we are terrified of flying.”

      There are many alternatives to ease discomfort than drinking illegally on a plane. You have to admit, sneaking drinks anywhere has a negative connotation…the word “sneak” IS in there. I know many folks who are scared of flying, but find easier and legal ways to do it. Again, drink at an airport bar for starters and THEN buy maybe a drink on the flight.

      “but how is having 2 of your own drinks a security threat but not buying 2 drinks from the attendants? I understand they want to monitor people’s liquor intake, but how do they know what everyone’s tolerance is?”

      They don’t. But they REGULATE drinks. That means they have the responsibility of monitoring passengers and their inebriation; some do it better than others. In the “pressurized metal tube” in the sky, one can suffer from hypoxia…less oxygen to the brain in a high altitude environment…which is exacerbated with alcohol. And, if you’re afraid of flying, one might make the mistake of self-medicating too much too fast. That becomes a problem. Even the nicest person can become a jerk under the influence. I get that you’re not trying to party, but alcohol can cause problems, and you’re in an enclosed space with a lot of people. Safety is a HUGE concern. So quit trying to sweep that under this notion of us being on our high horse.

      “but if we’re sitting un noticed in a window seat silently…”

      Look, the point of…at least, MY comments…is less about condemning the few who wish to drink silently and responsibly, but the fact that the author DOES NOT MENTION IT IS ILLEGAL. People raising a fuss are more likely trying to put that point across. We aren’t here to ruin your fun; we want to raise points. And yes, the author never mentions to drink them on the flight…oh, except for THE TITLE OF THE ARTICLE.

      “If it’s such a security threat then why not just ban alcohol on flights and airports all together?!”

      This kind of argument is pointless.

      “There is no way the “pressurized metal tube” as so many referred to it as, is worthy atmosphere of a $7 drink.”

      The way you’ve worded this makes it about drinking being about fun and about atmosphere, which counters your points about it being about calming nerves.

      “And I better not catch you speeding or stealing your neighbors wifi either!”

      Nice ad hominem to close out the comment. Are you seriously comparing stealing someone’s wifi to causing a problem on a plane?

      • Marce says:

        I am not comparing that at all, because I’m not referring to people who are causing a problem on a plane, I can probably guess that 99% of the people who have commented stating that they have done this in the past have never caused a problem on the plane. I’m comparing 2 things that are “stealing” and “sneaking” that if they aren’t bothering anyone who really cares?!

        I’m not defending people who are inebriated beyond belief and are causing a problem on the plane, but I think the majority of us can agree that isn’t the goal when “sneaking” a few cocktails on a long flight, we aren’t bothering anyone.

      • Seven Echoes says:

        Sorry, Marce, but saying that if i’m upset about people sneaking drinks on a flight I should be upset about people stealing wifi, that’s comparison. You’re dumbing down the acts in some bizarre way. And again, still comparing them when you say that they are sneaking and stealing, so who cares if you aren’t bothering anyone. Your original statement is “If you have a problem with it being HIGHLY ILLEGAL, then don’t YOU do it. And I better not catch you speeding or stealing your neighbors wifi either!” Translation: Since I don’t like this idea of ILLEGALLY drinking on a flight, don’t do it. But since I’m all “bent out of shape” about on-flight drinking, I better not do other crimes, one of which is more of a nuisance.

        Personally, I don’t care what you do. Do whatever you need to do as long as it doesn’t make my flight terrible.

        My point is still that’s it’s illegal, and no mention of that was made in the article.

  340. April says:

    Better make sure the stewards are on board with this! I tried this on a flight to Hawaii. Had no problems with them going thru security but was yelled at & told it was illegal when filling my glass on the plane!

  341. Russ says:

    Hello, a Canadian commercial pilot here. As all of my flight attendant counterparts have been correct in pointing out, this is illegal. Here are the official rules. First from the Canadian Aviation Regulations:

    CARS 602.04
    Source: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-96-433/page-170.html#h-737
    Date: November 14, 2013

    “Alcohol or Drugs — Passengers
    602.04 (1) In this section, “intoxicating liquor” means a beverage that contains more than 2.5 per cent proof spirits.

    (2) No person shall consume on board an aircraft an intoxicating liquor unless the intoxicating liquor
    (a) has been served to that person by the operator of the aircraft; or
    (b) where no flight attendant is on board, has been provided by the operator of the aircraft.

    (3) No operator of an aircraft shall provide or serve any intoxicating liquor to a person on board the aircraft, where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the person’s faculties are impaired by alcohol or a drug to an extent that may present a hazard to the aircraft or to persons on board the aircraft.

    (4) Subject to subsection (5), no operator of an aircraft shall allow a person to board the aircraft, where there are reasonable grounds to believe that the person’s faculties are impaired by alcohol or a drug to an extent that may present a hazard to the aircraft or to persons on board the aircraft.

    (5) The operator of an aircraft may allow a person whose faculties are impaired by a drug to board an aircraft, where the drug was administered in accordance with a medical authorization and the person is under the supervision of an attendant.”

    Now from the FAA for the USA,
    Title 14: Aeronautics and Space
    Subpart T – Flight Operations
    Source: http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/retrieveECFR?gp=&SID=e8e92aa071022296368081a9ed798cca&n=14y3.

    Ҥ121.575 Alcoholic beverages.

    (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

    (b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—

    (1) Appears to be intoxicated;

    (2) Is escorting a person or being escorted in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.221; or

    (3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to him while aboard the aircraft in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.

    (c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.

    (d) Each certificate holder shall, within five days after the incident, report to the Administrator the refusal of any person to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, or of any disturbance caused by a person who appears to be intoxicated aboard any of its aircraft.”

    Other Cabin Safety information:
    Source: Cabin Safety Subject Index

    Click to access CabinSafetyIndex.pdf

    Date: November 14, 2013

    • Jenna Vee says:


      Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the [United States] FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.” 1989 WL 1631937 (D.O.T.) Legal Interpretation

      Yes, all the regulations say they must “be served by” a flight attendant but no where does it say you cannot bring your own alcohol and have that served to you.

  342. Shan says:

    Yes it is illegal. Just like bringing your own bottle into a bar to pour your own would be. It is not under the FAA but the liquor & gaming laws. They are usually based on the laws of the state/province the airline is based out of, or the place of departure. And no you likely won’t get arrested literally on the flight – the pilots will call ahead and have authorities waiting for you when you get off. Also an offence committed on an aircraft is usually federal, so you will likely end up with a permanent record if convicted. Don’t do it!

  343. Boozer Bill says:

    You have a terrible taste in alcohol.

    • jsbull says:

      Not really, a wide variety just looked better in the photos. I’m a bourbon and beer guy, and you can’t get a decent brand of either in the friendly skies. If they’d serve Blanton’s, I’d be elated.

  344. Ben Dover says:

    Someone on this threads name is Michael Hunt. haha

  345. Kris says:

    Great idea, however FAA regulations do not permit passengers to drink their own liquor. It must be served by a flight attendant. Just when you thought you could get around the rules….May I suggest you look into your local AA chapter??? With this much preoccupation and planning on being able to drink you truly need to evaluate if you have an alcohol problem.

  346. Jon says:

    Just get a small water drink or empty it and refill in the bathroom/. Easy as pie. Makes those Bloody Mary’s a bit less expensive.

  347. Angela Buckley says:

    Just one problem….they dont allow you to drink your own alcohol on any flight. “as a warning, the effects of alcohol are increased with altitude, only alcohol served by us may be consumed on board, we reserve the right refuse to serve alcohol to anyone based on their consumption and not just by their behaviour.”

  348. SkycandyGirl says:

    In Canada, once you step on an aircraft, you are under the jurisdiction of Canadian Federal Law. These are called the Canadian Air Regulations (CARs). Any contravention of these regulations can lead to criminal prosecution.
    Let me make that crystal clear. CRIMINAL. You cannot drink your own alcohol on board. the aircraft. Period. End of story. Playing semantics or misinterpretation of said laws is a very slippery slope indeed. And could leave you with a criminal record.
    Take the alcohol for consumption at your destination? Sure, no problem if it complies with all security regs. And having an open bottle of alcohol on you going into certain destinations can also be very risky and illegal.
    These laws and regulations, whether they be Canadian, American or International, are designed to ensure your safety on board a giant, metal tube flying at 35,000 feet at speeds of 800+kph. We don’t take that lightly and neither should you. Fly safe and legally everyone!

  349. Ap says:

    I don’t think people are understanding some of the consequences that come with consuming your own alcohol on board. It’s a FAA regulation meaning it’s against the law to do so. I had a passenger who was caught not once but twice in the same flight consuming his own alcohol. His passport was confiscated on the flight and handed to police officers who escorted him off the plane once we landed. He was black listed from flights on out carrier as well. The idea sounds good but the consequences are not worth it. I’d rather pay the $7 than to risk wasting my first vacation day dealing with police officers in some unknown country or city.

  350. Director Svenhardt says:

    hey guys, i’m the head of the governing body for civilian aircrew and also i used to be a pilot for a major carrier before i got picked up by the air marshals as a terror-stopper. let me tell you, unequivocally, that any flight attendant who tries to stop you from drinking has no legal basis for their demands. every person in this thread who said otherwise is a filthy liar, and any person who contradicts me after this point is intentionally trying to mislead you.

    flight attendants, pilots, and air marshals: stay in your lane, this has nothing to do with any of you.

    • David says:

      Excuse me. You need to watch yourself and your words.
      YOU, sir, are wrong and don’t know what you’re saying.
      According to US federal law, it is ILLEGAL to consume alcohol not given to someone by a flight attendant.
      DO NOT call us, flight crew out, because we clearly know what the laws are.

      • Director Svenhardt says:

        You clearly are not an officer of the law, and it is outside the scope of our duty to expect those officers that may be aboard as marshals or at the various airports to use their authority in order to enforce the policies of the companies that hired us. Davey, you are grossly under qualified to be spouting off about what you “clearly” know to be law. riddle me this, are you air crew or are you law enforcement? are you air crew or are you an attorney? are you air crew or are you a legislator? I will repeat myself, stay in your lane. You are not Wyatt Earp and the sky is not the wild west.

      • Jenna Vee says:

        David – can you please cite something that actually says it is illegal?

        FAA Sec. 121.575 — Alcoholic beverages.
        (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

        Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.”

        I’ve posted this before, yet people keep claiming this is illegal. From the information I found, you CAN bring your own alcohol AND drink it – it just has to be served by a flight attendant. However, airlines can have their own policies prohibiting flight attendants from doing so. However, it is a policy, not a law and therefore NOT illegal to do.

  351. David says:

    Pull them out on the plane, and the LEAST that will be done is scolding you.
    In fact, it is ILLEGAL to consume anything alcoholic that a flight attendant doesn’t give you, and you could be punished by federal law.
    Yes, you can bring them with you on the plane, but don’t open them.
    Just a heads up from me, a flight attendant. 😉

  352. Karen Einarson says:

    I really cannot believe that there is this much contreversary over booze. Yes the flight attendents should have to sell it so it can be regulated. I sure as hell wouldn’t want some loud mouth snook sitting next to me gettting higher by the minute on his own alcohol. Oh I know some will say that they will just have a drink or two–which is fine, BUT whats good for the goose is good for the gander, so I say Buy it at 7.$ and stay sober.

  353. gepff says:

    Gee Are you hot? I remember flight attendants…. Stewardesses! Were hot.. miss those days

  354. Slonishku says:

    Driving to another state to buy booze for a flight? Squeezing as much as you can carry into your bag? Leaving toiletries behind in favor of liquor? Thinking its great that you can use bigger shampoo bottles to squeeze in an extra 33ml, as if half a liter of booze isn’t enough for a flight? Really? Maybe you should be researching AA rather than the FAA. Just sayin’.

  355. Monica says:

    Smart Guy has the right answer!!! lol!!

  356. Neilinpdx says:

    FAR 121.575 Reads in part…’Alcoholic beverages consumed by customer must be served by the carrier.’ HOWEVER…COMPANY POLICY at the airline I work for reads a bit differently. ‘(FAR 121.575) Per company policy, only alcoholic beverages purchased from and/or served by ***** Airlines personnel may be consumed on board. The legal drinking age on ***** Airlines is 21 years of age.
    This has been the policy the entire 29 years I’ve been employed there, and I’m guessing longer. While the FAA FAR 121.575 states that ‘Alcoholic beverages consumed by customer must be served by the carrier’, the airline itself has taken a position where they simply will not allow you to be served or consume your own libations on board. Whatever the reason, be it safety or money or liability (all are valid), being non-compliant to even company policy, can and will get you arrested or at the very least…met by local authorities, detained and questioned upon your arrival (and in at least one case I know of, diverted to Iceland and left there to find your own way home).
    If I had my way, alcohol wouldn’t be served or allowed on the commercial aircraft period. In my guestimation, 80% of all problems I’ve encountered on board, were alcohol related. At 35,000 ft, the last thing ANYONE wants is to have some drunk twit pissing in the coat closet or worse…trying to open the aircraft door or attempting to access the flight deck. If paying $7.00 for a beer is too much, have a Coke.

  357. Frank Mills says:

    I think you have a drinking problem cheap skate!!!!

  358. Ronnie says:

    What a dumb trick for cheap people. A drink is only around 6$. Get over it and save yourselves some time and trouble

  359. jjj says:

    I don’t believe it. I have flown often enough to know that wouldn’t work. Plus if you look at each picture closely you will see that it was taken in a house somewhere. Not in an airport. This guy is a phony.

  360. Ashley says:

    Reading all these posts I have realized I am a heinous law-breaker. Sometimes I drive over the speed limit. On occasion, I even forget to wear my seatbelt. Now and then, I have been known to smoke a little (shhh!) weed. And, I am ashamed to admit, I have flown and consumed a couple of minis NOT provided by a flight attendant. It has come to my attention that I have a severe drinking problem, but worse than that; I engage in ILLEGAL activities. I don’t know how I will ever look myself in the mirror again and I believe that I am deserving of some serious, hard jail time. My thanks to those of you that have made me see the error of my ways.

    • Tiffany says:

      Add me to the list of heathens. I’ve been a frequent flyer since age 12 (child of divorce). Back then, I flew about 10-12 years as an unaccompanied minor and every time my Mom made reservations for me, and paid extra for my being an UAM, she was asked, will that be smoking or non smoking? “They” use the excuse of “safety” now, but we all know it’s to make money. Since 9/11, flight attendants have become more and more power hungry and lazy. Many are good at their job and try to make the best of bad situations. I’m looking at you, Delta Airlines. However, I’ve come across some Nazi like “stewardesses” who would rather lie to you that they’re out of alcohol when you’re on an international flight that cost well over a grand, than get up and give service.

  361. john the beast in the east says:

    who cares ya’ll just stop being so damn cheap and buy the airlines drinks…what is good for the goose is good for the gander…keep your receipts and write it all off later…thanks and have a good day!!! & dont drink and drive…

  362. Monster says:

    Well “Director” can not direct his way to the proper reply! Jenna Vee has it correct and FAR121.575 is the correct reply. EVERY Flight attendant /Pilot knows this it is or should if they know their job! You can bring it through security all day long but you can NOT consume it on board the aircraft. period!!!!!

  363. Clayton says:

    14 CFR 121.575(a) – no person may drink any alcoholic beverage on board an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

  364. delta says:

    I am sorry but you don’t appear to have travelled on any plane, let alone call yourself a travel ninja! The limit is 200ml… Yes I actually fly internationally often and any liquids exceeding 200ml is confiscated… It is highly illegal to drink your own drinks on the plane and misleading people to carry out an illegal act is unethical. Pls. do not write about issues you know nothing about. Even teeny amounts like 2 ml over 200ml gets chucked- They have even removed a perfume bottle from me (Gatwick- London and Istanbul/Turkey) with only enough to spray once or twice… and some airlines even tape shut your duty-free purchases to make sure you do not open them. People do NOT try this- In this day and age, you would be asking for unforeseen amounts of trouble- as it is ILLEGAL.

    • jsbull says:

      Here’s the print on the TSA website:

      3-1-1 for carry-ons = 3.4 ounce (100ml) bottle or less (by volume); 1 quart-sized, clear, plastic, zip-top bag; 1 bag per passenger placed in screening bin. One-quart bag per person limits the total liquid volume each traveler can bring. 3.4 ounce (100ml) container size is a security measure.

      This article isn’t about international travel. It’s about TSA rules and I never state anything over 200ml is allowed.

  365. Dustyn says:

    WOW. It seems to me that we got alot of alcohlics that love to fly. I’m not a flight attendant or an alcohlic. I drink every now and then. All the people complaining just need to suck it up. I mean, how long are you going to be in the air for anyways? What will you spend? at most maybe $50 and that’s pushing it. Obviously you were able to afford the plane ticket… now just pay for the liquor! Stop whining! It’s like going to a very nice restaraunt and you order a sweet tea. You may pay $7 for a glass of sweet tea there. Versus going to McDonalds an paying $1 for a large sweet tea. My point is, you’re paying for the enviroment, not the alcohol. If you don’t like the rules and higher price of alcohol on a plane then just drive to your destination. You can drink and nobody will tell you nothing. Well, atleast until you get pulled over by the police or wreck into somebody. That’s just my thoughts on the matter. Thanks for reading.

    • jsbull says:

      Does anything you said make sense?

      1. Who’s complaining, other than you?
      2. It’s not about whether or not someone can afford a drink. It’s about TSA rules. One can do with that what they want.
      3. Who’s paying for the environment on an airplane? You’re paying for the transportation. The environment sucks in all cases, even first class.
      4. Why would you ever suggest someone who wants to drink on their trip should drive?

      • Tiffany says:

        #4. You’re right. Is she suggesting someone drive to their destination if they want to drink during the trip?
        Also, unless she flew during the ’50s, the flight is not exactly a luxery experience.

  366. M Barnett says:

    Except you forgot one thing, it’s against Federal Air Regulatioms to consume alcohol not served by the flight attendant. So yes you can bring them
    through security but you can’t consume them on the aircraft only in the airport.

  367. cuppa says:

    so none of you folks drive over 55 mph either.

    just don’t get caught.

    if you’re reckless, you will get caught.

    drive 85 in a 55 = getting obliterated on a flight, & acting like a moron.

    grey areas work for smart people.

  368. Be Happy says:

    Umm – really you can’t go a few hours without an alcoholic beverage? Sounds like some people may have a problem and it isn’t whether you can get a way with drinking your own alcohol on a commercial flight.

    • jsbull says:

      If the item up for debate was, “Can you go a few hours without a drink?” I’d see your point. However, if your line of thinking is correct, then Airlines shouldn’t serve alcohol at all. It’s not about needing it, it’s about wanting it.

  369. anthony says:

    Just drink them right before your flight while waiting to board.

  370. flutiefan says:

    It is UNLAWFUL to consume your own alcohol on a U.S. commercial flight! They are correct that you can bring it on, but you MAY NOT DRINK IT. These are big time laws and YOU WILL BR ARRESTED. This article is garbage and nobody should attempt to try this.

    • Jenna Vee says:

      It is NOT unlawful.

      Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.”

      I’ve posted this before, yet people keep claiming this is illegal. From the information I found, you CAN bring your own alcohol AND drink it, LEGALLY – it just has to be served by a flight attendant. However, airlines can have their own policies prohibiting flight attendants from doing so. If a policy says it is not allowed, then it is AGAINST POLICY or NOT ALLOWED… not allowed/against the policy is not the same thing as something being illegal.

  371. Tony D. says:

    I just looked it up. It is CFR 120.37 and CFR 121.575 which makes it illegal for passengers to bring on their own alcohol for consumption.

    • Jenna Vee says:

      It is NOT illegal

      Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.”

      I’ve posted this before, yet people keep claiming this is illegal. From the information I found, you CAN bring your own alcohol AND drink it, LEGALLY – it just has to be served by a flight attendant. However, airlines can have their own policies prohibiting flight attendants from doing so. If a policy says it is not allowed, then it is AGAINST POLICY or NOT ALLOWED… not allowed/against the policy is not the same thing as something being illegal.

  372. sydney says:

    You dorealize due to FAA regulations, you are not allowed to open the container of said alcohol on the plane and if you are caught by one of us flight attendants, we will make you throw it out. If you refuse to comply, you will be in more hot hot water than $7 worth

  373. Christina says:

    Yeah maybe you should do your research before posting an article like this. Technically you can “bring” alcohol on board, but you can’t drink it on the aircraft. It is illegal and you can get arrested and fined. To leave this out of your article is either ignorant or deceptive.

    • jsbull says:

      Technically you CAN drink it. Whether or not it’s against the rules is another debate.

    • Jenna Vee says:

      It is NOT illegal

      FAA Regulation Sec. 121.575 — Alcoholic beverages.
      (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

      Donald P. Byrne (Acting Assistant Chief Counsel – Regulations and Enforcement Division of the FAA) wrote about the FAA regulation in question : “The intent of the regulation is to give the certificate holder complete control over the consumption of alcohol by requiring the certificate holder to serve the alcohol. This regulation does not prohibit passengers from bringing their own alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft; however, those alcoholic beverages and any other alcoholic beverages, must be served by the certificate holder.”

      I’ve posted this before, yet people keep claiming this is illegal. From the information I found, you CAN bring your own alcohol AND drink it, LEGALLY – it just has to be served by a flight attendant. However, airlines can have their own policies prohibiting flight attendants from doing so. If a policy says it is not allowed, then it is AGAINST POLICY or NOT ALLOWED… not allowed/against the policy is not the same thing as something being illegal.

  374. RAHC says:

    As a side note, it is not illegal to bring alcohol to some establishments; it’s called a corking fee.

    • jsbull says:

      Yup. Too many people speak from authority when they have no clue.

      • shannon says:

        I think the deciding factor for me is the lack of consistency with all of the “laws” that some of the flight attendants have posted in their comments. Some say it’s a warning, some say it’s a fine, with many different amounts, some say they will pour it out, some say they confiscate it and return it at the end of the flight. And then others still say, “just don’t let me see you.” The Jet Blue attendants say they don’t mind pouring it for you. So, if it is a Federal law, then how come Jet Blue is exempt? 😉
        If airlines were concerned about personal liquor consumption for safety reasons, then complimentary drinks wouldn’t be served in first class, business class, or on the other airlines. This is not about safety. This is about $. It is similar to cruise line restrictions, and now the rules have clearly been tested. I also hate to see people throw around the word alcoholism, which is a disease, and not in any way diagnosible by internet commenters when discussing people enjoying drinks on a flight.
        Look at the discrepancy between how many drinks is the same as one drink at xyz altitude among all of the flight attendants who have posted. Clearly, the propaganda has not been standardized throughout the airlines. LOL

  375. Robb says:

    You do realize that your article is advocating that people violate federal law, right? It’s illegal to consume alcohol onboard an airplane unless it has been served by the in-flight crew.

  376. Jeremy says:

    Wow, this is comical. Everyone arguing over. Threatening to arrest you. Impersonating pilots. You name it, it happened here.

    Personally, I’d like to fill one of those mini bottles with water and chug it down in front of a FA. Then let her try to have me arrested at the gate. When I blow a 0.0 BAC on the breathalizer, she’ll feel like a freakin’ moron. Yeah, it’d waste some of my time, but it’d be 100% worth it.

  377. Ryan says:

    What don’t you morons get about it. The JetBlue website says they will be happy to pour it for you

  378. Brandon says:

    Alcoholic beverages.
    (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.
    (b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—
    (1) Appears to be intoxicated;
    (2) Is escorting a person or being escorted in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.221; or
    (3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to him while aboard the aircraft in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.
    (c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.
    (d) Each certificate holder shall, within five days after the incident, report to the Administrator the refusal of any person to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, or of any disturbance caused by a person who appears to be intoxicated aboard any of its aircraft.

  379. Pingback: Bringing Alcohol on the Flight | Oh-Meh-Gaw It's An Engineer

  380. GottaJet says:

    To the people who hate the “money grubbing” airlines… Fact is, it’s a privilege not a right to air transportation… You CONTRACTED with a private company for a service and the Contract YOU agree to is called the Contract of Carriage which is enacted when YOU purchase your ticket… Each airline has their own that you make with your selected carrier… Private citizens agreeing to the rules of the private company. Feel your “civil liberties” are violated? You contracted to allow them to be. 😉

    To the people with the FAR 121 alcohol reference, good find. Totally true that the reg says Alcohol MUST be served by the Air Carrier (FA)… Easy enough…. Bring your own on and ask?! Sometimes it may work (JetBlue, etc)… Some it may not…

    The thing is the FAR’s work funny… With multiple parts. Part 121 deals with air carrier MINIMUM requirements for operations that a Certificated Air Carrier must comply with to hold and use their certificate of operation to be an airline….
    This is where it gets funny. The AIRLINE that YOU are contracting with MUST have a Certified Operations Specification to continue to operate… The Ops Specs must be approved by the FAA… The Ops Specs basically is the rules the airline has said they will use to operate their aircraft for hire which at MINIMUM will comply with 121 regs…

    §119.7 Operations specifications.
    (a) Each certificate holder’s operations specifications must contain—

    (1) The authorizations, limitations, and certain procedures under which each kind of operation, if applicable, is to be conducted; and

    (2) Certain other procedures under which each class and size of aircraft is to be operated.

    (b) Except for operations specifications paragraphs identifying authorized kinds of operations, operations specifications are not a part of a certificate.

    SOOOOOOOO… For some of the flight attendants saying its illegal for you to bring your own alcohol even on for your consumption…. They may ALSO be correct saying its illegal because THEIR airline and the one YOU contracted with MIGHT have had that as a policy in their operations manuals that are GOVERNING for the airline to operate by their Ops Specs.

    Hope that clarifies a little….

    • Tiffany says:

      You must work in the airline industry. The money grubbing airlines should be grateful for the customers who pay hundreds/thousands of dollars for that “privilege”. The problem is that most of us “privileged” fliers are sick of the nickel and dime reality that airlines are trying any and everything to charge us more. What do we get in return? Being treated as cattle with credit cards. Rude and condescending flight attendants. Late and canceled flights that have nothing to do with the weather. Lost luggage. Smaller and smaller seats. If you pay for the “privilege” of bring your pet, there are many cases of lost and dead pets at the end of the flight. It may not be a “right” to fly, but it costs the customer a lot more than the price of the ticket.

      • RJ says:

        I’m willing to bet most flight attendants who are”rude and condescending” are so because they have to deal with rude, disrespectful passengers who feel like they are exempt from every rule.

  381. flawson says:

    There are seriously more comment on this than most Obamacare fighting threads!
    Jeez- I will just buy the $7.00 liquor…I already paid $1500 for the ticket!
    Thank you for all the damn concern though, FA’s!

  382. Diane says:

    Personally I see no reason to drink alcohol on a flight no matter how long the flight. If you are that dependant on alcohol you have major issues. I prefer to be alert and have all my bearings in case of an onboard emergency. I generally drink water or sometimes gingerale, I watch those around me and make myself aware of who might be a problem or need assistance should something happen, elderly, children, etc. I mean seriously, why drink on a flight? I enjoy a drink now and then too but there are places much more suitable for drinking.
    You can’t wait until you get to your destination to consume?

    • jsbull says:

      Why do airlines offer alcohol? Maybe you should start there.

    • Tiffany says:

      Oh, please. Are you always so judge mental? Most people don’t get drunk off a cocktail or two. What is wrong with enjoying an adult beverage on long flight, especially when I’m trying to be comfortable in a seat where my knees are practically up to my chest because there is no leg room.

  383. Susan says:

    To: LynnieMO…..I’ll take my chances with what the TSA says, not someone working for a private airline. I really doubt that with all of the security issues to worry about in the airports, that they are going to arrest someone for bringing and drinking something that went through the airports security and was carried on by the person intending to drink it. I would be very curious to know if you are in fact an airline stewardess, which airline you work for. And To: Diane….what business is it of yours if someone does want a drink on the airline? They have purchased a ticket, and a seat….not to babysit other passengers. Of course if someone needed help, most would respond immediately…but I hardly think we should be denied our right to drink alcohol, (or not) , so that ones whole flight can be made to make sure others around them have a great flight.

  384. Infrequent Flier says:

    Two comments:
    1. Once you pay for the little bottle on the plan, it is ‘your own alcohol’ so the line that you can’t drink ‘your own alcohol’ is out the window. I guess I could buy for my seatmate and he could buy for me. And..
    B. If the airline is really worried about drunk people causing a safety issue, they should stop allowing ANY consumption during flight. Period.

  385. flybige says:

    Serving yourself alcohol that your brought on an aircraft is illegal under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations section 121.575. 14 CFR 121 are the regulations that the Airlines operate under.


  386. Yes, I'm a doctor - and no, that's not relevant. says:

    I can’t believe I’ve read to the end! To commemorate my journey, I must comment like so many others. First, in the brief Marce vs. Stephen saga, I want to note that I’m pro-Marce. Secondly, to take an absurdly small point that some people have made but no one has yet countered (exhaustively, anyways) (yes! an excuse to chime in!), do those who are complaining about altitude + booze (including the more educated ones who are aware of the cabin pressure in the plane) realize that many people actually live and consume alcohol at elevations higher than sea level? Including elevations over 8000ft… Regarding everything else….people, chill out. There’s little that hasn’t already been said. If you don’t believe me, spend the next hour or so reading these comments. (Also, when you are asked to cite something, you may wish to look up “cite” in a dictionary before proceeding to repeat your argument).

  387. John says:

    you can bring them on the flight yes, but I got a $1000 fine for opening one on the flight that I had brought myself, please don’t do this!

  388. Mike says:

    Just a heads up, you can bring your liquor on the plane, but to consume it while on the plane is breaking a federal law. Felt I had a duty to clarify as a federal litigator.

  389. jtl says:

    yup. I’ve been doing that for a while now. Not to sound like an alcoholic, but to make it even cheaper I often buy bottles from the liquor store which have the free 1oz samples attached to them, and then refill those once used. So instead of $7 each on the plane, its more like $1, if that…I’ve even refilled them from the free stock in the lounges a few times, but that you have to be careful with cause they don’t really allow that.
    Sometimes I consume on the plane, but often I save for the hotel. I’ve asked a flight attendant if I can use my own liquor (that was a small bottle of wine I purchased at duty free) and she looked at me like, duhh of course, and said “yes, no problem”. Now that was an international United flight to Australia, so maybe that’s a bit different than local domestic US flights. But I’d say as long as its the same liquor they’re serving on the flight (as in no moonshine!) and you’re discrete about it and not abusing the privilege, then it should be fine.

  390. Matt says:

    Good article, I’ve done this many of times and suggested it to my friends. Never any issues.

  391. Mary says:

    So when the beverage cart rolls down the aisle-get a free mixer and after the cart rolls down -make your drink. No one will notice or care about the liquor. It will probably be assumed that you purchased your drink. just don’t be a bone head about it…keep your mouth shut and attitude down.

  392. Angel says:

    Yea! I’ve been doing it since 2007! 🙂

  393. h3ath3rd says:

    Reblogged this on Vegan Though You're Not… and commented:
    I’m pretty sure this is the best thing I’ll read all day!

  394. Pingback: Take Alcohol to Drink on Your Flight

  395. constant traveler says:

    Travel Ninja, I enjoy your writing style. My constant internal battle: I try not to spend the extra money to check bags, so I use my liquid zip lock for necessary toiletry items. Would it be better to buy the travel sized toiletries when I arrive and instead fill the zip lock with alcohol for the trip (I use pretty costly shampoo, conditioner, and face moisturizer- one purchased travel set rather than my home refills is more than the cost of an in flight cocktail)…or check my bag and use my zip lock for booze? Here’s a thought: carry my bags, but get hammered in the airport, pass out on the plane and skip the $8.00 in-flight drinks. You know you get a double shot in the airport for about the same as one drink on the plane. For a flight before noon – one Bloody Mary in the terminal is pretty sufficient. However, a happy hour flight requires a little more effort and cost…it’s 6 of one half a dozen of another, I think.

  396. Abe says:

    Buy a drink at any restaurant in the terminal and go to the bathroom and pour your alcohol in your drink and carry that on the plane. They do not smell your cups.

  397. I bring them all the time in my carry on bag and don’t put them into the little baggy.I don’t know if this is entirely necessary but good to know!

  398. Fred says:

    Is it just too difficult to pay the $7 for a drink? Seriously.. you probably don’t want to drink more than 3 or 4 drinks on a domestic flight anyway. Most international flights offer some sort of complimentary drinks in all cabins. I’m not a nanny state kind of person, but, really, all the commotion about saving maybe $20 on a flight where you’ve already spent $500? I just don’t get it. I guess I fly more than some, but, I get drink coupons for just showing up. Couple that with the fact that when I get to my destination, I want to be sober enough to find my baggage and get my rental car or hail a cab, and it seems like an argument that we’re having for the sake of arguing.

    • jsbull says:

      If the airline doesn’t offer your libation of choice, your only option is to bring your own. Many flight attendants try to give you Jack when you ask for bourbon. That’s the closest they have.

      (As I’ve commented previously, the bottles I took were for photographic value mostly and don’t represent my personal preferences.)

  399. MeMe says:

    I have a question. I was on a flight and I usually order a double bloody mary but the flight attendant said I could only order one(totally sober since I had a evening class before the flight and my dad is a captain so pretty sure I know not to get shwasted before/on a flight)? I even said I have ordered a double on all my flights in the past this is weird. Also it was a four hour red eye flight so just wonder whats up and is this a new policy or something? I don’t want to be embarrassed next time I try and order my regular drink 😦 oh and it was delta.

    • jsbull says:

      No new rule, just a rude flight attendant. Sorry they made you feel bad. That wasn’t fair.

    • Tiffany says:

      I am a native Atlantan and Delta used to be my fave airline. Since 9/11, the flight attendants have gotten so lazy and rude, and always use the “safety” excuse. The 25 years I flew before then, they were at least polite. As for those people asking why we complain about paying $7 for a cocktail, when we have paid $1200 each for a ticket it is extremely irritating for all the extra costs added on. If the FA’s would at least be polite, it would help.

  400. Dave says:

    Dont get caught on the plane drinking your brought on liquor. It’s a federal crime! Nothin illegal about bringing it but drinking it on the plane is a whole other story

  401. “I decided to fore-go my Listerine and cologne and was able to fit all ten bottles in my liquid bag.”

    Who says they can’t do double duty? 😉

  402. kingtwig says:

    What is it with people who always want to flout the rules on planes. The flight attendants and crew are there for YOUR safety! It’s the same with using electronic devices. Yes, they may not interfere with the planes systems as much as previously thought, but can’t people just put away the equipment that they’re not meant to be using on the flight, just for a short while? Same with booze on board. On average, most international flights are around 8-10 hours long. Is it that hard to go without a drink for that length of time? If you want a drink on the plane, just buy one on the plane! The flight attendants are trying to do a job, and keep you safe whilst you’re in their “care”. Why make their jobs so much harder for such a small sacrifice for such a short while? Rant over :o)

  403. Pingback: WIARAWT .com – Take Alcohol to Drink on Your Flight

  404. Kelli ann says:

    To bad it’s illegal to drink it on the airplane. I am a flight attendant and it’s a HUGE no no. Would you bring your own liquor to a bar? Because it’s the same thing and your stuff will get taken away and depending the airline you will get in trouble.

  405. Thinking says:

    You may take the liquor through security, but you may NOT drink it on the aircraft. It is against the law as it is an FAA rule and US regulation. No alcohol may be consumed that was not purchased on the flight you are traveling on and it has to be consumed during the flight (no taking the cute little devil home with you). Sorry to all you clever alcoholics who came up with this one. I’m sure many of you get away with it and it is very unkind of you who challenge the flight attendant when they ask you to put it away. Do you think they mad or like the rule? probably not, but they still have to enforce it or my understanding is they can get in trouble. Perhaps one may have a drinking problem if you can’t make it through a flight with out a drink or choke down the airline price along with your booze. Safe travels!

  406. Helsyclam says:

    My husband and I have been doing this since 2011!!! Such a great loophole!

  407. LoversLook says:

    While your flight attendant is struggling to push her little cart down the aisle…how about you quickly dump your little liquor bottle in your drink – guess what you’re on a plane so free Mix-ins, orange juices, cranberry juices, soda, etc. OR take a shot in the restroom.

  408. Jenn says:

    Whether it is legal or illegal – airline policy or FAA regulations…I agree with a comment saying is it too difficult to go a few hours without a drink. You have one before you board, then take the rest with you and have them when you get to your destination. Most likely, you’re still going to have drinks at your destination and the ones you brought will still be cheaper than at a bar or restaurant. So take them with you, and save them for when you get off the plane. At least that’s what I would do.

  409. Lana says:

    It really is amazing how stupid some of you sound! These FA’s know their job and the laws and regulations that guide them and the airlines they work for. All you have to do is google it and…Hey, what do know! Duh…. “There’s a whole bunch of information on this here internet thingy, maybe I should read some of it!”
    I travel a lot! Thank you to all the FA’s for doing a Great job! Your replies to this have been professional and hopefully informative to some of the people here.

    • Tiffany says:

      Thanks to all the great FA’s? Either you don’t fly much, or you don’t recognize rude, power hungry, and angry people.

  410. Gee says:

    Man hope you didn’t ruin out secret!!!!

  411. ct says:

    idk if rule is true or not, I’m just laughing atbth idiots they cry about airline prices or want to try this. if you can’t afford a few drinks on you vacation….

    you shouldn’t be going on vacation…

    or drinking for that matter.

  412. flyer says:

    They announce that its illegal to open your own bottles of alcohol on most flights I’ve taken to Vegas.

  413. ChickenF says:

    Guys, guys, whats all the fuzz about? Just chugg it on the terminal 😀

  414. Hollow says:

    You just figured this out? We did this all the time in college…

  415. jesus is watching how you people treat each other

  416. aagriffith says:

    You certainly can take them on board…. But TSA is one thing and the airline is different. OPENING a bottle on an airline is like opening your own bottle in a bar. They have a liquor license just like a bar and it’s illegal to bring your own….

  417. http://www.risingup.com/fars/info/part121-575-FAR.shtml states that “No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.”

  418. Mark Absher says:

    Reblogged this on A Geek's Perspective and commented:
    Not sure why I have never thought of this…..

  419. Still screwed says:

    Per Jet Blue domestic flights.
    Please note, with the current ban on liquids in carry-on baggage through security, alcoholic beverages that are being carried on a flight must be purchased in the secure boarding area (after going through the security checkpoint).

  420. MichaelATX says:

    Hey folks, I’ve been bringing my own alcohol on board a couple of years now. Now here’s the deal, Jetblue is the only airline, that I have experienced, that allow you to bring your own bottles and consume (within regulation size). I’ve had issues with Southwest and I know a flight attendant for United Airlines who went off on me saying that it was illegal to bring my own alcohol on board.

    After my experience with the Southwest flight attendants, I contacted Southwest directly and received the same response Jenna Vee posted above:

    “Pursuant to Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 14 CFR 121.575, no person may drink any alcoholic beverage onboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him/her.”

    So, you must give your alcohol bottle to the flight attendant to open and serve to you. I was actually told this by the flight attendant on JetBlue.

    What shocked me was that the flight attendants on United and Southwest that denied me were puzzled how I got the alcohol through TSA as if it were some illegal substance. How do they not know the rules? I simply told them it was under the 100 ml liquid volume – you know, just like many personal care products that also contain alcohol. That probably didn’t help my situation.

    So let’s be clear: these are the airlines’ rules, not the FAA. Bottom line: fly JetBlue! Meanwhile, drink responsibly. I’m sure the airlines have these rules because it only takes a couple of sloppy, belligerent drunks to make an entire flight miserable and ruin it for everybody – especially for the FA’s. Who knows, maybe flying will return to the hey day of a place you can sit, relax, and enjoy a couple of libations instead of the cattle train, squeeze every penny out of you, it has become.

    Happy flying and cheers!

  421. Daniela says:

    Thats great to know!! I thought it wsn’t allowed so my trick was always to use the 2oz plastic bottles you can get at any convenience store, fill them up with vodka and green or blue food coloring and call it listerine! It always worked but it was always tense when going through the line… hahahahahha Turns out I wasn’t breaking the law in the first place! Thanks for the tip friend!!

  422. Larry says:

    Wow, Holy Cow! I have been reading this blog and it amazes me to see the attitude in the responses. I’m not talking about stupid comments, I’m talking about comments where one is trying to make a point. First I noticed that a lot of airline attendants love to wave around their power. Unfortunately bad, hurt and angry people who have power over others usually enjoy using that power to fulfill some need in there life. That’s too bad, I’m sure these people have had customers arrested for something they pushed hard to create.
    My best friend is a flight attendant and I know she uses her power when needed because there are a few jerks out there. Claiming saftey & exaggerated regulations by flight attendants as reasons for harsh treatment of a customers who is not even close to being a threat is just a bad flight attendant who enjoys being a bully. I hate these people.
    I will always obey a flight attendant, don’t need the hassle and if need be I know how to take it to the next level when I get on the ground. I hope I never run into a bad one, it will be very depressing to know that person is on flight after flight looking for a reason. Most flight attendants are great people who put theirs lives on the line when they have to. This is not an easy job and it’s a shame some put a bad face on their very difficult profession.

  423. Tyler says:

    Well what about passengers bringing their own food on board to eat. If you’re going by the idea that a plane is like a bar/restaurant, then why wouldn’t food be excluded using that same logic?

    • kingtwig says:

      Food doesn’t make you drunk, unless you’re just eating fruit, and the flight is so long that it ferments into alcohol in your stomach:o) You don’t have to monitor food intake because it’s not going to turn you into a drunken idiot if you have too much of it, in an enclosed space, with 100+ other travellers. That’s why taking your own food on-board isn’t such an issue

      • Tyler says:

        I’m going by the logic of people stating that it is obvious you cannot drink your own alcohol onto a plane because it is like a bar/restaurant and you are cutting into their profits. I am not agreeing with that logic. I’m simply stating that if that were true, then what restaurant would be okay with you taking in your own food too?

      • kingtwig says:

        I was just yanking your chain Tyler- I do see what you mean :o) I just think it’s ridiculous this whole topic is even being discussed really. I just think there are certain rules and regulations that we have to follow when we’re flying on a plane….and I’m not sure why people can’t have a drink before boarding, pay for one drink on the plane, and then drink again when they disembark. I smoke, and I have to refrain from smoking for the entire journey, and 2 hours before in the terminal, and I do a lot of long haul travel. I’ve been smoking for 30 years, so if I can manage to not have a smoke for 10-12hrs, I don’t see why people feel the need to take their own booze onboard a flight. At least they can have a drink! It’s not like I can have a smoke! :o) Imagine if I lit up on the plane! lol :o)

    • Mitch says:

      The logic is NOT that it’s like a bar/restaurant. The logic (and law) is that it’s like a bar with a liquor license. Federal regulations say that you’re not allowed to drink liquor unless it’s been poured for you by the crew. There’s no regulation against eating your own food.

      Food is different from alcohol. You can eat in public or in your car, but you can’t drink liquor in those places.

  424. Ashley says:

    Just an FYI it is actually illegal to drink your own alcohol on an airplane, and punishable by the FAA.

  425. Flight attendant says:

    Yeah but tsa doesn’t regulate flights and you’re not allowed to drink it on the plane so hopefully you’re drinking it on the ground!

  426. just the law says:

    14 CFR § 121.575 Alcoholic beverages.
    (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless
    the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

  427. JR says:

    I am a frequent international traveler and always drink my own especially on flights longer than 6 hours. I’ve asked the people at the duty free and they have always told me it’s not a huge deal as long as you don’t become a problem and don’t do it directly in front of them(kind of showing them up). Usually though drinks are free for international( Turkish Airways, British, Air New Zealand, ect.).

  428. Lizro says:

    I found this article fun and enjoyed it for the “hey I can take booze on vacation with me” way of thinking. What I found so interesting after slogging through all the comments was that no one has pointed out (I may have missed it….there were a ton of comments) that while the FAA regulation appears to be somewhat open to interpretation (or in a separate section), is that at the end of the day these airlines are corporate companies. The FAA provides unifying laws and guidelines, but companies also have there own policies, and they ensure that you agree to all of their policies and regulations when you purchase your ticket (that silly little I have read all the rules and agree blah blah blah button). We as passengers agree to follow both the FAA regulations and the company policies or we don’t fly period, you sign or click away all your rights prior to boarding the plane and you are subject to whatever enforcement provided if you break those rules (arrest etc.). I am not personally going to risk a debate with a flight attendant over a 3oz bottle of booze, but you go ahead I just hope I’m not on that flight because I don’t want to deal with the time delay your possible arrest might cause me when we touch ground again. Happy drinking to all both on and off the ground!

  429. LegalJezebel says:

    Illegality under federal law and policies set by the airlines are two different things. It’s clear that section (a) of the FAA regulation is ambiguous as to whether one can be poured their own unopened labeled bottle of liquor by a certificate holder or whether it has to be alcohol provided by the airline. In most cases, and as seeing the last case was decided in court in 1989, the airlines have made their own policies despite the legality or illegality of the consuming alcohol brought. The general public assumes the law all the time because no one challenges it. For instance, if someone is required to abide by minimum safety standards by the a government regulation, and a company being regulated by such decided to implement policies that go beyond that standard, a court will not find them in breach of their safety standards. The simple fact that some airlines allow this and others do not depicts that there is obviously not one unanimous clear established rule because no one has challenged the airlines who have decided to make stricter regulations. Also, I hate to tell you, but the police (whom might “arrest” you if they see you) don’t always know the full extent of the law, so simply because they arrest you, it is arguable in court and if Jenna is right about the 1989 precedent, you will win.

  430. JR says:

    For anyone who says would you bring your own liquor into a bar, yes, its called a flask and it happens all the time. Just don’t make it obvious and don’t make an ass of yourself and your fine.

  431. Josh says:

    Long list of comments here and wasn’t able to read them all due to time constraints. But I did notice someone talking about high altitude affects the alcohol effects on a person. This is true, however not on a plane. The plane is pressurized so the effects wouldn’t affect you like it would drinking on a mountain compared to drinking on a beach. So whoever stated that is falsified. 🙂

    • Jim says:

      Not true Josh. Although yes the plane is pressurized it is not fully pressurized. Though you are correct in that it may not be the same as drinking on a very high mountain top, it would also not affect you the same as drinking at your local pub

  432. greg long says:

    I hate people

  433. Bored17 says:

    Gee on… Shut up and just post a link or scanned in pictures of these laws. Your points are no more valid than anyone else’s… Super American Flight Attendant Man (or woman). You typed out that “long winded” comment with as much proof as anyone else…

  434. Calibabie says:

    I don’t understand why everyone is so worked up. How hard is it to just not drink??? If they say no, are you really going to put up a fight just have “a drink”? I understand everyone wants their freedom but when you are in a place if establishment, you respect their rules and requests right? Not saying every flight attendant is going to have you arrested because you decided you had to have a drink that your brought on board yourself but I think the arrest is made for “not complying with the flight attendant” which IS against the law. That law is there because of rowdy passengers (and 911) and there’s so much a flight attendant can do. They are just doing their job. They aren’t the ones jacking up the prices of the alcohol. So why slam them? Maybe different airlines have different policies.

  435. kikijanel says:

    I have been a flight attendant for 25 years with Continental, now United after merging almost 3 years ago. I can tell you unequivocally that the consumption of personal alochol brought on board to be consumed by customers while on board the aircraft in flight is against company policy. So whether its company policy or a federal aviation regulation, it does not matter either/or trumps the other and both are recognized as ‘laws’ that must be abided by while in flight. It has nothing to do with potential loss of revenue by allowing customers to bring and consume their own alcohol, it has to do with liability. You can thank those who have in the past, brought their own alcohol and consumed it on board and either acted a drunken fool and/or caused an accident, injured or worse killed themselves or someone else after leaving the flight then promptly getting behind the wheel of a vehicle and driving while intoxicated, which is against the law as these are the reasons such policies have been put into place. On Continental and United, it has always been an issue of safety and liability with regard to customers consuming their own alcohol while on board in flight. So, yes, you can fill your ziplock baggie with as many liquor bottles that will fit but, you may not consume them on board your United flight per company policy. However, it seems each airline varies in their company policies concerning the issue of carrying on and consuming personal alcohol as indicated by the JetBlue flight attendant here in the previous comments. Your best bet is to simply inquire what the company policy is of the airline you are flying before going to the trouble and then getting into trouble if the airline you are flying does not allow you to consume your own alcohol you’ve brought on board with you.

  436. Dude – based on the 803 comments and counting, I’d say you kicked the hornets nest. Great job on that one.

    I say if a responsible adult can get booze onto a plane, sneak it into thier soda and drink it without causing problem, then they are ok. If not, they’d probably get drunk on $7 bottles and be a dick anyway.

  437. Ika2219 says:

    TSA may allow you to bring your own alcohol thru security but airlines and FAA May not allow you to drink them on the plane

  438. Captain Mike says:

    LOL – at least drinkin’ in the bathroom does not set off the smoke detectors (-:

  439. SWA flight attendant says:

    Sure you can take it through security but it is not permissible to drink your own booze on the aircraft. So don’t flaunt it.

  440. Jim says:

    Well it really boils down to this.

    1. The law does not prohibit the boarding of a plane with your own alchohol.
    2. The law does permit you to drink any alcohol that is served to you by an on duty employee of the airline on the current flight (flight attendant or FA).
    3. The law does prohibit you from drinkinking alcohol that is NOT served to you by an on duty employee of the airline on the current flight.
    4. The law does not prohibit you from supplying an FA with alchohol to serve to you but it also does not specifically state that you are permitted to do so.
    5. The law does not prohibit the airline from having a policy that prohibits FAs from serving a passenger his or her own alcohol.
    6. The law does not prohibit the FA from refusing a passenger’s request to be served his or her own alcohol even if the airline has no policy in place regarding the practice.
    7. The law does state that you must comply with the rules of the Law, The Airline, and The Flight. That is, you are legally obligated to follow the directions of the flight crew as long as they are not in contradiction of the Airline or the Law.
    8. IF a law does not state something specifically then a direction cannot be contradictory to it. Therefore since the law does not specifically state “A passenger may bring his/her own alcohol on to a plane and consume it”, an FA is allowed to tell you it is not permitted and it would then become illegal to do so.
    9. FAs are OBLIGATED by LAW to refuse to serve alcohol to any person that they believe MAY be intoxicated. The FA is NOT required to get a second opinion.
    10. ANY person who attempts to circumvent the instructions of an FA, the Airline or the LAW is in violation of the law even if they are unaware of it and may be charged and or arrested if caught.

    This seems to have gone really long for simply stating that it is a good travel tip. It is a good tip if you follow the rules and do not break the law.

  441. Pingback: IMPORTANT: You Can Bring Booze On Your Flight | Three Sheets Blog

  442. Guest says:

    Each airline has their own company policy. If one airline allows you to drink your own alcohol by having the flight attendant pour it doesn’t mine the other airline allows it. As an fa myself, my company doesn’t allow passengers to drink their own alcohol. We just have to ask them to put it away and that there not allowed to drink there own.

  443. Kris says:

    Letting passengers bring alcohol instead of their toiletries is ok with me. Some people need Xanax, some people need Scotch. Imagine you are Nick Cage in “Leaving Las Vegas”, and not knowing where you will get the next drink before you go into the dt’s. I have seen it happen to people at Disney World, the Magic Kingdom is DRY! For some people, it is not the “happiest place on Earth”. The hotels In WDW Orlando have to follow local Blue Laws and the employees cannot sell to you before or after it is “Alcohol Time”. So hearing a little girl asking her Mom why the man in the lobby is looking really sick while waiting to buy a bottle, broke my heart more than once.

  444. cfrankerry says:

    We don’t really care, but don’t let your flight attendant see it. Like any business with a liquor license (each airline has to have one), we are trained to prohibit outside alcohol. To avoid conflict, just be discreet-

  445. Ian says:

    the loophole is that it’s allowed by TSA but not the airlines, but TSA isn’t working for the airlines. so keep dem bottles hidden from the narc flight attendants!

  446. Tracie says:

    I’m curious if you drank it on the plane? I brought my own, no problems getting it on board and then when the service cart came around I asked for orange juice.. When I pulled out my mini bottle and began to pour she told me I wasn’t allowed to mix my own drinks.. So I held out my mini bottle and said “okay, here, you do it”. She did not find me amusing

  447. Jinxie says:

    Why do people seriously leave their brains on the ground when they fly? All parents seem to lose consciousness, all other passengers seem to think they are in fairy land. A flight attendant will FOR SURE “notice” if someone is drinking their own liquor, because dealing with a drunk 40,000ft in the air is something NO ONE wants to deal with. I work on an international airline that serves alcohol free and people STILL have the gall to drink their own alcohol. It’s one of the worst situations to deal with. Like others have said, you can give it to the FA and they will serve you. If you want to drink all you can then do it at home where no one cares.

  448. High Flyer says:

    Chill out people…just fly business or first class. the seats are bigger and the booze is free. It is the only way to fly internationally.

  449. Shaine says:


  450. Did the same thing, but was harshly scolded by an Alaska Airlines flight attendant, stating it was “illegal”…

  451. Apparently, all stewardesses, oh sorry, “flight attendants”, think that anyone who drinks will be drunk and unruley, no exceptions. Maybe they think that because as soon as they land in a foreign city for a LAYover, they get drunk and unruley at the bar. “You could endanger the flight crew, the other passengers, yourself, they guy driving the tug, the person working the toll booth at the airport entrance, that worker’s neighbor’s cat, and even the unborn child of someone sitting on a couch in Iowa. You wouldn’t want to hurt an unborn child, would you???” So don’t ever take a sip of any beverage on a flight containing alcohol in it or you could be arrested for killing an unborn baby, you damn alcoholic. You know we have to believe them. They are the ones who teach us how to put on an airplane seat belt. I always seem to forget.

  452. STL Bars says:

    This is great news!

  453. heres a point to ponder why do they sell travel bottles of liquor if its illegal to drink and drive

  454. well Rich Business Man im a pothead as im sure you would call me and the only thing i feel like jumping on when im high is a funnel cake or roast beef so dont try to make drinking anything like taking the pot its people like you that are not aware of the good that comes from using a natural plant to help mend a body or mind for that matter and yes i am aware that you are probaly looking for anything bad about pot well sir i await your response and im sure ill be waiting a lonnnnnng time

  455. Retired Sky Goddess says:

    There’s a LOT of ignorance up in here. Of COURSE you can bring minis onboard in your little baggie. Liquid under 3oz that fits in a 1 quart bag – that’s the rule. Just leave it in your carry on during the flight! They are for your HOTEL ROOM since you will want a nip just before going out to dinner, ASSuming you didn’t get so smashed inflight you have to sleep off the whole first day of your trip. The author never said “for consumption in flight.” I just hope you all remember to put toothpaste in that baggie too if you’re all gonna be sneaking off to the crapper to make cocktails. Yeesh.

  456. Cynthia says:

    Personally, I believe the GOV is pressing down hard on our freedom. At the same time, I do NOT drink any alcohol. If the Flight wants to have control over the alcohol consumption, then there should be NO alcohol on flight (everyone reacts differently once they’ve been drinking alcohol).
    I HATE sitting next to someone who smells like a brewery. I can’t stand the smell of alcohol. However, I do understand why some people choose to have a drink now and then. Why?
    1. To keep their nerves calm while flying 10,000+ miles up in the air going super fast.
    2. Be able to deal with the UNRULY kids because their parents seem to think the airplane is one giant size playground.
    Here is a possible solution for people like me: put ALL children in the far back of the plane (bathrooms are closer for those kids). Then, put ALL drinkers in front of the kids (they will be too drunk to care AND have a good reason to drink while in flight). And us NON-drinkers can sit up front so we don’t have to listen to the brats OR smell the alcohol from the drinkers.

  457. Pingback: Packing List | kallyfreaksout

  458. Kerry says:

    Near as I can tell, the law states that an employee of the airline has to serve the alcohol to you, but otherwise it’s legal to provide your own. Federal Aviation Regulation §121.575 (http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=d6705b1fc437bb85a5ff59b0ad5be01c&node=14: Granted, different airline companies may have different company policies that prohibit you from drinking your own alcohol (which you would need to follow to use their service – i.e., fly in their plane), but they aren’t technically the “law”.

  459. Stacey says:

    Man you people have way to much time on your hands!!

  460. Randi says:

    Be careful to pack the refilled versions in your trunk while driving to the airport as they would be considered an open container.

  461. Catherine says:

    Do not do this.

    §121.575 Alcoholic beverages.
    (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

    (b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—

    (1) Appears to be intoxicated;

    (2) Is escorting a person or being escorted in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.221; or

    (3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to him while aboard the aircraft in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.

    (c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.

    (d) Each certificate holder shall, within five days after the incident, report to the Administrator the refusal of any person to comply with paragraph (a) of this section, or of any disturbance caused by a person who appears to be intoxicated aboard any of its aircraft.

    [Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19219, Dec. 31, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 121-118, 40 FR 17552, Apr. 21, 1975; Amdt. 121-178, 47 FR 13316, Mar. 29, 1982; Amdt. 121-275, 67 FR 31932, May 10, 2002]

  462. MarcKole says:

    Looks like no one really know what they’re talking about.

  463. Hank says:

    People… Bring your booze on. It’s completely LEGAL to do so! However it is not to drink it… Are they going to arrest you for doing so? Probably not unless you are causing a scene. Do what I do, before your flight. Grab a large soda at the terminal, drink some and then pore the booze into said cup. DONE. Pre-game to your destination.

  464. Pingback: Happy Weekend | raudette

  465. Nikki says:

    Yes, you can take them on the flight. But after talking to my friend who is a flight attendant, it is illegal to open and drink them on a flight.

  466. HilarityEnsues says:

    These comments have sunk to YouTube level. Congratulations to everyone here. We couldn’t have done it without you.

  467. sally says:

    49 CFR 121.575(a) (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft
    unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that
    beverage to him.

    This is FAA Law. You may not consume your own liquor onboard.

  468. Joshua P. says:

    Or, instead of people playing the “I work here, I know what I am talking about”, they could spend the THREE seconds it took me to find this:


    “Travelers may now carry through security checkpoints travel-size toiletries (3 ounces or less) that fit comfortably in ONE, QUART-SIZE, clear plastic, zip-top bag.

    With the exception of medications, any amount of liquid including alcohol greater than three ounces must be packed in your checked baggage.

    Liquids, including alcohol purchased after clearing the security checkpoint are permitted aboard aircraft.”

    Meaning, personal bought alcohol IS allowed on flights, following these guidelines.

    • Joshua P. says:

      Also, since people want to quote FAA:

      Click to access materialscarriedbypassengersandcrew.pdf

      “Up to 5 liters of alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of more than 24% but not more than 70% in unopened retail packages in carry-on* or checked baggage.

      Note: Alcoholic beverages containing 24% or less alcohol by volume (beer, wine, etc.,) are not subject to the DOT hazardous materials regulations.*”

      Also meaning, weak drinks have NO regulations outside of the liquid size limit.

  469. Dee says:

    If you fly United its not a good idea.

    Note: Alcohol transported on an airplane cannot be consumed on board.


  470. Kelly S says:

    All of these “arm-chair” lawyers are going to find their drunk asses locked up in jail for the first 3 days of their vacation.

  471. Martin M. says:

    ” say you got intoxicated on the plane (regardless if it was your own alcohol or the airlines) and ended up getting in a car accident & injuring others, the courts could find the bartender at the pub/airline liable for over serving you and allowing someone to leave intoxicated.” -> Human Beings should actually respond for their own actions, instead of suing the bartender… I live in the US and this is so wrong… to generalize a little bit, one could say Americans love to NOT take responsibility for their own actions. I drank hot coffee, I sue you for serving it too hot (ok, the McDonalds incident was kind of real, the coffee was REALLY hot but still). I get drunk, it’s your fault for serving me. I fall of a cliff, it’s your fault for not putting ten signs and fences and a lot of other warning stuff. Think about it this way, Americans could never live in Amsterdam, they would get drunk, fall off the canals, drown and sue the Government, who in turn would look back and laugh…

  472. Neurus says:

    “say you got intoxicated on the plane (regardless if it was your own alcohol or the airlines) and ended up getting in a car accident & injuring others, the courts could find the bartender at the pub/airline liable for over serving you and allowing someone to leave intoxicated.” -> Human Beings should actually respond for their own actions, instead of suing the bartender… I live in the US and this is so wrong… to generalize a little bit, one could say Americans love to NOT take responsibility for their own actions. I drank hot coffee, I sue you for serving it too hot (ok, the McDonalds incident was kind of real, the coffee was REALLY hot but still). I get drunk, it’s your fault for serving me. I fall of a cliff, it’s your fault for not putting ten signs and fences and a lot of other warning stuff. Think about it this way, Americans could never live in Amsterdam, they would get drunk, fall off the canals, drown and sue the Government, who in turn would look back and laugh…

  473. Neurus says:

    Still, it does make sense that alcohol can be regulated. Human beings can be very stupid and do very stupid things, inside a fragile, small and remote place like 35.000ft above the sea, it would be hard to make sure that a couple of drunken guys don’t cause troubles or decide to open the emergency window because “it’s hot in here, right?”.

    Still, if you are responsible, drink your booze, sleep tight and drink a lot of water too (or the atmosphere will leave you like a prune) 😉

  474. Ken B says:

    Clearly this was about legally taking alcohol on board an airplane. It was never about giving anyone license to get drunk on a plane, some sneaky TSA loop hole, or about discussing esoteric airline policy.

    According to the rules set by the TSA, you can bring any liquid aboard, the liquid’s container cannot be greater 3oz, and you can bring as many containers as you want as long as they all fit into one quart size baggy.

    TSA never established a prohibited liquid list. So bottom line you are just allowed to legally carry any liquid on board as long as it meets their volume criteria. As we all know, when you have to board an airplane, TSA is the enforcing agent and it just doesn’t matter whether anyone agrees or disagrees with any of their rules.

    • Duane says:

      I am not sure what article you read but the title is clear of what the intentions would be: “Take Alcohol to Drink on Your Flight”. If you just wanted to take it with you, just check a bag. You have more alcohol at your destination and don’t have to worry about TSA.

  475. Duane says:

    This might be a good idea but it is illegal. I am a flight attendant for United Airlines and it is a violation of policies and FAA regulations to allow customers to bring their own drinks aboard a flight. Especially on international flights, If caught drinking your own alcohol, it will be confiscated. After the first warning, you will be in violation of an FAR (Federal Aviation Restriction) and the flight attendant would be well within their rights to have you arrested when you land.

  476. Molly says:

    You can bring your own alcohol on a flight. You can drink your own alcohol as long as the FA breaks the seal and serves it. Keep in mind each company has the right to make their own policy to allow it or not. You can also take your own alcohol into a bar, does not mean they will allow you to drink it.

  477. Molly says:

    Not very wise advice you are passing along! First it is important to note that TSA is not FAA and it is FAA which governs what happens on board. So, while you may be allowed to carry on personal liquor, you may not consume it on board.
    From FAA website:(http://www.airweb.faa.gov/Regulatory…256BC9004338B6)
    Alcoholic beverages.
    (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.

    I guarantee if caught, you will be directed to stop. Try not complying! Then your into a whole new FAA rule violation mess which will have serious consequence.
    Plus, there is a very good reason behind drinks only being served by airline personnel. Alcohol has a different affect at 30000 ft and consumption needs to be monitored so that no one causes a disturbance on board or becomes seriously ill.

  478. Sydney Hill says:

    The only problem with this is many airlines prohibit the consumption of alcohol brought on board by passengers regardless of whether it was bought in a liquor store inside or outside the airport.

  479. Nic says:

    It is illegal to drink you own alcohol on a flight for safety reasons. It has zero to do with the airlines profit. As a flight attendant I need to be able to monitor your alcohol intake. My job is the safety of every passenger on board and alcohol causes MANY issues on flights. I’ve had authorities meet flights on several occasions due to issues w alcohol.

  480. Pingback: Candy Infused Vodka Ornaments: Hooch for the Holidays! | J is for Judy!

  481. kris says:


    Travelers may now carry through security checkpoints travel-size toiletries (3 ounces or less) that fit comfortably in ONE, QUART-SIZE, clear plastic, zip-top bag.

    With the exception of medications, any amount of liquid including alcohol greater than three ounces must be packed in your checked baggage.

    Liquids, including alcohol purchased after clearing the security checkpoint are permitted aboard aircraft.

  482. Steve says:

    Just fly almost any of the Asian airlines. They hire friendly, competent and wonderful flight attendants that understand that QUALITY customer service is equally as important as “SAFETY” to most customers. I have grown to loathe Western based airlines with the “safety conscious” excuse-ridden rude flight attendants (except for a few Western airlines) after living in Korea for 3 years and flying most all of the Asian airlines. Oh, and many of them offer free alcohol to all passengers negating the whole need to worry about being arrested for drinking your own alcohol. 🙂

  483. John says:

    I love how people think that the high cost of Alcohol on airplanes or a ball game is for profit. Yes it is very much a nice profit for the airline, but the more important part of the equation, they hope you will buy less. Imagine how many more drunks we would have on Airplanes or in Ballparks. I was on a flight last week. A gentleman, bought a fifth of Rum and drank the entire bottle on a 4 hour flight. He fell asleep and awoke in a drunken rage. Police came on board at our destination and escorted him off of the airplane and he was arrested. He was in an alcoholic blackout. That is why you can’t drink on an airplane. It is printed on the back of your boarding pass. Take a look sometime.

    • habbu says:

      You are sadly mistaken if you believe for even a moment that any airline or sports club has your best interests at heart. On a brighter note, I have some beach front property for sale here in Oklahoma…..

  484. John says:

    I meant to say, imagine how many more drunks we have on airplanes and ballparks if the booze was $3 a piece.

  485. KG says:

    scary to see how many people can’t sit through a flight without boozing it up.

  486. I m a formale flight attend no one on the plane si allowed to open their own mini…
    Only the one urchased on flight si a FAR we are allowed to tale you mini and report your behive if you do notte cooperare
    This article is just a big BS

  487. TIMMY says:

    Better yet pick up refillable 3oz bottles from walmart or target and fill with your favorite beverage. Less chance of them messing with you as well since they are not marked with liquor logos and such.

  488. Pingback: Carry-On Alcohol?

  489. JB says:

    I’ve read many of the posts on this subject above. You can argue legalities all you want, I am a flight attendant and can not allow a passenger to consume their own alcohol on an aircraft of the airline I work for, period. This is mandated by Federal Aviation Regulations, our liquor license and company policy. If a passenger refuses to comply with the crews direction I guarantee the plane will be met by law enforcement.

  490. Although I really like the idea of taking and consuming your own liquor on a flight, there is one point that a lot of people are missing. Forget about your freedoms being taken away, forget about the airline protecting their profits, etc. Yes, those may very well be genuine motives behind the current laws; HOWEVER one very real safety issue that we must all keep in mind is that once in a while a plane malfunctions and has to crash land. Just think about what would happen if you were drunk beyond all recognition and the plane crash landed on the water. You may very well have to react quickly (and possibly do a little swimming) in order to avoid drowning, which might not be possible if you are very drunk. Even if the plane crash lands on dry land, you may very well need to be fully alert in order to get out of harm’s way. THIS is why it is important to avoid getting drunk on flights. And since some adults cannot be trusted to use common sense, the airlines have to resort to enforcing these apparently silly rules; in order to ensure the safety of their passengers as well as to avoid lawsuits. Yes, I am well aware that the govermnent has been slowly taking away our freedoms under the pretense of public safety and I HATE this. However, I do believe that it is in our best interest to avoid becoming inebriated when flying.

  491. Who Cares says:


    Here is the link to the federal law this violates.

  492. Krista says:

    Nice try, have you read the FAA regulations about drinking alcohol not served by the crew? http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&SID=03efb7c1b34301bf39ff6d98084cdd45&rgn=div8&view=text&node=14:

    If you are caught your are going agents crew member instructions as well as FAA regulations, which can get you arrested. Food for thought!

  493. Amanda says:

    Its illegal to actually drink it on the plane. Flight attendants and tsa need to be able to cut you off of there becomes a problem. If you have your own liquor, they dont know how much you’ve had/have to drink. If they catch you drinking your own bottles of alcohol you could become banned from returning on the same airline or banned all together from using that airline again. My husband is a TSA agent and I just asked him.

    • That’s embarrassing. Nobody respects TSA agents, LOL. What a joke of a job.

    • Mitch says:

      Or you can fly JetBlue, and they’ll open your liquor bottles and pour them for you.

      Your best bet on the other airlines is to mix the drink in the terminal, and don’t get drunk enough to call attention to yourself in-flight. As for myself, I just drink coffee and water in flight.

  494. habbu says:

    1) It is your right and duty as a citizen of the U.S. to take your own alcohol.
    2) It’s always the passengers who thwart hijackings, never the waitresses or air marshals.

  495. Maverick says:

    NOT TRUE! Totally misleading the public! Research Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 121.575

  496. Silly says:

    All this mention of “serving the beverage.” Anytime I order a drink they just hand me a closed bottle. So the regulation requires me to hand them the bottle so they can hand it back? lol

  497. Amy says:

    Can anyone say “alcoholic”?

  498. L Aber says:

    Very few Flight Attendants have ever actually seen a Federal Air Regulation (FAR). They get their information from the manuals given them in training by the airline. Those books mix FAR and company policy so it’s very difficult to tell what is regulation and what isn’t. So it’s not uncommon for someone to say it’s regulatory when in fact it’s airline policy. Doesn’t matter to the employee; it’s all rules they have to follow as an employee. So when someone says it’s ‘illegal’ to bring your won alcohol on board the confusion is understandable. It is, in fact, illegal to consume alcohol on board not served you by a crewmember. I also wouldn’t take any TSA employee’s word for what is and isn’t FAR. They have the task of scanning baggage and people. What happens after that has absolutely nothing to do with them. When a TSA agent says you can bring a mini through security he’s thinking of the 3-1-1- rule. Now what you do with it later. So, bring your mini-bar, ask the FA if he/she can serve it to you, and accept the answer you get without argument. Simple.

  499. Habbu says:

    Who cares what the waitress says. It’s your responsibility, take your own booze if you want to or pay the exorbent prices for theirs.

  500. MilitaryMom says:

    So what about the guy who was smoking an electronic cigerette next to me. No one said anything about that and I’m sure that should be a no no.

  501. Flight Attendat Reality says:

    I know I’m late to the party with many other Flight Attendants already commenting, but one of my friends just posted this moronic article, so I’m just now seeing it. So for all those people arguing the legal issue, I can help resolve it. It is illegal to consume any alcohol on an aircraft not served to you by a flight attendant. Period. Now if you ask your flight crew to serve you something that you brought youself, but prepared for different answers as that goes to company policy. At my airline, it is a big fat NO. I don’t know what that is in your bottle. I don’t know what proof it is. Even the airlines that allow it don’t have to many FAs who will do it. It’s a huge risk. We are the ones who are supposed to monitor passengers to make sure they don’t get drunk. If someone gets rowdy, WE are the ones who are liable. We fill out the reports, we deal with the angry people around them, and WE get called to the carpet asking why it got so far. Why don’t we “not notice”? I don’t even know you! Why would I risk getting fired because you can’t/don’t want to get through a few hours without a drink? And for the bozo who wrote that joining the Mile High Club is not illegal: Everywhere on the plane, with the obvious exception of the cockpit, is considered a PUBLIC AREA. Last I checked, sex in public areas is still pretty illegal. Lavs are not private space. And with only one lav for every 50 passengers or so, it will get noticed. Don’t be a douche. Ignore this stupid article.

  502. H says:

    Long story short, bring your own alcohol in the bag, then pour/mix it into a cup from the airport Subway or something after security and then bring on the plane and drink. Just try to avoid getting hammered so you don’t bother anyone or get ‘arrested’. I did about 6-7 shots worth on my trip to Vegas last year and it worked perfectly. I was happily buzzed after landing and greeted my friends and then continued to the bars from there.

  503. Cyndi Smith says:

    Sooooo, Ive read every comment, and still not sure whether we can or cant bring alcohol on flights!!!! What’s the real answer???? Geezzz

    • jsbull says:

      I think the answer is that it’s against most airline policies to consume your own in-flight. It’s a against federal law, and a general bad idea, to be trashed on a plane. However, TSA allows you to pass through security with it.

      So, if you’d like to take it through security, mix a drink in the terminal privately, or in secret on the plane, then you don’t misbehave, you have a low risk of getting in trouble.

      Out of 3 million people who have viewed this article, not one has said that they faced charges for this.

  504. lherland7 says:

    Reblogged this on For the Confused Student Traveler and commented:
    I suppose this is some good advice!

  505. Hari says:

    I will never understand the human compulsion towards self-administered poison

  506. steve says:

    of course its about money and profit, businesses are there to make money. If it was purely about safety, they wouldnt serve alcohol …period. an airplane is a means of transportation, not a bar , nightclub, or party. If you cant go a few to 8 hours without an alcoholic drink, maybe you need substance abuse counseling? but if you need a drink …pay the price they charge 🙂

  507. daprimo@me.com says:

    After reading all of the posts and replies (some very true and comical), let’s clarify some very false statements on here (by f/a, or industry folks). First off, restaurants WITH liquor licenses (usually 4COP OR 2COP – WINE), WILL allow you to take a bottle into their establishment and most will charge you a ‘cork fee’. Some states will also allow you to walk out of the establishment with leftover wine (as long as packaged accordingly). F/A’s take some of these bs rules way to serious, they need to lighten up. It’s funny, go ahead and jump on a flight, keep using your cell phones after they close the door and while taking off, BUT DO NOT PUT YOUR SEAT BELT ON…most of the time they will harass you for your cell phone and not tell you a thing about your seat belt…do you think they are more concerned with your safety or their power trip??? BTW, I have spoken to pilots and ready numerous articles about cell phones interfering with radar or equipment…it DOES NOT!

    F/A…lighten up and focus on the bigger picture, don’t mess with passengers on the small stuff…if you are having a bad day, suck it up and don’t take it out on your clients (the hand that feeds you)…if you hate your job…find another one!

    Thank you and safe travels!!

    – “the mile high bootlegger!!!”

  508. I don’t fly often, but when I do I usually only have one or two or pass all together. They charge a lot to hinder over consumption. And because so many people lack self control, they always find a way around the obstacles. I think it is completely ridiculous to NEED to have so many bottles of booze on a flight. 5? Really? A plane full of drunk A holes? Thank goodness I don’t fly often! Give people an inch, they take a mile and that is when trouble starts. The key to life is moderation, especially with alcohol. You think with all the fatalities people would get that through their thick heads. A world full of adult children. I want what I want, screw everyone else, wahhhhhhhh!

  509. Andy Orr says:

    “Adult children” throwing temper tantrums is spot on. The ignorance and irrational belligerence being expressed by those respondents who think “freedom” means you get to do whatever the hell you want, whenever and wherever you want is just jaw dropping. One might hope, “it’s the alcohol talking” but I fear this is how y’all see the world even if or when you’re stone cold sober.

  510. Tina Riley says:

    I didn’t read all of the responses, but it seems like it would be really simple for a terrorist to create something destructive with all that liquor and/or replace the liquor with gasoline which makes me wonder how this would pass through security.

  511. BUZZ KILLER says:

    You may want to read this it is illegal to drink your own booze.http://www.risingup.com/fars/info/part121-575-FAR.shtml

  512. I was doing this all wrong! I just got my mini six pack of wines taken away in Vegas! 😦 They are a little more than 3 oz.

  513. pix says:

    I am surprised TSA allowed this since flammable liquids are prohibited.

  514. Kim says:

    Craig Bateman, no I’m not going to arrest you. … I’ll just have the police waiting when we open the door! !! Buh-bye, hope you enjoyed your flight with us!

  515. stacyc37 says:

    I just came back from flying internationally. I went through LAX with 5 or 6 of those little 25 ml bottles of liquor, had no trouble going through security. Had no trouble going through IST (Istanbul Airport) or Ben Gurion in Israel. However, I would recommend double checking each airport’s restrictions and limitations on liquid carry-ons. When leaving Israel, I was informed you are only allowed 100 ml. Cheers!

  516. stacyc37 says:

    From my knowledge of just getting back from flying internationally, I brought 5 or 6 of those 25 ml liquor bottles on my flight from LAX to IST (Istantbul/Turkey) and then to Ben Gurion (Israel), I passed through security fine. I never encountered an issue through either airports. However, that being said, I would recommend you to check out the individual restrictions of each airport in terms of leaving the country. Going through Ben Gurion- Tel Aviv Airport, I was told by security that you are only allowed 100 ml in terms of liquid in your carry-on. I would keep this in mind, but cheers!

  517. arkmitch says:

    It’s not against most airlines policies, it’s against ALL airlines policies because it is a Federal Aviation Regulation. As a flight attendant, I will advise you of the law, confiscate your booze, give you a couple of free drinks and return your booze at the end of the flight-if you’re cool and cooperative. If you’re a dick, I make sure the police meet you upon landing.

  518. Ana says:

    American flights charge for drinks. Other foreign airlines offer alcohol at no charge included with your flight!!!

  519. Tyler says:

    I recently flew with my sister in law who is a pro at this. She broke out her “mini-bar” shortly after take out and started bar tending. Needless to say, the flight attendants were not to happy, they told is to put them away. My parents were a row over and as soon as my dad figured out what was going on, we were passing mini vodka bottles like illegal drugs! My point is, the airlines are gonna squeeze every dollar we have out of us, so at least have fun!!!

  520. edith says:

    cheaper and a hell of a lit easier just save your emptys for refill. or but those cute little travel shampoo bottles that you fill for travel and fill with booze

  521. Preston H says:

    Woah woah woah, if Dierks Bently is allowed to do it then so am I.

  522. Flygirl says:

    Anyone who does this is an idiot. I’ve had plenty of people taken off my plane by federal officers for consuming their alcohol on the flight. Yes folks we landed the plane and had their drunken sorry asses taken off. Delaying everyone else and completely screwing up their plans and (it might surprise you all that flight crew are people too and might actually have plans to sleep tonight) our plans too. Why? You might think it’s to be vindictive, or mean, or just passive aggressive but no, the truth is we can be personally fined by the FAA if we do not act in accordance with our directives in these circumstances. So unless you want to pay my $1100 fine, per leg I fly every day, don’t plan to drink your own liquor on my plane. I will kick you off. And because you know better now, I will enjoy it!! 🙂

  523. Mike Lee says:

    it is FEDERAL LAW to comply with crew members. You can bring alcohol on board, but you can’t drink it. For those who say “try and stop me from drinking my own alcohol”, well… good luck with that. I can guarantee you that your local PD will be at the gate waiting for you. Don’t believe me? Google “Unruly Iceland Air Passenger”.

    • Not Looking For Federal Crimes! says:

      Don’t believe you. Been doing it for a decade +. Have become way richer over that period of time and no jail time. I’d like to think the cops have real crime to deal with.

  524. jennifer says:

    Y’all can argue over they rules and laws all you want. Has anyone noticed the article says TEN bottles were purchased and all TEN were fit into said bag and he took a picture of it that moment?! Well in both pictures if they are in fact the pictures that were taken at said moment only have SEVEN bottles in the bag! Someone’s LYING!

    • jsbull says:

      Hahaha. Touche. I guess only 8 made it in the bag. Not a lie, just an oversight when I wrote the article after the fact. Post has been updated. Conspiracy theory can be laid to rest.

  525. Conrad says:

    On the plane, hid it. SWA will take your J&C.

  526. Reblogged this on tavoriabanks and commented:
    HUBBA HUBBA!!! Lol!

  527. susy says:

    Wow, you can’t fix stupid. If you are not intelligent enough to understand why it’s not allowed to drink your own alcohol (not being served by the flight attendant) then you shouldnt be allowed on a plane. The ignorance of some people these days is mind boggling.

    • Not Looking For Federal Crimes! says:

      Please explain to a 30 year old dipshit millionaire why it’s so crazy for one to bring the same alcohol on the flight that they will sell you. I only fly 30 times a year being unintelligent and what not. Guess what – they’ll let me on the plane becuase I pay the cost and I pay all the taxes that benefit other morons like people that make these generalized comments. Obviously a woman!!!

  528. Annmarie says:

    I’ve done this before. On my last spirit flight the flight attendant advised me it is very illegal and she’s supposed to report me immediately. I didn’t know the part about not drinking it on the flight if they didn’t sell it. I argued with her that security didn’t have a problem so how would I know. She let me go though.

  529. Jake says:

    I am on a plane right now drinking my own booze. Arrest me.

  530. chillmynded says:

    Reblogged this on The Kool and commented:

  531. papasmurf says:

    Only in America would someone write such a long stupid article about something so trivial

  532. Deann says:

    I travel with my 3.4 oz Flask2Go’s 🙂 Better than anything on the market by far!

  533. debtre says:

    I’ve been doing this exact thing for 25 years — no one has ever batted an eye!

  534. Hans Mueller says:

    You should relax in the airplane, have a few drinks and fall asleep and when you wake up, yep, we’re landing! I’ve had some alcohol on flights, went and made jokes with stuardesses, finally got too drunk that they isolated me from another passenger who hated the smell of alcohol. I woke up sitting next to a stewardess and talking to her nicely. Nothing happened to anyone, neither to me, o fine, nothing, because all I did was drinking and talking to people and everyone was laughing. Then on another flight another time i was flying within the EU, to Germany and then to the US of Amrca and I brought a zip lock bag with 3 plastic vessels 100 mg each, those HUGE Lithuanian supermarkets sell them very cheap specially for airline passengers. Thank you Lithuania! At the Customs they took it away for a few secs then the other guy told hid friend, this is legal, give it back to him. And all was fine. I was then drinking mixing my vodka with juice in the airplane in the very tiring 10 hour flight to the US of Amrca and it was much more relaxing that way. No complaints, no mess, all was cool. Usually they would give me up to 3x of the 50mg bottles of booze to drink if I ask nicely, almost always. Once I got whole 4. I think the girl did not like my face so she wanted me asleep and gave me a lot of alcohol, heheheh.

  535. Not Looking For Federal Crimes! says:

    I’ve been carrying airplane bottles on airplanes for years. Airplane bottles, airplanes… seems to make sense.

    Just got busted for the first time LOL. They took my drink. Honestly I’ve been doing it so long I stopped even worrying about being discrete. Anyways, afterwards I just poured myself a separate drink with my other airplane bottle.

  536. Spydernurse says:

    What I have gleaned from this article:
    1. 99% of FA are high school graduates w/ HUGE egos, holier-than-thou complexes and wanna-be FBI/CIA/DEA agents. Now I truly understand why they are just waitresses in the air;
    2. Most commenters believe that anyone who wants to bring their own ETOH on a flight are either dysfunctional alcoholics in need of their next “fix”, or cheap wads who, because they had enough money for a flight, should also pay through their nose for their immoral fluid. Oh, and also these scums are also sneaky, law-breaking, low-life’s who should all be relegated to Dante’s circle of Hell;
    3. The author of this article, simply by posting this on the WWW is now open to the freedom of speech by inarticulate, idiotic, attorney wannabes who think they are the Moral Compasses of the Universe;
    4. There are more judgmental, prejudicial people in regards to personal freedom than I ever thought possible;
    5. I can bring my own ETOH on board and imbibe by being discrete

    • Airline Employee says:

      You are just as idiotic as the way you describe others. Lol, Flight attendants as little waitresses; That is the most unimportant part of their job. Flight attendants are extremely trained, badged individual protected by the FA. Asking a flight attendant this question is just like asking a police officer if you can drink and drive.
      – Sincerely, your gate agent.

  537. Michael Zinn says:

    How about you just don’t drink for a few hours?

  538. Richie Smith says:

    Just a heads up. Anything over 140 proof isn’t allowed.

  539. Chris says:

    I was drinking from my own handle of absinthe that I brought on a plane back in 2012, got pretty drunk too lol, nothing happened to me.. Just lucky I guess

  540. Wow you can really refill the bottles? That’s good to know! 😀

  541. Taffy says:

    I sometimes like a shot of liquor to help me sleep before a long flight. Now, let’s think “practically” here and set aside the legal/ethical aspect… What if I bring my own miniature bottle in my carry-on (in a clear quart baggie, of course) and put that bottle into my pants pocket at the gate. Then onboard, while airborne, I go into the lavatory, take out the miniature, drink it, and replace the cap and put the empty back into my pants? Then for good measure start chewing some minty gum.

    Assuming I am not drunk, and am not acting offensively, would there be *any* way that anyone onboard could say that I drank that bottle onboard and not at the gate? I don’t think so.

    I agree that drunks should be kicked off and/or arrested, but responsible people should not be. I really don’t care if I’m breaking the letter of the law – I am certainly not breaking the spirit of it.

  542. Sel says:

    I work for an airline also and let me just clear up a few things for you idiots in the comments who think you know everything. If the boarding agent thinks you are intoxicated you will be denie boarding and your bag will be pulled from the flight. If you’re an adult about it, they may rebook you on the next flight at no extra charge. If you’re an asshole and throw a temper tantrum it may be up to you to buy a whole new ticket. Keep that in mind. If you are cought drinking your own booze onboard you will be asked to stop and the flight attendant will confiscate the liquor. If tou refuse and/or cause trouble you will be met by police when the aircraft lands. Everyone will get to see too because they will have to stay seated so that the cops can come on board and drag you off. If you throw a big enough tantrum on board over getting caught/being denied another drink the plane my actually divert to the nearest city where you will promptly be arrested and charged with potentially endsngering an aircraft.

    Long story short, airline employees are paid to ensure the safe opperation of our flights and airport procedures. If they have any indication that you may pose a threat, they’ll shut you down faster than you can blink. Because that’s their f***ing job. If you need to mix your own cocktail in the handicap bathroom at the airport or suck back a micky in flight when the FA has his back turned then you’ve got to realize you’ve got a bit of a problem and shouldn’t be surprised if you get caught.

  543. Todd Christ says:

    You should probably only keep the alcohol with lower levels of alcohol content – nobody wants to get busted for bringing flammable material 😉

  544. Shannon says:

    FYI, while you are allowed to being the alcohol on board it is ILLEGAL and against FAA Regulations to serve yourself alcohol during the flight. All alcohol served inflight must be served by flight attendant. This is so they know who is drinking (and possibly getting drunk). Now the FAA is fine with you bringing your booze on, and asking the flight attendant to serve you but most airlines have a policy that I only alcohol provided by them can be served. You might want to do a bit more reserved ore writting an article that encourages breaking FAA regulations.

    • jsbull says:

      Many people have used the word “illegal” in comments, yet no one has produced a link to any law that this violates. If you can, I would very much appreciate it. Does it break some airline’s policies? Yes. Law? Not that I can find. It is against the law to be disruptive on a plane, but that applies in all scenarios.

  545. dan says:

    Had this happen to me…..a flight attendant (not in FA attire) sit next to me on a flight to Hawaii. My wife and I brought a bunch of bottles for ourselves and once we brought them out he started YELLING at us! “this is illegal, don’t make me get the captai”. Etc…. Bottom line, like the author stated, mix it in the bathroom! Then you’re good!

  546. jeannicoleon says:

    It is Absolutely against federal aviation regulations to consume your own alcohol on board ANY commercial air carrier. Yes you may carry it, but you are mot allowed to consume it. Pressurization and altitude change how alcohol effects the body. It is far more intensified at 30000 ft. That is why you may only consume what os given to you. You can not get tanked on inflight purchased liquor either. Flight attendants are trained to cut you off before anyone gets to that point. It is dangerous to your health as well as the safety and security of the other travelers. Airlines recieve hefty fines for transporting intoxicated passengers. Passengers may also receive fines for consuming their own liquor. Besides would you take your own liquor into a bar????? Same concept. If you would, or you just can not afford the $5-7 to purchase a drink inflight but have to have it any way, you probably have a serious drinking problem and should seek help.

    • jsbull says:

      Again, I’d kindly ask that you provide a link to support your statement that it is against FAA regulations, because no one who has written a comment claiming so has yet. I appreciate your opinion, but don’t claim it as law if you have no evidence. What you’ve given is an opinion, which I appreciate. Just please don’t claim it as fact.

      • Airline Employee says:

        Disobeying a flight attendant while onboard an aircraft alone will impose civil penalties.

        The author if this article alone posted the FAA regulations. He just failed to believe you could be fined from disobeying the FAA’s policies. The CFR is a part of the law alone. The FAA can fine you, the airline, and even the employee alone thousands of dollars for failing policy.

      • jsbull says:

        Where have I recommended disobeying a flight attendant?

  547. Katelyn says:

    I used to do This all the time, until once the airline steuwerdis saw me and said that I could not drink it because she did not serve it to me and it was a $10,000 fine and if I don’t put it away the police will be waiting for me when we land. Just a heads up. You can take them on the plane but can not drink them!

  548. Airline Employee says:

    You’re very wrong! The FAA alone can fine you!!! Also, disobeying a flight attendant alone puts you at risk for civil penalties. It just takes a tiny little call to have officials meeting you at arrival. Airlines take this very seriously because they get fined tons of money by the FAA any time an intoxicated passenger is allowed to fly.

    Funny… It is people like you who wonder why plane tickets cost so much money.

    Also, don’t forget that safety is always first and you’re solicitating some risky ideas to the public. How would you like to be on a plane with a ruthless drunk that imposes danger from their alcoholic behavior. These are reasons why flight attendants are required to regulate how much you consume and it should stay that way.

    -Sincerely, your gate agent.

    P.S – Any policy set forth by FAA is subject to civil penalties. Did you know if you assault a flight attendant, you could go to jail for 20 years?!

    • jsbull says:

      You’re taking this to the extreme. Where have I suggested people get plastered on the flight?

      I understand the FAA can fine someone, but I still haven’t been shown where simply taking alcohol, and even drinking it, are against any law. Being disruptive is clearly against the law, but drinking is not.

      Your response is very emotional, which says nothing 500 other comments haven’t. Since you are an airline employee, I would sincerely appreciate an objective comment that includes facts regarding the law. Links are Ideal.

  549. Airline Employee says:

    To clarify for those asking if you can bring alcohol onboard, it is legal to transport. However, it is very illegal to drink it onboard an aircraft as is with most public places.

    • jsbull says:

      Again, please offer a link to the law. Airline policy is not US law, since some Airlines allow this.

      • A pilot says:

        Airline pilots and flight attendants are required by law to know the law. You absolutely may not serve yourself.

        Here is the law:
        § 121.575 Alcoholic beverages.
        (a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.
        (b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who—
        (1) Appears to be intoxicated;
        (2) Is escorting a person or being escorted in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.221; or
        (3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon accessible to him while aboard the aircraft in accordance with 49 CFR 1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.
        (c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.

      • jsbull says:

        So if you bring it on, and ask a flight attendant to serve it to them. Then it’s airline policy that takes over, right?

  550. Tipsy Gypsy says:

    Solution: Soak a couple of packages of gummy bears (or worms) in Rum & Vodka. Then, enjoy a nice fruity buzz mid-flight 😀 http://mixthatdrink.com/vodka-gummi-bears/

  551. jess says:

    Oh man the drama on this board…is it legal to carry on alcohol? Yes. Is it legal to drink said alcohol? No. It’s illegal to drive 1 MPH over the limit (not in all states!) as well…Bottom line, take sips here and there and there is no problem!

  552. fili says:

    -Sorry people- but flying on a plain is not a right or a privilege. They are private companies offering a service that you choose to partake in. So follow the rules and stop complaining about security and the price of drinks, and be thankful you can fly around the world in a matter of hours for only a few hundred dollars. If you want to get drunk on the cheap and avoid being searched by security. STAY HOME OR DRIVE.

  553. A pilot says:

    Against Federal Aviation Regulations and can get you arrested. While it’s not illegal to bring it on, you may not open or consume it.

  554. friendly flier says:

    I think it about 50% of the flight attendants who have commented focus on safety and calmly explain it without insulting customers, which I completely understand. The other 50% of the flight attendants who have commented focus on insulting the customers by calling them cheap and drunks (random note: I would like for these insulting flight attendants to stop eating my first class meal). There is clearly some elitism going on here. I typically fly first class and business class on both domestic and international flights, and I have never witnessed a flight attendant cut people off in those classes of the plane or people with elite status. Some of these people have to be at least 3 times the legal limit and still get more alcohol. I would think that such a person would be a greater safety concern than the person who sneaks one or two mini bottles on the plane in coach. Non-flight attendants have also commented about the sneakers being cheap and drunks, yet fail to realize that a person can “legally” purchase a lot of alcohol on that plane before a flight attendant cuts them off and cause all of the same problems that you fear (puking, being loud and obnoxiousness, or spilling drinks) from the “drunks” who sneak in alcohol. I don’t believe that paying for your drinks make you a better behaved drunk than someone who sneaks it in. Also, most of the people who are talking about sneaking the drinks are on long-haul flights of +8 hours, not your two hour flight, and such long-haul flights can be terrible even in a 180 degree bed. So it is understandable why someone would want a drink. I guess the lesson to be learned here is to never take U.S. carriers on international flights as they do not offer free alcohol like their international counterparts, which is a sad state of affairs.

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  556. Penguin Scott says:

    Drinking alcohol on an airplane can get you arrested when you land, if not for simply violating the FAR, then for not complying with directives from working crew members on board an aircraft. You can also be placed on an airline’s No Fly List.

  557. Ddr says:

    There are strict regulations by the faa on alcohol consumption of flights yes you can get into big trouble if caught doing that. I wouldn’t risk it

  558. SEAFAAS says:

    This article is misleading and needs to be taken down.

    For that former flight attendant who says he knows the regulations: read what you wrote, you are a FORMER flight attendant. You are no longer “current”, so you aren’t up to date with FAA regulations that have changed since your employment. It wouldn’t come as a surprise if by “former”, you probably mean A.) you were assigned a class, but never actually passed ground school. Or B.) you are now a former employee because were constantly in violation of FAA and was terminated.

    As for passengers willing to risk the chance of being caught, it might not seem like a big deal. And you’re right, no one may even see you consume it. However, keep in mind, the person sitting across from you may be an airline employee flying out of uniform, a undercover federal employee (hope you didn’t think we aren’t prepared for a potential hi-jacking again. And yes, that means you can get arrested in air and you’ll have to deal with one pissed officer for having to blow his cover), or a passenger who knows regulations.
    If we are on the ground and you are douchey, don’t be surprised if the captain has you escorted off the plane. If you are a douche before you consume alcohol, we’ll probably assume you’ll be a bigger douche after drinking. So your ass is being escorted off the airplane by a police officer in front of some pissed off passengers because you now delayed their flight. If we are in the air and you meet the threat level criteria (being an annoying passenger preventing a flight attendant from performer their job IS a threat level), the captain will ask the flight attendant if police should meet the aircraft. We generally say yes because you are an asshole–just because we can’t say it doesn’t mean we aren’t thinking it.
    You can ask the flight attendant if you can consume your alcohol, but you maybe flying on an airline that has “no personal liquor” policy. Don’t be an asshole and drink it anyway, unless you can live with a clear concious knowing YOU potentially got a flight attendant in trouble or a probationary flight attendant fired.

    One pissed off flight attendant who just lost her only break in 12 hours because I had to make a police report for this same exact scenario and will lose an hour in my reduced rest layover filling out a report.

  559. Stew says:

    You can bring UN-Opened containers onboard an aircraft BUT you may not consume them onboard said aircraft. (Speaking for domestic airlines) This is NOT about profits, it’s about liquer licenses people…it’s just that simple!!! Same reason you can’t walk into a bar that serves liquer & crack open a bottle of your own liquer & start drinking it. As far as safety, it IS illegal to fly intoxicated and Flight Attendants are required to monitor alcohol consumption. So have fun, be informed & most of all be responsible… Save the debauchery for your destination!!! Cheers 🙂

  560. Stew says:

    You can bring UN-Opened containers onboard an aircraft BUT you may not consume them onboard said aircraft. (Speaking for domestic airlines) This is NOT about profits, it’s about liquor licenses people…it’s just that simple!!! Same reason you can’t walk into a bar that serves liquor & crack open a bottle of your own liquor & start drinking it. As far as safety, it IS illegal to fly intoxicated and Flight Attendants are required to monitor alcohol consumption. So have fun, be informed & most of all be responsible… Save the debauchery for your destination!!! Cheers 🙂

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  562. Tony D says:

    Never mind drinking your mini’s on the plane. It’s the 2-4 Hour layovers that cost you $$$ Go to a airport bar and a $7 drink is bottled water but a jack and coke is $10+ and a lousey pour. i can live with $7 drinks on the plane but it’s great to have your mini’s for the lay over

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  564. CM says:

    I flew on Delta last night and my friend brought her own alcohol and we were not very subtle about it. I got pulled aside as I exited the plane and had a stern talking to by the flight attendant. She said she could have called the port authority on me and have me arrested. I can’t find anything on their website about it…. but it scared me straight… or at least taught me to be way more subtle about it all.

  565. Kimberly says:

    I’m a flight attendant. It is against the law to drink outside alcohol on a plane. You can buy a duty free fifth of rum all you want but you can’t drink it on the plane. And if you don’t listen the first time I catchc it, there will be authorities arresting you on the ground. We are trained to monitor alcohol intake. One drink on the ground is 2 above 10,000 ft. This is the reason why so many incidents happen in the air with intoxicated people. Stay safe and respect the people who are trained to save your lives and get you to where you need to be safely.

    • James says:

      What do you mean when you say “so many incidents happen in the air”? Can you direct me to some statistics (not 1 or 2 cases) that compare the relative # of incidents on the ground vs. incidents in the air? I would hate to think that was just a statistic you made up to meet your agenda.

  566. Linda says:

    What about the other way around. Can you take an unopened bottle that you bought on the plane with you when you leave the plane? I was told by a flight attendant that I had to drink it on the plane and could not take it with me. Is this true?

    • jsbull says:

      I’m not sure what the rules are, but I frequently put unopened airplane bottles in my carry on bag since I am Executive Platinum and get free drinks. I’ve never had an issue.

  567. crystal says:

    FAA LAWS!!!!!!!!!! Not the airlines and for good reason!!!!! Drunks on flights are a security issue. Don’t be stupid. Like previously noted your intake takes a much different toll aboard an aircraft and being drunk on an aircraft is potentially a safety issue. Most likely your flight attendant really does not want to hassle you but once you become the hassle good luck in court. This is not a bar this is a confined space 20,000 feet and maintaining safety for the majority has nothing to do with the one claiming his “rights”. This article is irresponsible. Seriously folks if you think you will get in trouble if a crew member observes you doing something do not do it. Most likely your crew will leave you alone but I do not suggest becoming some sort of martyr trying to prove your rights.

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  571. Valerie says:

    I like the author of this article took a bag of shooters on my flight to Vegas. On the first leg my daughter and I got our pop and added the shooter after the flight attendant had moved on. On the second leg we started to pour our alcohol into the cup while they were still present and you would have thought I was trying to hijack the plane. I was told it was not illegal to bring the alcohol on board–but that it was illegal (for safety reasons) to consume it on the plane. Nothing about licensing etc. I was told that if I did drink the drink they would have a flight marshal waiting for me in Vegas. So, I put it away and watched these same flight attendants who were so concerned about my safety, serve drink after drink to the Australian man across from me who was celebrating his birthday and totally inebriated. As I was departing the plane the flight attendant said, “You can drink your alcohol now.” To which I replied “I wish you had been a little more concerned about the Australian passenger’s safety–and a little less concerned about mine.” So, for the record you can take shooters on the plane legally–just don’t pour or drink them in front of the flight crew.

  572. Jordan says:

    I got yelled at this weekend on my flight back to LAX because I did pour my own drink and the lady sitting in the aisle was an off duty flight attendant. She proceeded to scold me even though I apologized as I did not know this was against airline rules, then told a working flight attendant who in which came and scolded me again and said because I had already consumed my own alcohol I would not be able to buy any alcohol on the plane for the remainder of the flight, that she would “let it go” and I should appreciate not getting fined or arrested.

  573. Sandy says:

    The writer of this article should have done their due diligence before posting this. Each airline gets their liquor license in the state that they are based and we are required to follow that per the FAA. It is for safety reasons and, if any of you have ever been a Flight Attendant, you would know that. I am a Flight Attendant and my airlines liquor license is from Texas. You are are not allowed to consume anything you bring on our aircrafts. You also may not bring a drink onto the plane that you bought at the bar. Keep this in mind, if you are consuming your own alcohol, we have no idea how much you are consuming. If you don’t think people get drunk on planes, get out of control or even get so intoxicated that they go after the flight attendants, you are uninformed. I have had all of the above. We first inform passengers that they can not consume their own alcohol and ask them to put it away. That is fair. But, you choose not to follow our airlines rules, we will have the police meet the plane. I am, by far, not a prude, but if you are a jerk and intoxicated, you will be pulled. The police make the choice of what to do next and yes I have seen the police arrest some of the people they have pulled off. On our airline, we do not serve the alcohol that you bring on and hand to us. Again, that goes against our liquor license. Although we serve a good variety of liquor, we are not going to serve everything you may want or top shelf for that matter. We are an airline, not a bar. Just like we serve two wine options, we are not a winery. Where does everyone think we are going to store all of the extra alcohol? You aren’t going to win a lawsuit against my airline for us taking your booze that you brought on and drank. The FAA has gotten much stricter since 9-11 and know we are about the safety of all of our passengers and we are following their rules. Good luck with that one. If you are a flight attendant that serves the alcohol that passengers bring on, I would love to know which airline that is because I travel a lot. Also, if you get drunk in the bar and then try to board and we catch you, you are not boarding. We like to deal with the drama on the ground and not at 40,000 feet in the air.

    • Laura says:

      I thought I’d give a try and brought through that my own little dream bag. Thank let me through easy peasy. I had my. 99 cent bottles properly in a bag. I made my mistake in letting the stewardess see my bourbon after it was poured. A delta flight crew told me “it is illegal for you to bring minis on board and you can be fined. You will be fined.” I told her I’m sorry I didn’t know. After research I learned I can bring them on, just not open them. That is two different things and they should know better. She clearly tried to intimidate me and I’m not ok with that. For some of us travel is a necessary evil, and I’d prefer not to be sober. Esp. When I’m dealing with people who don’tknow ttheir stuff.

    • pavepusher says:

      Sprinting towards Fascism. And your approval is noted.

  574. Jim says:

    The 121 rule that stipulates that you may not consume alcohol of a flight unless it is served by the carrier will, if you are caught get you nailed. I’ve seen several folks taken into custody by LEO’s and charged for drinking Alcohol they had brought on board Then the FAA can come after you with civil penalties as well.

  575. Michelle says:

    It is a federal offense to consume alcohol on the plane that has not been served to you by the flight attendants. Flight attendants are always monitoring the alcohol consumption of their passengers. You add your on alcohol into the equation and that is when it becomes a problem. You never know how much they truly have had and it is extremely difficult to control a Drunk at 35000 feet in the air .
    Once again it is illegal to open and consume any alcohol on the plane

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  579. Christoph says:

    Flight attendants, have no control , they can only suggest and inform.If you sit in the front seat enough you listen to them converse of what they can and cant do. all you can do is try things to fight out on your own first hand.


  580. pavepusher says:

    The USA: Sprinting towards Fascism.

  581. Elisa says:

    I took a few bottles on an international Delta flight with no problem but didn’t drink them right away. They were confiscated in Beijing when we transferred. 😦

  582. Pingback: Alcohol Through Airport Security | My Home Security Tech

  583. Jose V says:

    Let’s say you have a carry on you plan on putting in an overhead compartment and carrying a backpack with electronics and such – can you it a ziplock bag in EACH bag? Trying to find a loophole.

  584. Crystalee says:

    “You may bring wine, champagne or beer on a flight for consumption during the flight if it is in an unopened container. If you’d like to drink the alcohol you carry on, you may give it to one of our Inflight crewmembers, and they will be happy to serve it to you.”


    This is word for word on the website of the airline that I will be flying with. Definitely check with your own airline to see if you are allowed on your own flight. As long as you follow all the other rules and not act like an ass hat, they don’t care. Drink up. I know I will be 🙂

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  586. TRUMPMAN says:

    What are the rules for Hillary Clinton?

  587. TRUMPMAN says:

    Remember everyone if you were convicted of this you may lose some of your constitutional rights?

  588. Guy says:

    Lol. No hidden secret. It’s clearly posted throughout air ports. Good job on learning to read?

  589. Alice Monro says:

    Jet Blue even gives away alcohol as prizes. On Jet Blue we had a delay in take off so the flight attendants started a trivia contest. I won and the prize was a round of free drinks for my row which was 9 people.

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  592. Korsgaard says:

    I may have to try to bring my own booze next time I take to the skies – it would certainly be cheaper than paying at the airport.

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  595. Greg Rochelle says:

    At IAH (Houston Bush) there is a liquor stand at every terminal. They sell the big bottles so no worries about bringing your own through. Still a little higher that the State line liquor store but cheaper than the flight. ( Please just remember no one wants to hear all your drunk silly jokes that your friends will laugh at in a bar because they hope you buy the next round)

  596. l says:

    You failed to mention something…

    From the TSA website:

    Alcoholic beverages with more than 70% alcohol content (140 proof), including 95% grain alcohol and 150 proof rum are not permitted in either carry-on or checked luggage.

  597. Mark Davis says:

    What if you were to bring several 3oz plastic bottles with vodka in the clear plastic bag? If you don’t become a belligerent drunk who is to know?

  598. My husband and I just went on a trip and had brought some little bottles of alcohol to mix on the plane however during the safety review the flight attendant announced that it is a federal offense to drink you own alcohol on a plane, you have to be served by the flight attendant. Needless to say we didn’t use our alcohol that we brought with us.

  599. Btw I don’t know why people have gotten so upset over this. Why risk it?! Drink after your flight, waiting isn’t that hard, most flights aren’t that long and even if they are you eventually land and you’ll be on your way then you can have a drink 🙂

  600. Kimberly Hunt says:

    My family has done this for years! But, I just flew Alaska airlines and the flight attendant blew up and screamed that I could be fined $10,000. for bringing my own. He said “did you not read the book on the back of the seat? I replied with how was I to do that when its on the aircraft? I have never seen or heard that it was against the law. I will continue to bring my own and buy a cup of coke and mix before I get on.

  601. Willy says:

    Now you said something about. Once you’re done with 50ml travel back bottle. You can save them and refill them for $1. To clarify what do you mean.

    • jsbull says:

      Just reuse the mini bottles and fill them with the aclohol you prefer. Buying a 750ml or 1 L bottle and using it to refill the small bottles lowers the cost.

  602. Lynn says:

    My husband and I have brought our Walmart shampoo bottles filled with liquor (whisky for him- baileys/Kahlua for me) for years. We usually toast in the waiting area before boarding to calm our nerves and help relax on the flight. Never had a problem even on international flights.

  603. Linda says:

    i just asked the guys at the liquor store about this .. Less than 3.4 ounces, in plastic bottles without metal caps, in a ziploc bag, and you’re good to go.
    I imagine several ziploc bags full could pose a problem about intent to stay sane on the flight😬, and, may give TSA pause in letting you through if you’re acting already under the influence.

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  606. Bobbie says:

    I have been bringing my own liquor on airplanes for years. I don’t sneak it, but I don’t flaunt it either. I put 2-3 bottles in a plastic bag to go through security. Once through I will buy a soda, drink a bit and then add one bottle of liquor to the rest. Sometimes I just get a cup of ice on the flight to finish my drink.
    Sometimes I ask the flight attendant for a can of Coke and cup of ice and quietly mix myself a couple drinks – the glasses are so small that I can get 2-3 drinks out of one small bottle of liquor. I have even thrown the empty liquor bottle in when they collect the trash.
    I do not get loud or rowdy. I always sit by the window and read a book during the flight. It was not until my last flight that a flight attendant told me it was illegal. I was extremely embarrassed.

  607. Sam, attorney says:

    People read public international law & private international law. Public & private limited laws.
    However policies are not law.
    However acts of parliaments does give a commercial person (a company is a legal person under law) right to formulate laws & by-laws to govern it; having said that any person found within the purview of said company’s jurisdiction are within its laws & regulation.
    However FAA deals with flight certification pilot certification, aeroways etc.
    Example Remember having sex in private is OK. But in public an offense.
    Same with drinking in public as long as you don’t cause offense during or after drinking. The moment any other person is involved it’s a criminal offence.
    In conclusion I would state that drinking is a crime – how? Yes it is a crime but since there’s no victim but oneself its a victim less crime (since the victim is self) hence no punisment. The definition of crime is there must an offender & a victim. If the offender is the victim then its a victimless crime except suicide then its against state. Catch 22 possession is crime but consumption in some states unless its a statutory law.

  608. Timmaa says:

    Great post and discussion! I’ve done this, and with an entire handle of Jack Daniels before all the craziness (so yes, years ago). I was pouring drinks from Germany to Florida for everyone in my platoon. We were mindful and respectful of others and no one said a word to us.

    Nowadays, I wouldn’t try a handle, but I would easily bust open a couple of shooters, nice and discreet like. I would also still be mindful and respect others.

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  612. James says:

    I am a current flight attendant and anytime I see someone with mini bottles I just choose to keep an eye on them. It’s not worth the paperwork if they aren’t bothering anyone else and keep to their own business. These ppl are usually the nicest ones, cuz they don’t want me to ‘think’ they are doing anything suspicious. According to FAA regulations, I have to be the one to serve them their alcohol, and I know that. Which is why I keep an eye on them. I know it may be a slight loss to the company, but can I just inform anyone curious that I make approx. $41,000/yr as a flight attendant, and Jeff Smisek made approx. 12 million/yr.

    I am a flight attendant, and I approve of you bringing your own alcohol onboard my flight.

  613. Ona says:

    This is not news. I have been doing for years but note that most airlines prohibit that you consume them on the plane. Have never been caught and don’t know if the flight attendants care but be aware that it may be in the “terms and conditions” you signed that this is not allowed.

  614. Jaeger says:

    Some guy tried this on our Hawaiian Airlines HNL to SYD flight. He brought his own mini bottles of vodka, and kept asking the flight attendants for soda water. (Yes, they do care.) The AFP escorted him (and his partner) off the plane in Sydney; he was detained and sent back to Honolulu – probably to face charges.

    Are you really that desperate for a drink?

  615. CJ Denton says:

    Getting off a United flight right now where I was threatened with an officer meeting me as we were exiting. The flight attendant smelled my trash and said I knew you had liquor when you asked for ice. Informed me it was illegal and said it was my lucky day that she did not inform the captain. I had one drink…

  616. Pingback: Is Spirit Airlines A Scam? ⋆ PinUpGirl Beauty

  617. JMH says:

    Wow. If these comments are any indication, FAs must use more exclamation points than any other profession. When did FAs become librarians?

  618. I always carry my own nips every time I travel. Until recently, I didn’t know it was illegal to consume on the plane. I found out because a snooty spirit airline stewart caught me after throwing the empty bottles away mid flight and scolded me: “don’t do it again or I’ll have you thrown off or arrested…” I didn’t think it was a big deal for him to carry on the way he did. But I’ll still be bringing my own nips I’ll be more discreet next time.

  619. Eddie says:

    Bottom line, its ILLEGAL so don’t be a jerk and try and break the law! Show some RESPECT to the Flight Attendants by complying with the law, don’t put them in the awkward position of having you arrested! Would you take your own booze into a bar or restaurant? Probably not so, don’t be a jerk and do it on a plane! Don’t complain about the cost either, $7 for a mixed drink is probably LESS than it would cost you at a bar anyway! Geez people, just follow the rules and don’t be a jerk!

  620. Jimmy says:

    I have had no issues using this method to bring booze with me onto flights. I did have my 1 quart bag confiscated in Shanghai china but what do you expect from china? I was pretty annoyed but could not do anything about it. There are the FAA rules and then communist china rules.

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